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What could be better than a great hero story? TWO great hero stories! And there's no better place to find them than the Bible. Each Little Bible Heroes(tm) Flip-Over Book offers two stories of bravery, faithfulness, and kindness--straight from the Bible and perfect for little hero-loving hearts! Collect the entire Little Bible Heroes(tm) series: Creation/Noah Flip-Over Book Miriam/Daniel Flip-Over Book Joshua/Rahab Flip-Over Book Samuel/The Little Maid Flip-Over Book David/Esther Flip-Over Book Joseph/The Good Samaritan Flip-Over Book Christmas/Easter Flip-Over Book Jesus' Miracles/Martha Flip-Over Book Elijah/John the Baptist Flip-Over Book Heroes of Babylon/Ruth Flip-Over Book The Little Giver/Zacchaeus Flip-Over Book Peter/Paul Flip-Over Book
This carefully crafted and collectible volume tells the intimate story of Peter, Paul, and Mary and their music, in their words and with iconic images that follow their passionate, fifty-year journey to the center of America’s heart. Photographs, many rare and never before published, taken over five decades by some of the world’s top photographers, follow them from their earliest performances in the 1960s, when Mary was the most desired, beautiful, and charismatic performer and a new role model for women. Follow the trio as they lead America to discover the passionate soul of folk music. Join the struggle for racial equality, social justice, and freedom in this memorable journey, from the historic 1963 March on Washington with Martin Luther King, Jr., to the trio’s appearance before a half million people in 1969 to end the Vietnam War, to their singing at the Hollywood Bowl for Survival Sunday in 1978, helping to launch the anti-nuke movement, the world’s first international environmental movement. Through these images, readers will feel and almost hear the trio’s songs calling for a more caring, better world as they performed with a courage and conviction that became for so many the embodiment and soundtrack of their generation’s awakening to conscience, to activism, and to a new dream for all of humankind. Peter, Paul, and Mary’s songs of defiant hope and a certain unmasked innocence are still a powerful part of our American consciousness, and this book reenacts the history of how the trio marked many lives with their indelible stamp of honesty of the sort we all yearn to recapture and recreate today—for ourselves, our children, and the generations to come.
What do the superstars of modern business have in common? An ability to "flip"—to think counterintuitively and then act boldly, with no regard for "business as usual" conventions. one of the youngest and fastest-rising stars on the international consulting and speaking circuit, Peter Sheahan reveals how the world's most effective organizations and individuals distinguish themselves from the competition instead of running with the pack. Sheahan explores six major flips Action Creates Clarity—to move forward you must act in spite of ambiguity. Fast, Good, Cheap: Pick Three, Then Add Something Extra—the new standard in every industry. To develop competitive advantage, you must Absolutely, Positively Sweat the Small Stuff. Satisfy customers' needs for engagement and contact—it's not "just business"—Business Is Personal. To win mass-market success, be courageous, Find It on the Fringe, and separate yourself from the competitive herd. To Get Control, Give It Up—empower others to create, dream, and believe for you. Stick to what you learned in business school at your peril. Today's small-world economy calls for a new way of doing business. It calls for Flip.
These books offer great role models (male/female) for toddlers. These simple stories are easily accessible for preschoolers and include a key Bible verse and now have QR codes that will make the stories come to life right before their eyes!
Acts is arguably the most exciting book in the New Testament. It covers the tumultuous early years of Christianity and narrates the growth of the church throughout the Roman Empire. Luke tells this story by focusing primarily on two men, Peter and Paul. This book examines their apostolic ministries as they are revealed within the pages of The Acts of the Apostles. Their apostolic ministries are examined in the context of several different components: Leadership, Evangelism and Church Planting, Miracle Working and Healing, and Mystical or Supernatural Experiences. These categories are shown to detail particular aspects of each man's apostleship work. These categories provide a convenient way to compare and contrast the type of ministry that each apostle performed, as described by Luke. Spell also devotes a chapter each to Luke's literary method and the relationship of Peter and Paul as seen in their letters. These two chapters lay important groundwork for examining the apostles. This book will provide the reader with valuable insights from Scripture that they can apply to their own lives and ministry. By looking at how Peter and Paul conducted their ministries in the first century, we can be more effective in the twenty-first.
A child admires everyday small things, from footprints to raindrops to a turtle in need of being flipped upright, that are small in size but big in beauty and importance.
Concentrated market power and the weakened sway of corporate stakeholders over management have emerged as leading concerns of American political economy. Samuel Milner provides a historical context for contemporary efforts to resolve these anxieties by examining the contest to control the distribution of corporate income during the mid-twentieth century. During this "Golden Age of American Capitalism," apprehension about the debilitating consequences of industrial concentration fueled efforts to ensure that management would share the fruits of progress with workers, consumers, and society as a whole. Focusing on wage and price determination in steel, automobiles, and electrical equipment, Milner reveals how the management of concentrated industries understood its ability to distribute income to its stakeholders as well as why economists, courts, and public policymakers struggled to curtail the exercise of that market power at its source.
What could be better than a great hero story? TWO great hero stories! And there's no better place to find them than the Bible. Each Little Bible Heroes(TM) Flip-Over Book offers two stories of bravery, faithfulness, and kindness--straight from the Bible and perfect for little hero-loving hearts! This books features two women of the Bible--read about the judge Deborah, and then flip the book over to learn the story of Abigail. Collect the entire Little Bible Heroes(TM) series: Creation/Noah Flip-Over Book Miriam/Daniel Flip-Over Book Joshua/Rahab Flip-Over Book Samuel/The Little Maid Flip-Over Book David/Esther Flip-Over Book Joseph/The Good Samaritan Flip-Over Book Christmas/Easter Flip-Over Book Jesus' Miracles/Martha Flip-Over Book Elijah/John the Baptist Flip-Over Book Heroes of Babylon/Ruth Flip-Over Book The Little Giver/Zacchaeus Flip-Over Book Peter/Paul Flip-Over Book Deborah/Abigail Flip-Over Book Solomon/Jonah Flip-Over Book Samson/Gideon Flip-Over Book Moses/John Flip-Over Book
In a brilliant duet, a photographer and geographer explore this desert realm the size of Delaware, a desolate landscape that nonetheless teems with life-forms that have endured for millennia.
What could be better than a great hero story? TWO great hero stories! And there's no better place to find them than the Bible. Each Little Bible Heroes(TM) Flip-Over Book offers two stories of bravery, faithfulness, and kindness--straight from the Bible and perfect for little hero-loving hearts! In this book, read about Moses. Then flip the book over to learn the story of the apostle John. Collect the entire Little Bible Heroes(TM) series: Creation/Noah Flip-Over Book Miriam/Daniel Flip-Over Book Joshua/Rahab Flip-Over Book Samuel/The Little Maid Flip-Over Book David/Esther Flip-Over Book Joseph/The Good Samaritan Flip-Over Book Christmas/Easter Flip-Over Book Jesus' Miracles/Martha Flip-Over Book Elijah/John the Baptist Flip-Over Book Heroes of Babylon/Ruth Flip-Over Book The Little Giver/Zacchaeus Flip-Over Book Peter/Paul Flip-Over Book Deborah/Abigail Flip-Over Book Solomon/Jonah Flip-Over Book Samson/Gideon Flip-Over Book Moses/John Flip-Over Book