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Photophysical and Photochemical Properties of Aromatic Compounds is the first book to collect and classify all available quantitative data on the photochemistry and luminescence of aromatic compounds. Compounds are classified by both spectral-luminescent (e.g., extinction coefficients, energies and lifetimes of lower excited states) and photochemical properties. In addition, all of the quantum yields available have been collected. The variety of photochemical reactions of aromatics is examined based on eight types of elementary monomolecular and bimolecular photochemical processes. Aromatic compounds are grouped into eight categories, and the book analyzes the possibilities of occurrence of all types of elementary photoprocesses.
Featuring contributions from leading experts, Organic Photochemistry and Photophysics is a unique resource that addresses the organic photochemistry and photophysical behavior in aromatic molecules, thiocarbonyls, selected porphyrins, and metalloporphyrins. The book presents theories pertaining to radiative and radiationless transitions. It
The breadth of scientific and technological interests in the general topic of photochemistry is truly enormous and includes, for example, such diverse areas as microelectronics, atmospheric chemistry, organic synthesis, non-conventional photoimaging, photosynthesis, solar energy conversion, polymer technologies, and spectroscopy. This Specialist Periodical Report on Photochemistry aims to provide an annual review of photo-induced processes that have relevance to the above wide-ranging academic and commercial disciplines, and interests in chemistry, physics, biology and technology. In order to provide easy access to this vast and varied literature, each volume of Photochemistry comprises sections concerned with photophysical processes in condensed phases, organic aspects which are sub-divided by chromophore type, polymer photochemistry, and photochemical aspects of solar energy conversion. Volume 34 covers literature published from July 2001 to June 2002. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject areas, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, with regular, in-depth accounts of progress in particular fields of chemistry. Subject coverage within different volumes of a given title is similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.
Kohlenstoff und Wasserstoff - jedem Chemiestudenten sind sie wohlbekannt als Grundbausteine der Organischen Chemie. Welch ungeahnte Vielfalt von Verbindungen sich aus diesen Elementen aufbauen läßt, zeigt dieses einzigartige Buch. Dabei beschränkt es sich nicht nur auf die bloße Darstellung von Struktur und Eigenschaften von Kohlenwasserstoffen, sondern verdeutlicht überdies die Herausforderung, die Moleküle wie Tetrahedran, Superphan oder Dodecahedran an das synthetische Geschick eines jeden Organikers stellen. In seinem Konzept folgt das Werk - retrosynthetische Analyse der Reaktionssequenzen, ausführliche Erläuterung der Synthesemethoden, umfassende Verweise auf die Originalliteratur - dem Bestseller von K. C. Nicolaou und E. J. Sorensen "Classics in Total Synthesis". Es vermittelt so eine Fülle von generellen Prinzipien und Methoden der organischen Synthese und empfiehlt sich auf Jahre hinaus als Standardwerk, das jedem Studenten und Organiker in Forschung und Lehre geläufig sein sollte.
Photochemistry of Organic Compounds: From Concepts toPractice provides a hands-on guide demonstrating the underlyingprinciples of photochemistry and, by reference to a range oforganic reaction types, its effective use in the synthesis of neworganic compounds and in various applications. The book presents a complete and methodical approach to thetopic, Working from basic principles, discussing key techniques andstudies of reactive intermediates, and illustrating syntheticphotochemical procedures. Incorporating special topics and case studies covering variousapplications of photochemistry in chemistry, environmentalsciences, biochemistry, physics, medicine, and industry. Providing extensive references to the original literature andto review articles. Concluding with a chapter on retrosynthetic photochemistry,listing key reactions to aid the reader in designing their ownsynthetic pathways. This book will be a valuable source of information andinspiration for postgraduates as well as professionals from a widerange of chemical and natural sciences.
This text discusses di-p-methane rearrangements via radical-cation intermediates, the photo-Fries rearrangement in organized media and of biologically active compounds, electron transfer leading to fragmentation, dimerization, and nucleophilic capture, and the characterization and reactivity of photochemically generated phenylene bis(diradical) spe
Answering the need for information that could revolutionize the development of alternate solar energy sources and the reduction of atmospheric contaminants, Semiconductor Photochemistry and Photophysics reflects renewed interest inspired by the unique properties of nanocrystalline semiconductor particles. It provides a thorough overview and describes fundamental research aimed at understanding the underlying mechanisms of the cells and looks at the application of nanocrystalline TiO2 as a photocatalyst for environmental remediation. Key topics include semiconductor photoelectrochemistry, dye-sensitized solar cells, and photocatalytic treatment of chemical waste.
Photochemistry (a term that broadly speaking includes photophysics) is abranchofmodernsciencethatdealswiththeinteractionoflightwithmatter and lies at the crossroadsof chemistry, physics, and biology. However, before being a branch of modern science, photochemistry was (and still is today), an extremely important natural phenomenon. When God said: “Let there be light”, photochemistry began to operate, helping God to create the world as wenowknowit.Itislikelythatphotochemistrywasthesparkfortheoriginof life on Earth and played a fundamental role in the evolution of life. Through the photosynthetic process that takes place in green plants, photochemistry is responsible for the maintenance of all living organisms. In the geological past photochemistry caused the accumulation of the deposits of coal, oil, and naturalgasthat wenowuseasfuels.Photochemistryisinvolved inthecontrol ofozoneinthestratosphereandinagreatnumber ofenvironmentalprocesses thatoccurintheatmosphere,inthesea,andonthesoil.Photochemistryisthe essenceoftheprocessofvisionandcausesavarietyofbehavioralresponsesin living organisms. Photochemistry as a science is quite young; we only need to go back less than one century to ?nd its early pioneer [1]. The concept of coordination compound is also relatively young; it was established in 1892, when Alfred Werner conceived his theory of metal complexes [2]. Since then, the terms coordination compound and metal complex have been used as synonyms, even if in the last 30 years, coordination chemistry has extended its scope to the binding ofall kinds of substrates [3, 4].
The breadth of scientific and technological interests in the general topic of photochemistry is truly enormous and includes, for example, such diverse areas as microelectronics, atmospheric chemistry, organic synthesis, non-conventional photoimaging, photosynthesis, solar energy conversion, polymer technologies, and spectroscopy. This Specialist Periodical Report on Photochemistry aims to provide an annual review of photo-induced processes that have relevance to the above wide-ranging academic and commercial disciplines, and interests in chemistry, physics, biology and technology. In order to provide easy access to this vast and varied literature, each volume of Photochemistry comprises sections concerned with photophysical processes in condensed phases, organic aspects which are sub-divided by chromophore type, polymer photochemistry, and photochemical aspects of solar energy conversion. Volume 34 covers literature published from July 2001 to June 2002. Specialist Periodical Reports provide systematic and detailed review coverage in major areas of chemical research. Compiled by teams of leading authorities in the relevant subject areas, the series creates a unique service for the active research chemist, with regular, in-depth accounts of progress in particular fields of chemistry. Subject coverage within different volumes of a given title is similar and publication is on an annual or biennial basis.
Ein Lehrbuch eines exzellenten Autorenteams mit wissenschaftlicher Erfahrung und der Kompetenz im Schreiben didaktischer Texte zu allen Facetten der Photochemie und Photophysik: Grundlagen sowie ausgewählte Beispielen moderner Anwendungen und aus der heutigen Forschung.