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Heidegger's major be-ing-historical treatise, Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis), opens up the full depth and final range of his experience of thinking. It has a substantial bearing on the understanding, assessment, and appropriation of his lifework, not just on the interpretation of his later writings. The exploration of this unique work raises basic questions about the nature and task of thinking, not simply about Heidegger’s claims and insights. "Thinking and Be-ing in Heidegger's Beiträge zur Philosophie (Vom Ereignis)” by George Kovacs is a questioning confrontation with the main issues at stake in Heidegger’s thought. In contending with Heidegger's venture, George Kovacs clearly demonstrates that the re-thinking of the entire question of Being, of the ubiquitous and indispensable "is," is at the same time a re-thinking of the way of thinking, of thinking itself; it is a rediscovery of and an experience with language. This comprehensive, focused research contributes to the reawakening of the sense of wonder and curiosity about Being, beings, and human being's dwelling in the world, the primordial concern of Heidegger’s thought.
Annotation Le but de ce livre est de promouvoir un echange de vues entre philosophes et historiens sensible aux chevauchement de la philosophie contemporaine de l'histoire et de la theorie de la pratique historienne d'aujourd'hui. The purpose of this book is to encourage an exchange of views between philosophers and historians interested in the overlap between contemporary philosophy and theory of historical practice.
Depuis la vigoureuse monographie que, en 1951, Alphonse de Waelhens consacra, sous le Ie titre de {laquo}Vne {laquo}Une philosophie philosophie de de l'Ambi l'Ambi guite{raquo} guite{raquo} a la pensee de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, la reflexion et les etudes sur les divers aspects de eette cette pensee pensee se se multiplierent multiplierent en en Franee France et dans le Ie monde. monde. La mort prematuree du philosophe en 1961, n'a pas diminue l'inMret l'interet qu'avaient suscite ses eerits ecrits et son enseignement. Des notes et des resumes de cours, des manuscrits manuserits inedits pieusement reunis par des disciples, diseiples, furent publies depuis lors. {laquo}Le Visible et l'Invisible, suivi de notes de travail{raquo}, paru en 1964, revela les perspeetives perspectives nouvelles d'une oeuvre qui apparaU ainsi eomme comme la plus riehe riche en possibilites, possibilit6s, parmi toutes eelles celles que, que, meme meme sur sur sa terre natale, inspira la phenomenologie de Husserl et de Heidegger. La philosophie de Merleau-Ponty ne se limite ee ce pendant a aucune ecole. Elle reste ouverte sur les problemes de son temps et notamment sur eeux ceux que, que, des des avant la penetration de la phenomenologie en France, posaient, en Allemagne et en Amerique, les sciences humaines: la psychologie dite de la Gestalt, le Ie behaviourisme, behaviourisme, la psychanalyse. psyehanalyse.
The present publication is a continuation of two earlier series of chronicles, Philosophy in the Mid-Century (Firenze 1958/59) and Contemporary Philosophy (Firenze 1968), edited by Raymond KJibansky. As with the earlier series the present chronicles purport to give a survey of significant trends in contemporary philosophi cal discussion. The time space covered by the present series is (approximately) 1966-1978. The need for such surveys has, I believe, increased rather than decreased over the last years. The philosophical scene appears, for various reasons, more complex than ever before. The continuing process of specialization in most branches, the emergence of new schools of thought, particularly in philosophical logic and the philosophy of language, the convergence of interest (though not necessarily of opinion) of different traditions upon certain prob lems, and the increasing attention being paid to the history of philosophy in discussions of contemporary problems are the most important contributory factors. Surveys of the present kind are a valuable source of knowledge of this complexity and may as such be an assistance in renewing the understanding of one's own philosophical problems. The surveys, it is to be hoped, may also help to strengthen the Socratic element of modem philosophy, the dialogue or Kommu nikationsgemeinschajt. So far, four volumes have been prepared for the new series. The present chronicles in the Philosophy of Language and Philosophi cal Logic (Vol. I), are followed by chronicles in the Philosophy of Science (Vol. II), and Philosophy of Action (Vol.
This book presents 17 articles by Woldemar Görler, published during the last 25 years, some of them not easily accessible hitherto. Most of them treat details of the history of the Hellenistic Academy and Cicero. Other papers explore the aftermath of Hellenistic thought in Lucilius, Lucretius, and Seneca, the literary form of Roman philosophical treatises, and Cicero’s personal interpretation of Academic scepticism. All contributions are based on close reading of the source material. No attempt is made to harmonize conflicting evidence. Instead, different stages of the school discussions and some gradual changes in philosophical doctrine emerge more clearly. Special attention is paid to the conversion of Greek terms into Latin, in some cases implying unexpected consequences in meaning.
Perspektiven der Philosophie. Neues Jahrbuch eröffnet Forschern, denen die philosophische Begründung des Denkens wichtig ist, eine Publikationsmöglichkeit. Wir verstehen uns nicht als Schulorgan einer philosophischen Lehrmeinung, sondern sehen unsere Aufgabe darin, an der Intensivierung des wissenschaftlichen Philosophierens mitzuwirken. Besonders fördern wir den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs und laden ihn zur Mitarbeit ein.