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Convention collective nationale Cabinet Médicaux + Grille de salaireEdition Papier (dos carré collé)Numéro de brochure JO : 3168IDCC : 1147Le code NAF associé : 6619A - 8211Z - 8219Z - 8299Z - 8621Z - 8622A - 8622B - 8622C - 8623Z - 8690F - 9412ZL'employeur est tenu d'informer les salariés sur les dispositions conventionnelles applicables à l'entreprise, notamment au moment de l'embauche.L'employeur doit remettre une notice d'information au salarié lors de son embauche et mettre un exemplaire de la convention collective de l'entreprise (art. L. 135-7 du code du travail).Le salarié peut consulter la convention collective applicable dans l'entreprise.Un accord prévoit les conditions permettant de consulter la convention collective applicable dans l'entreprise. À défaut d'accord, l'employeur tient un exemplaire de cette convention à la disposition du personnel.Un avis doit être affiché sur le lieu de travail, indiquant l'existence de la convention et précisant où et dans quelles conditions elle peut être consultée.SANCTIONS :L'employeur qui ne respecte pas ses obligations d'affichage et de consultation peut être condamné à payer une amende de classe 4 de 750 euros.Cette amende est doublée en cas de récidive dans un délai d'un an.Si le salarié subit un préjudice du fait de l'absence d'affichage, par exemple s'il n'a pas eu connaissance des majorations de salaire et de la prime d'ancienneté qu'il était en droit de recevoir en vertu de la convention collective, il peut demander, sous forme de dommages et intérêts, le rappel des sommes qui auraient dû lui être versées en y ajoutant les intérêts au taux légal.
The government of the Republic of Congo is taking a system approach to reorganizing its health system. It is endeavoring to create a political, juridical, and regulatory environment to foster the development of its health care services under government leadership working with the private sector.
Under its Health in Africa Initiative, IFC intended to conduct a country assessment of the private health sector in Mali, working in close collaboration with the World Bank and the Government of Mali. The Core objective of the Mali Country Assessment Report was to work closely with the Government of Mali and Development partners to develop recommendations for a reform program to strengthen the existing policy framework for the public-private interface in the health sector and to improve the delivery of health related goods and services for all Malians. As part of this, the purpose of the book was to: • Determine the role the private sector currently plays in Mali’s health care system. • Present a diagnose of the nature and effectiveness of the existing interface between the public and private sectors in Mali, health system constraints, as well as the business enabling and investment environment. • Assist the World Bank Group to engage in policy dialogue with stakeholders in Mali’s health care system, and particularly with public officials and policy makers; and help develop detailed recommendations for the Government of Mali with policy makers and key stakeholders.
This publication demonstrates what effect high-qualtity and mordern architecture has on hospitals, doctor's offices, pharmacies and other health institutions, and what the future-oriented tendencies are for health sector buildings. The book offers a qualified selection of more than 60 projects around the world. Using photos, diagrams and floor plans, it illustrates the significance that a humanitarian architectural language will have in the modern and ever-changing health field. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed.
The Yearbook of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture offers an essential annual overview of developments in relation to the ECPT. This Yearbook consists of three parts (sold as three separate volumes). Part One contains information as to ratifications, etc, as at 31 December 2015 in the authentic English and French texts. Part Two contains the CPT’s reports to States and the State responses thereto that were made public during 2015. The CPT’s reports are published in the official English and/or French texts and State responses in the English and/or French versions submitted by the States concerned. Part Three reproduces the official English and French texts of the CPT Public Statement concerning Bulgaria as well as the CPT’s Checklist for visits to social care institutions where persons may be deprived of their liberty and the CPT’s standards on living space per prisoner in prison establishments. Bilingual English and French. This book is part of a three volume set. Each volume should be ordered separately: Vol 1 isbn 978-90-04-44682-3 Vol 2 isbn 978-90-04-44683-0 Vol 3 isbn 978-90-04-44684-7
The Yearbook of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture offers an essential annual overview of developments in relation to the ECPT. Part One contains information on ratifications and other such issues in the authentic English and French texts. Part Two has details in English and French of the membership and activities of the Convention. Part Three reprints the twentieth annual General Report of the ECPT in the official English and French texts. Part Four contains the ECPT's reports to States and the State responses thereto that were made public during the year in question. The ECPT's reports are published in the official English and/or French texts and State responses in the English and/or French versions submitted by the States concerned. Bilingual English and French; 2-volume set.
This comprehensive review of the Swiss health system focuses on three important issues: health insurance markets, health workforce planning and management and governance of the health system.