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Piano/Keyboard Methods/Series
(Faber Piano Adventures ). Book 1 covers fundamental rhythms, all the notes of the grand staff, C position, G position. Contents include: Aloha Oe * Amazing Grace * Bagpipes * Bus Stop Boogie * Camptown Races * Chant of the Monk * Chant of the Monks * Chinese Dragon * Chord Crossings * Dreamscape * Eine Kleine Nachtmusik * English Minuet * Fife and Drums * Forest Drums * French Minuet.
(Faber Piano Adventures ). Accelerated Theory Book 2 is divided into fifteen units, correlating with the fifteen units of Lesson Book 2. Each unit provides valuable reinforcement of basic theory concepts through writing, sightreading, and ear-training activities.
(Piano Adventures Supplementary). While nearly every pianist's training includes the renowned exercises of Charles-Louis Hanon, the power and weight of the modern grand requires an updated approach. This unique edition introduces vital pianistic warm-ups and routines that ensure correct gesture and relaxation. The pedagogical sequence omits inefficient and potentially damaging exercises and presents a long-needed pathway for dexterity and gesture that newly advances the virtuoso pianist. * Includes selected exercises from Hanon's The Virtuoso Pianist, Parts 1 and 2 * New transformative warm-ups develop gesture, dexterity, and virtuosity * For students in Levels 3A, 3B, and above
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