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An indepth look at the care and commitment parrots require. You'll laugh out loud at the situations that arise with Pickles and his human companions.
Pickles posts his witty and humorous thoughts on life from his parrot perspective. This book is a gem of a collection featuring the wisdom and humor of Pickles at his best.
Everyday life with an African grey parrot by his owner including her perspectives on animal intellect and unique insights into nature.
Various ebook formats are available at http: // In 'Fifty Shades of Grey' Pickles the Parrot does indeed dominate life. Owning parrots can be challenging and frustrating but Georgi Abbott has a way of finding humour in her parrot's behaviour and giving us pause to think differently about our own feathered pets. This is her fourth book about Pickles and just like the others, you are guaranteed to laugh out loud at this parrot's antics and personality. Excerpt ... Crazy Lady I decided to take Pickles on a little outing so I packed him up in his back-pack and we drove up town to take a short walk around the lake with Neeka Dog. We had a nice little walk and then we sat on a bench over-looking the water and there was not a single soul around for Pickles to embarrass me in front of. He was quite content to caw at the ducks and show off his other wild bird repertoire. After walking back to the car, we drove across the street to the outdoor mall so I could pick up the mail at the post office. I put Pickles on my back again for the short walk and on the way back, he started with the wolf whistles and his doing, doing, doing sounds just as we were approaching some people who were sitting on a bench in the common area. Instead of stopping to explain, as I usually do when people can't see Pickles because I'm facing them with him hidden in back, I decided to keep walking, as I knew that in a moment I would be past them and the back-pack would be self explanatory. When I arrived at the car a minute later, I removed the backpack to place it in the car and that's when I noticed that Pickles had pulled up all the paper from the bottom of the cage and then climbed down to the bottom, effectively hiding himself beneath and behind the paper. That means nothing was explained to those people and instead, I just looked like some weirdo walking through the mall, whistling and doinging with a backpack full of old newspaper. Soon, if Pickles has his way, the town will declare me crazy and unfit to own a bird. Follow us on facebook: https: //
Do you want to adapt your poem to a storybook that tells a story in words, and pictures-or only amplify the images that you create with words? Would you rather turn your poem into a picture book that tells a story with pictures? Will words take second place to illustrations? Decide first whether you will write a story book or a picture book. Then use the images in your poem to clarify your writing. You won't be able to read a picture book into a tape recorder or turn it into an audio book or radio play. You will be able to narrate a word book for audio playing. Start with an inspirational poem, proverb, or song lyrics. Ask children what makes them laugh. You can make something out of nothing. You can make a story out of anything intangible, such as an idea with a plan still in your mind. Capture your children's dreams, proverbs, song lyrics, and the surprise elements that make them laugh. Record imagination, "what-if" talk, and personal history. A folktale or story is something that could come from any place in the past, from science, or from nothing that you can put your hands on. What children want in a book, poem, or folklore is a cave where they can go to be themselves. When suspending belief, children still want to be themselves as they navigate fantasy. The story book becomes a den or tree house where children can go inside, shut the door, and play. Introduce children to poetry by showing how you transform your poem into a children's book by expanding and emphasizing significant events in the life story of one child. Poems, memorable experiences, significant life events or turning points are all ways to make something out of nothing tangible. You begin re-working a concept, framework, or vision. Here's how to write, publish, and promote salable material from concept to framework to poem to children's book-step-by-step.
Tara and Nancy are looking forward to meeting their family's newest member, a parrot named Pickles. But when he finally arrives, it soon becomes clear that Pickles isn't the easygoing, cheerful kind of parrot. Tempers begin to wear thin, and something has to give.
There's a flock of parrots in Zoe's backyard! No one knows where they came from, but they aren't as big a surprise as the sight of Zoe's mother, who has just arrived from California. She wants Zoe to move back home with her - something Zoe has been waiting to hear for months. But why does leaving Ambler and Dr. Mac's place seem so much harder than she expected?
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Here's a guide book on how to write 45-minute one-act plays, skits, and monologues for all ages. Step-by-step strategies and sample play, monologue, and animation script offer easy-to-understand solutions for drama workshop leaders, high-school and university drama directors, teachers, students, parents, coaches, playwrights, scriptwriters, novelists, storytellers, camp counselors, actors, lifelong learning instructors, biographers, facilitators, personal historians, and senior center activity directors. Guide young people in an intergenerational experience of interviewing and writing skits, plays, and monologues based on the significant events and experiences from lives of people. Learn to write skits, plays and monologues based on historical events and personalities. What you'll get out of this book and the exercises of writing one-act plays for teenage actors and audiences of all-ages audience, are improved skills in adapting all types of social issues, current events, or life experience to 45-minute one-act plays, skits, or monologues for teenage or older adult drama workshops. How do you write plays and skits from life stories, current events, social issues, or history? Are you looking for the appropriate 45-minute, one-act play for high-school students or other teenagers, for community center drama workshops, or even for home school projects or for events and celebrations? Are you seeking one-act plays for older adults drama workshops? Use personal or biographical experiences as examples when you write your skit or play. If you want a really original play, write, revise, and adapt your own plays, skits, and monologues. Here's how to do it.
Includes music.