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Biology and ecophysiology of fishes of the Amazon. Ecophysiological aspects of Amazonian blackwater litterbank fish communities. Electric signalling and communication in weakly electric fishes (Gymnotiformes) of South America. Reproductive biology of piranhas (Teleostei, Characiformes). Larval development in the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) and the curimatã-pacú (Prochilodus marggravii). Physiological responses to hypoxia and pH changes. Surviving low oxygen levels: Lessons from fishes of the Amazon. Hemoglobin adaptations in Amazonian and temperature fish with special reference to hypoxia, allosteric effectors and functional heterogeneity. Acid excretion in Amazonian fish. The interaction between O2 and CO2 exchange in the obligate air breather, Arapaima gigas, and the facultative air breather, Lipossarcus pardalis. Ion regulation in ion poor waters of low pH. Ammonia excretion in fish adapted to an ion-poor environment. The hemoglobins of two species of the genus Hypophthalmus (Siluriformes, Hypophthalmidae). Control of ventilation in air-breathing fish. Cardiorespiratory function and aquatic surface respiration in Colossoma macropomum exposed to graded and acute hypoxia. Morpho-functional adaptations of gills in tropical fish. Ventilatory flow relative to intrabuccal and intraopercular volumes in two ecologically distinct erythrinids (Hoplias malabaricus and Hoplias lacerdae) exposed to normoxia and graded hypoxia. Aquatic respiration during hypoxia of the facultative air-breathing Holerythrinus unitaeniatus. A comparison with the water-breathing Hoplias malabaricus. Cardiovascular physiology in lungfishes. Oxygen sensing and metablic regulation: short, intermediate, and long term roles. Respiration in fishes of the Amazon: metabolic adjustments to chronic hypoxia. Cardiac energy metabolism in teleosts and marine elasmobranchs: Where do freshwater elasmobranchs fit?. Antioxidant defenses in fishes of the Amazon...
The Amazon is a giant piece of "amphibian" land which is the result of complex geological and evolutionary processes. The number of living beings in such a land is difficult to estimate. The interactions between these organ isms and the environment are fascinating but barely understood. These features lured us to the Amazon in 1981. However, soon after, we realized that the dimensions of these interactions were overwhelming. This book is designed to review aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of fishes of the Amazon. The description of the pulsative nature of the environment and the distinct features of the ichthyofauna of the Amazon were central to the main goal. Nevertheless, any complete view is limited by the magnitude of the intraspecific variability coupled with the complex fluctuations of the environment. Thus, we have placed an emphasis on respiratory physiology and biochemistry. The reference list was made as complete as possible, particularly regarding special publications not readily available. We hope that this book is useful for comparative physiologists, tropical biologists, and the people interested in interactions between organ isms and their environment. We are grateful to many people who contributed to the making of this book. Our initial ideas were influenced by Drs. Arno Schwantes, Maria Lufza Schwantes, Jose Tundisi, Anna Emflia Vazzoler, and Naercio Menezes.
This book offers a concise view of the interaction of the Amazonian fishes with their environment. The sequence drives the reader from the formation of the Amazon basin and its relationship with fish diversity and variability to the adaptive strategies the fishes have developed to face the environmental heterogeneity of the Amazon. The central part of the book addresses respiratory adjustments to the low oxygen content of the Amazonian waters in all major fish groups. The discussion covers the main anatomical, morphological, physiological and biochemical adjustments in water and air breathing fishes.
The Physiology of Tropical Fishes is the 21st volume of the well-known Fish Physiology series and consists of 12 chapters. The purpose of the book is to consolidate and integrate what is known about tropical fishes (marine and freshwater species). The twelve chapters focus on the physiological adaptations acquired during the evolutionary process to cope with warm and shallow hypoxic waters from tropical and neotropical hydrographic basins as well as with the intertidal and coral reef habitats which occur in abundance in tropical seas. The special characteristics of tropical fish fauna will be issued in order to explain the tropical fish radiation, which gave rise to such extreme fish diversity. This present volume, is a voyage through the tropical region reviewing the fish diversity of the main tropical freshwater sheds, including the major tropical rivers and lakes, the major dams, and marine environments. State-of-the-art information on tropical fish physiology Written by specialists working in the Tropics Offers a diverse depiction of the various tropical fishes and the environment where they inhabit 12 innovative chapters covering a concise view of growth rate, biological rhythms, feeding plasticity, cardio-respiratory design and function, diversity of structure, and much more
The Amazon is a giant piece of "amphibian" land which is the result of complex geological and evolutionary processes. The number of living beings in such a land is difficult to estimate. The interactions between these organ isms and the environment are fascinating but barely understood. These features lured us to the Amazon in 1981. However, soon after, we realized that the dimensions of these interactions were overwhelming. This book is designed to review aspects of the physiology and biochemistry of fishes of the Amazon. The description of the pulsative nature of the environment and the distinct features of the ichthyofauna of the Amazon were central to the main goal. Nevertheless, any complete view is limited by the magnitude of the intraspecific variability coupled with the complex fluctuations of the environment. Thus, we have placed an emphasis on respiratory physiology and biochemistry. The reference list was made as complete as possible, particularly regarding special publications not readily available. We hope that this book is useful for comparative physiologists, tropical biologists, and the people interested in interactions between organ isms and their environment. We are grateful to many people who contributed to the making of this book. Our initial ideas were influenced by Drs. Arno Schwantes, Maria Lufza Schwantes, Jose Tundisi, Anna Emflia Vazzoler, and Naercio Menezes.
The Amazon and Orinoco basins in northern South America are home to the highest concentration of freshwater fish species on earth, with more than 3,000 species allotted to 564 genera. Amazonian fishes include piranhas, electric eels, freshwater stingrays, a myriad of beautiful small-bodied tetras and catfishes, and the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucu. Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas provides descriptions and identification keys for all the known genera of fishes that inhabit Greater Amazonia, a vast and still mostly remote region of tropical rainforests, seasonally flooded savannas, and meandering lowland rivers. The guide’s contributors include more than fifty expert scientists. They summarize the current state of knowledge on the taxonomy, species richness, and ecology of these fish groups, and provide references to relevant literature for species-level identifications. This richly illustrated guide contains 700 detailed drawings, 190 color photos, and 500 distribution maps, which cover all genera. An extensive and illustrated glossary helps readers with the identification keys. The first complete overview of the fish diversity in the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas, this comprehensive guide is essential for anyone interested in the freshwater life inhabiting this part of the world. First complete overview of the fish diversity in the Amazon and Orinoco basins Contributors include more than fifty experts Identification keys and distribution maps for all genera 190 stunning color photos 700 detailed line drawings Extensive and illustrated glossary
New scientific approaches have dramatically evolved in the decade since The Physiology of Fishes was first published. With the genomic revolution and a heightened understanding of molecular biology, we now have the tools and the knowledge to apply a fresh approach to the study of fishes. Consequently, The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition is not merely another updating, but rather an entire reworking of the original. To satisfy that need for a fresh approach, the editors have employed a new set of expert contributors steeped in the very latest research; their contemporary perspective pervades the entire text. In addition to new chapters on gas transport, temperature physiology, and stress, as well as one dedicated to functional genomics, readers will discover that many of these new contributors approach their material with a contemporary molecular perspective. While much of the material is new, the editors have completely adhered to the original’s style in creating a text that continues to be highly readable and perpetually insightful in bridging the gap between pure and applied science. The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition, completely updated with a molecular perspective, continues to be regarded as the best single-volume general reference on all major areas of research in fish physiology. The Physiology of Fishes, Third Edition provides background information for advanced students as well as material of interest to marine and fisheries biologists, ichthyologists, and comparative physiologists looking to differentiate between the physiological strategies unique to fishes, and those shared with other organisms.
As in the bestselling first edition, The Physiology of Fishes, Second Edition is a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review of the major areas of research in modern fish physiology. This Second Edition is entirely revised, with 17 of the 18 chapters written by new authors. It also includes four entirely new chapters:
The Physiology of Tropical Fishes is the 21st volume of the well-known Fish Physiology series and consists of 12 chapters. The purpose of the book is to consolidate and integrate what is known about tropical fishes (marine and freshwater species). The twelve chapters focus on the physiological adaptations acquired during the evolutionary process to cope with warm and shallow hypoxic waters from tropical and neotropical hydrographic basins as well as with the intertidal and coral reef habitats which occur in abundance in tropical seas. The special characteristics of tropical fish fauna will be issued in order to explain the tropical fish radiation, which gave rise to such extreme fish diversity. This present volume, is a voyage through the tropical region reviewing the fish diversity of the main tropical freshwater sheds, including the major tropical rivers and lakes, the major dams, and marine environments. State-of-the-art information on tropical fish physiology Written by specialists working in the Tropics Offers a diverse depiction of the various tropical fishes and the environment where they inhabit 12 innovative chapters covering a concise view of growth rate, biological rhythms, feeding plasticity, cardio-respiratory design and function, diversity of structure, and much more
The Amazon and Orinoco basins in northern South America are home to the highest concentration of freshwater fish species on earth, with more than 3,000 species allotted to 564 genera. Amazonian fishes include piranhas, electric eels, freshwater stingrays, a myriad of beautiful small-bodied tetras and catfishes, and the largest scaled freshwater fish in the world, the pirarucu. Field Guide to the Fishes of the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas provides descriptions and identification keys for all the known genera of fishes that inhabit Greater Amazonia, a vast and still mostly remote region of tropical rainforests, seasonally flooded savannas, and meandering lowland rivers. The guide’s contributors include more than fifty expert scientists. They summarize the current state of knowledge on the taxonomy, species richness, and ecology of these fish groups, and provide references to relevant literature for species-level identifications. This richly illustrated guide contains 700 detailed drawings, 190 color photos, and 500 distribution maps, which cover all genera. An extensive and illustrated glossary helps readers with the identification keys. The first complete overview of the fish diversity in the Amazon, Orinoco, and Guianas, this comprehensive guide is essential for anyone interested in the freshwater life inhabiting this part of the world. First complete overview of the fish diversity in the Amazon and Orinoco basins Contributors include more than fifty experts Identification keys and distribution maps for all genera 190 stunning color photos 700 detailed line drawings Extensive and illustrated glossary