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Asian river basins are undergoing rapid transformation. This volume considers the implications of the environmental change-development nexus for water management, river health and hazard awareness. As Biswas and Tortajada (2011) have recently commented, water management in Asia will likely change more in the next twenty years than in the last 2000 years. Critical environmental trends include decreasing flows of water and sediment due to dam construction and increased water extraction, land use change (especially forest removal), encroachment and degradation of floodplain and wetland environments, increased water demand and concerns about water security, urban expansion and associated pollution of rivers and contamination of groundwater reserves. These challenges are being reframed by new approaches to water management which represent a transition from engineering-dominated approaches towards integrated water management, from technology transfer to adaptive technologies. The volume comprises an introduction and five chapters. Brierley and Callum reframe approaches to river repair within emerging theories of in ecology and earth science which regard nature as a complex adaptive system replete with inherent uncertainties. These ideas are mirrored in the four case study chapters which deal with water governance in the Mekong Basin (Hirsch); hybrid adoption of water resource technologies in India (Barbanente et al.); determination of sediment dynamics in Java Rijsdijk); and ecological conservation imperatives in the headwaters of the Yellow, Yangtze and Mekong rivers in western China (Li et al.).
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the Yangtze River system and its water resources development and management. From the perspectives of geology, hydrology, zoology, ecology, it discusses the Yangtze River’s geological history and aquatic environments, analyses the endangered species along the river basin, and reviews the effects of human hydrolytic activities on its ecosystem. By studying the history of Yangtze River system and its water resources development, it provides insights into the effects of evolution and human activities on the ecosystem of its basin, and offers strategic thoughts on conservation and sustainable development of the Yangtze River. Written by an author with extensive experience in the field, this book is an invaluable reference resource for researchers interested in the Yangtze River.
The Graduate Program in Sustainability Science under the Department of Urban Engineering of The University of Tokyo has been running an environmental leadership education program at the graduate student level since 2007 called the Asian Program for Incubation of Environmental Leaders (APIEL). This book describes the University’s experiences in establishing and organizing that program and provides some lessons learned for those who are considering starting environmental leadership education programs. APIEL’s curriculum includes the classroom topic “Environmental Challenges and Leadership in Asia.” As well, the APIEL program has field units to provide experience in problem solving, decision making, and participation, taking into consideration ecological, political, economic, social, aesthetic, and ethical aspects. Another characteristic feature of the program is that it promotes changes in attitudes and behavior that will help to solve existing environmental problems and to avoid a generation of new ones. Over the four years of study, efforts have been made to bond leadership with field-oriented exercises such as: 1) The Intensive Program on Sustainability; 2) an integral approach focused on sustainable integrated watershed management of arid regions; 3) sustainable development of programs in Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand for qualifying students with problem-solving processes to combat issues such as flooding, lack of proper urban environmental infrastructure, and health risks; and 4) the Greater Pearl River Delta program with multicultural diversity to bring about sustainable urban development for a green city. All of those are described in the book. Last but not least, APIEL’s resonance throughout international networks and alumni are introduced.
This book describes the huge efforts by the Chinese Government concerning the restoration and future sustainable management of Chinese water systems. It presents the results of a Sino-European joint project concerning the Songhuajiang-Liaohe River Basin (SLRB) in Northeast China conducted by the Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Germany, and the Natural Environment Research Council as represented by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH), UK. The book explains in great detail the development of risk assessment and corresponding management methods for (i) controlling water pollution, (ii) assessing river health and ecological restoration options, (iii) characterizing persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and (iv) protecting fragile groundwater resources. It also describes the implemented demonstration sites of SLRB during the project course as well as lessons learnt on efficient project management and the dissemination of knowledge and technologies.
Conventional wisdom says that the world is heading for a major water crisis. By 2050, global population will increase from 7 billion to a staggering 9.5 billion and the demands this will place on food and water systems will inevitably push river basins over the edge. The findings from this book present a different picture. While it is convenient to visualize an inevitable global water and food crisis in which increasing demands result in increasing poverty, food insecurity and conflict, the reality is far more nuanced and revolves around the politics of equitable and sustainable development of resources. The first part of this book provides detailed insight into conditions of water flows within nine river basins. In the second part, authors summarize and re-analyze the outcome of the nine basins, providing a coherent global picture of water, water productivity and development. They assess the impacts of variations of these attributes on development and approaches for poverty alleviation, and explore the institutional factors that support or obstruct change. How people will manage river systems while protecting vital ecosystem functions will make the difference between catastrophe and survival. As Prof Asit Biswas points out, "... the world is facing a water crisis not because of physical scarcity of water but because of poor management practices in nearly all countries of the world." The book is based on the four years (2006-2010) of extensive research into the state of ten of the world’s major river basins carried out under the CGIAR Challenge Program for Water and Food’s Basin Focal Project. This book was published as a special issue of Water International.
Water Management and Sustainability in Asia covers topics related to water resources management, including multi- and interdisciplinary research on flood, soil infiltration, contaminants, sediment, water quality, hydrological modelling, and water resources systems.
Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) has in recent years captured the attention of policy makers and policy analysts. A lot has been written on this topic, most often disparately, about institutions for IWRM. However, there has been limited success in bridging disciplinaryboundaries (social versus physical sciences) with the result that conceptual inconsistencies persist with regard to our understanding of institutions for IWRM. This paper outlines key features of an analytical framework for the institutional analysis of IWRM in river basins. Thenovelties of the analytical approach include emphasis on transparent policy processes of state parastatals, modes of water-service provisioning and conditions for collective action in the management of common pool resources in river basins and its implications for sustainable rurallivelihoods. The paper then discusses certain methodological concerns with regard to the operationalizing of various elements of the analytical framework. In particular, the paper discusses issues related to defining the scope of analysis, scale of water use and management and collective action for the management of common pool resources in a river basin. The paper also discusses the process by which the comparative analysis of IWRM may be undertaken by highlighting the importance of problem specification, hypothesis generation and methods of data collection.
This book is a collection of highly refined articles on historical water projects and traditional water technologies of international interest in the Asian region, addressing information on past water projects (mostly before the 20th century) in the Asian regions that are technically and culturally of interest and educationally valuable. This book explores historical water projects in these regions, presenting technologies used at the time, including calculation and forecasting methods, measurement, material, labor, methodologies, and even water culture. It is expected that the old Asian wisdom of "reviewing the old and learning the new" would be realized to a certain extent in modern planning and practice of water projects. This book will enable the reader to understand historical water projects and technologies in the Asian region. It can be used as a one-stop resource to source notable Asian water projects and their relevance to modern-day technology. In this regard, this book is expected to be of interest to a variety of audiences, including the corresponding Asian regions and other international audiences interested in Asian water history from an engineering perspective.
This thesis presents analysis of the status of IWRM implementation along with the challenges with regards to policy and institutional measures as well as the required basin information and management instruments. The research entailed a detailed analysis of water resources systems based on a case study from the Awash River Basin in Ethiopia, covering the historical and present state of the challenges and gaps in policies, institutional arrangements and management instruments. The status quo of practical water management, implications of plausible management alternatives in terms of their impact to future water availability, demand fulfilment, patterns of use, and sustainability of the environment were examined. Moreover, the interlinkages and dynamics between key water dependent resources sectors, broadly categorized into water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) was explored to identify key tradeoffs and synergies. This was deliberated as to improving the synchronization of sectoral plans and resources management programs, thereby fast-tracking the coordination process in IWRM. Overall, the research provides a clearer understanding of the system-wide problems, structural challenges and possible future consequences regarding the management and sustainability of the entire water resource system. Ultimately the purpose is to set in motion new strategies and mechanisms to improve the implementation of the currently applied IWRM framework in the context of the SDGs.
In recent years, Integrated Water-Resources Management (IWRM) has captured the attention of policymakers and policy analysts. A lot has been written, most often in a disparate way about institutions for IWRM. However, there has been limited success in bridging disciplinary boundaries (social versus physical sciences) with the result that conceptual inconsistencies persist with regard to our understanding of institutions for IWRM. This paper reviews IWMI research on IWRM in Asia and highlights drawbacks in contemporary approaches to the study of institutions for IWRM in river basins. The paper then outlines key features of an alternative analytical framework. In doing so, it discusses certain novel features of the alternative approach: emphasis on transparent policy processes of State parastatals, modes of water-service provisioning and conditions for collective action in the management of common-pool resources in river basins and its implications for sustainable rural livelihoods.