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Two photon processes induced by heavy ion collisions have been considered. An approximate formalism for calculation is derived. The event rate is interesting at low-photon-photon mass but is limited by the form factor of the nuclei at high mass. The event rate is compared with that at LEP and found to be favorable at the mass of charm mesons but unfavorable at higher masses. It is further noted that two pomeron processes are similar in configuration and are prolific at low pomeron-pomeron masses. 3 refs., 8 figs.
Results on physics at RHIC using outgoing leptons and photons will be presented from Au+Au collisions at nucleon-nucleon c.m. energies √(sNN) = 130 GeV and 200 GeV, and from p-p collisions at √(sNN) = 200 GeV. Introduction and motivation will be presented both from the theoretical and experimental perspectives. Topics include open charm production via single e{sup {+-}}, J/? → e + e−,?+ +?− and inclusive photon production.
Ultra-relativistic heavy-ions carry strong electromagnetic and nuclear fields. Interactions between these fields in peripheral nucleus-nucleus collisions can probe many interesting physics topics. This presentation will focus on coherent two-photon and photonuclear processes at RHIC. The rates for these interactions will be high. The coherent coupling of all the protons in the nucleus enhances the equivalent photon flux by a factor Z2 up to an energy of (almost equal to) 3 GeV. The plans for studying coherent interactions with the STAR experiment will be discussed. Experimental techniques for separating signal from background will be presented.
This presentation will show the feasibility of studying two-photon interactions in the STAR experiment at RHIC. Signals, detection efficiencies, backgrounds, triggering and analysis techniques will be discussed.
This introductory talk contains a brief discussion of future experiments at RHIC related to physics of superdense matter. In particular, we consider the relation between space-time picture of the collision and spectra of the observed secondaries. We discuss where one should look for QGP signals and for possible manifestation of the phase transition. We pay more attention to a rather new topic: hadron modification in the gas phase, which is interesting by itself as a collective phenomenon, and also as a precursor indicating what happens with hadrons near the phase transition. We briefly review current understanding of the photon physics, dilepton production, charm and strangeness and J/[psi] suppression. At the end we try to classify all possible experiments. 47 refs., 3 figs.
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) will be the first heavy ion accelerator energetic enough to produce hadronic final states via coherent ??, ?P, and PP interactions. Because the photon flux scales as Z2, up to an energy of about ?ħc/R ≈ 3 GeV/c, the ?? interaction rates are large. RHIC ?P interactions test how Pomerons couple to nuclei and measure how different vector mesons, including the J/?, interact with nuclear matter. PP collisions can probe Pomeron couplings. Because these collisions can involve identical initial states, for identical final states, the ??, ?P, and PP channels may interfere, producing new effects. The authors review the physics of these interactions and discuss how these signals can be detected experimentally, in the context of the STAR detector. Signals can be separated from backgrounds by using isolation cuts (rapidity gaps) and p⊥. The authors present Monte Carlo studies of different backgrounds, showing that representative signals can be extracted with good rates and signal to noise ratios.
Photo acceleration has dominated the theoretical plasma physics area in recent years and has found application in all subjects where waves in continuous media are studied - plasma physics, astrophysics, and optics. This theory will provide a modern understanding of photon interaction with matter, helping to develop novel accelerators based on laser-plasma interactions, new radiation sources, and even new models for astrophysical objects. Written by a major player in the field, this book describes the general theory of photo acceleration, which allows fluid, kinetic, quantum, and classical electrodynamical approaches to be formulated. It includes examples from plasma physics, cosmology, fiber optics, mathematical physics, particle accelerator physics, and radiation physics.