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Papal primacy has grown with the Church, and it remains a reality embedded in the Church as a living community begins to change.
This collection of papers has its origin in the encyclical letter "Ut unum sint (no. 95) and the request of Pope John Paul II to study the question of the Petrine ministry with other Christians with a view to "seeking--"together, of course--"the forms in which this ministry may accomplish a service of love recognized by all concerned." After the promulgation of the encyclical in 1995, the theme of the Petrine ministry in its implications for dialogue with the other churches and ecclesial communities resonated throughout the ecumenical community and in studies, conferences and courses at institutes and research centers, focusing on the theological and historical aspects of the issue. The symposium presented here, organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, is aimed at furthering study of the role of the Bishop of Rome in the perspective of the search for Christian unity. Catholic experts and delegates representing a range of Orthodox churches took part in the closed-door symposium at which eight speakers presented papers, dealing with each theme from the Catholic and Orthodox points of view.
Author David Armstrong shows that the Catholic Church is the "Bible Church par excellence," and that many common Protestant doctrines are in fact not Biblical.
Ray, a former Evangelical Protestant and Bible teacher, goes through the Scriptures and the first five centuries of the Church to demonstrate that the early Christians had a clear understanding of the primacy of Peter in the see of Rome. He tackles the tough issues in an attempt to expose how the opposition is misunderstanding the Scriptures and history. He uses many Protestant scholars and historians to support the Catholic position. This book contains the most complete compilation of Scriptural and Patristic quotations on the primacy of Peter and the Papal office of any book available. It has over 500 footnotes with supporting evidence from Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and non-Christian authorities.
This book offers an introduction to the theological and historical aspects of the papacy, an office and institution that is unique in this world. Throughout its history up to our present time, the Petrine ministry is both fascinating and challenging to people, both inside and outside the Catholic Church. Gerhard Cardinal Müller speaks from a particular and personal viewpoint, including his experience of working closely with the pope every day as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He addresses, in particular, those dimensions of the papal office which are crucial for understanding more deeply the pope as a visible principle of the church’s unity. 500 years after the Protestant reformation, the book offers insights into the ecumenical controversies about the papacy throughout the centuries, in their historical context. The book also exposes prejudices and cliches, and points to the authentic foundation of the Petrine ministry.
Examines the implications of the consensus reached by the AnglicanRoman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) on universal primacy for the further development of the Catholic Church’s doctrines of papal primacy, in order that a reformed and renewed Petrine ministry may be received by all Christians .
The Primacy and Infallibility of the Pope have long stood as roadblocks to fellowship between the Roman Catholic Church and other church bodies. Now, however, as many churches strive for greater ecumenical rapprochement and ecclesial unity, scholars from a variety of Christian traditions have been exploring together the possibility that church unity may indeed be well served by the ministry of St. Peter. How Can the Petrine Ministry Be a Service to the Unity of the Universal Church? assembles twenty-one forward-looking essays on the papal office by an assortment of theologians, canonists, ecumenists, ecclesiologists, sociologists, and Scripture experts from diverse backgrounds, including Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Reformed. They examine the conditions under which the papacy might one day be re-received by Christian church bodies worldwide - not as an autocratic monarchy but, rather, as the unifying agency for a diverse yet cohesive universal church. This book provides a rare glimpse into a high-level discussion that should be appreciated by anyone interested in the future of the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church." Book jacket.
The papacy is clearly the greatest difficulty facing ecumenical dialogue today, and particularly the dialogue between Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Yet there is a doorway of hope. In his encyclical, Ut unum sint, John Paul II expressed a desire for common reflection on the exercise of papal primacy. In You Are Peter the great Orthodox theologian Olivier Clement brilliantly responds to this request. He emphasizes the history and experience of the undivided Church, before recalling the contrasting developments of eastern and western Christianity and concluding with the tasks that call us to unity. Professor Clements response to John Paul II [is] solidly rooted in the Orthodox tradition, [and] represents the cordial and open mentality characteristic of the theologians of Saint Sergius. I would judge that it is almost exactly the kind of response for which Pope John Paul II was hoping. It is a pleasure to be able to present to English-speaking readers this concise, learned, and articulate presentation.... Professor Clements contribution ... is a sign of the progress [in ecumenism] thus far made and a beacon of hope for the future. From the Foreword by Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. Laurence J. McGinley Professor Fordham University, New York