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This volume celebrates the work of Petr Hájek on mathematical fuzzy logic and presents how his efforts have influenced prominent logicians who are continuing his work. The book opens with a discussion on Hájek's contribution to mathematical fuzzy logic and with a scientific biography of him, progresses to include two articles with a foundation flavour, that demonstrate some important aspects of Hájek's production, namely, a paper on the development of fuzzy sets and another paper on some fuzzy versions of set theory and arithmetic. Articles in the volume also focus on the treatment of vagueness, building connections between Hájek's favorite fuzzy logic and linguistic models of vagueness. Other articles introduce alternative notions of consequence relation, namely, the preservation of truth degrees, which is discussed in a general context, and the differential semantics. For the latter, a surprisingly strong standard completeness theorem is proved. Another contribution also looks at two principles valid in classical logic and characterize the three main t-norm logics in terms of these principles. Other articles, with an algebraic flavour, offer a summary of the applications of lattice ordered-groups to many-valued logic and to quantum logic, as well as an investigation of prelinearity in varieties of pointed lattice ordered algebras that satisfy a weak form of distributivity and have a very weak implication. The last part of the volume contains an article on possibilistic modal logics defined over MTL chains, a topic that Hájek discussed in his celebrated work, Metamathematics of Fuzzy Logic, and another one where the authors, besides offering unexpected premises such as proposing to call Hájek's basic fuzzy logic HL, instead of BL, propose a very weak system, called SL as a candidate for the role of the really basic fuzzy logic. The paper also provides a generalization of the prelinearity axiom, which was investigated by Hájek in the context of fuzzy logic.
This book presents a systematic treatment of deductive aspects and structures of fuzzy logic understood as many valued logic sui generis. It aims to show that fuzzy logic as a logic of imprecise (vague) propositions does have well-developed formal foundations and that most things usually named ‘fuzzy inference’ can be naturally understood as logical deduction. It is for mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists, specialists in artificial intelligence and knowledge engineering, and developers of fuzzy logic.
The main part of the book is a comprehensive overview of the development of fuzzy logic and its applications in various areas of human affair since its genesis in the mid 1960s. This overview is then employed for assessing the significance of fuzzy logic and mathematics based on fuzzy logic.
Originating as an attempt to provide solid logical foundations for fuzzy set theory, and motivated also by philosophical and computational problems of vagueness and imprecision, Mathematical Fuzzy Logic (MFL) has become a significant subfield of mathematical logic. Research in this area focuses on many-valued logics with linearly ordered truth values and has yielded elegant and deep mathematical theories and challenging problems, thus continuing to attract an ever increasing number of researchers. This handbook provides, through its several volumes, an up-to-date systematic presentation of the best-developed areas of MFL. Its intended audience is researchers working on MFL or related fields, that may use the text as a reference book, and anyone looking for a comprehensive introduction to MFL. This handbook will be useful not only for readers interested in pure mathematical logic, but also for those interested in logical foundations of fuzzy set theory or in a mathematical apparatus suitable for dealing with some philosophical and linguistic issues related to vagueness. This third volume starts with three chapters on semantics of fuzzy logics, namely, on the structure of linearly ordered algebras, on semantic games, and on Ulam-Renyi games; it continues with an introduction to fuzzy logics with evaluated syntax, a survey of fuzzy description logics, and a study of probability on MV-algebras; and it ends with a philosophical chapter on the role of fuzzy logics in theories of vagueness."
This volume honors Professor Andrzej Grzegorczyk, the nestor of Polish logicians, on his 85th anniversary. The editors would like to express the respect and sympathy they have for him. His textbook The Outline of Mathematical Logic has been published in many editions and translated into several languages. It was this textbook that introduced many of us into the world of mathematical logic. Professor Grzegorczyk has made fundamental contributions to logic and to philosophy. His results, mainly on hierarchy of primitive recursive functions, known as the Grzegorczyk hierarchy, are of fundamental importance to theoretical computer science. In particular, they were precursory for the computational complexity theory. The editors would like to stress that this special publication celebrates a scientist who is still actively pursuing genuinely innovative directions of research. Quite recently, Andrzej Grzegorczyk gave a new proof of undecidability of the first order functional calculus. His proof does not use the arithmetization of Kurt Gödel. In recognition of his merits, the University of Clermont-Ferrand conferred to Professor Andrzej Grzegorczyk the Doctorat Honoris Causa. The work and life of Professor Andrzej Grzegorczyk is presented in the article by Professors Stanislaw Krajewski and Jan Wolenski. The papers in this collection have been submitted on invitational basis.
Readers of this volume are invited on a journey through a logician's life, as witnessed by his colleagues and friends. They will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the regions of set theory, arithmetic, data analysis, algebra, fuzzy logic and other topics that Petr Hajek has shared with the contributors. Each of the contributions is unique in its approach as well as its personal envoi, helping to create a full-blooded, vivid and genuine picture of the man who has been so emphatically influential to so many of us. Mature and fresh ideas blend in the texts which will, hopefully, make an interesting and enjoyable reading for Petr Hajek as well as for any keen logician.
How far can you take fuzzy logic, the brilliant conceptual framework made famous by George Klir? With this book, you can find out. The authors of this updated edition have extended Klir’s work by taking fuzzy logic into even more areas of application. It serves a number of functions, from an introductory text on the concept of fuzzy logic to a treatment of cutting-edge research problems suitable for a fully paid-up member of the fuzzy logic community.
Managing vagueness/fuzziness is starting to play an important role in Semantic Web research, with a large number of research efforts underway. Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Semantic Web Languages provides a rigorous and succinct account of the mathematical methods and tools used for representing and reasoning with fuzzy information within Semantic
The term "fuzzy logic," as it is understood in this book, stands for all aspects of representing and manipulating knowledge based on the rejection of the most fundamental principle of classical logic---the principle of bivalence. According to this principle, each declarative sentence is required to be either true or false. In fuzzy logic, these classical truth values are not abandoned. However, additional, intermediate truth values between true and false are allowed, which are interpreted as degrees of truth. This opens a new way of thinking---thinking in terms of degrees rather than absolutes. For example, it leads to the definition of a new kind of sets, referred to as fuzzy sets, in which membership is a matter of degree. The book examines the genesis and development of fuzzy logic. It surveys the prehistory of fuzzy logic and inspects circumstances that eventually lead to the emergence of fuzzy logic. The book explores in detail the development of propositional, predicate, and other calculi that admit degrees of truth, which are known as fuzzy logic in the narrow sense. Fuzzy logic in the broad sense, whose primary aim is to utilize degrees of truth for emulating common-sense human reasoning in natural language, is scrutinized as well. The book also examines principles for developing mathematics based on fuzzy logic and provides overviews of areas in which this has been done most effectively. It also presents a detailed survey of established and prospective applications of fuzzy logic in various areas of human affairs, and provides an assessment of the significance of fuzzy logic as a new paradigm.