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Description: This Book provides a quick glimpse about the life of Paul The Apostle
With the exception of the Lord Jesus Christ himself, no one figures more prominently in the pages of the New Testament than the Apostle Paul. Author of thirteen of the books of the New Testament and central figure in the book of Acts, Paul was the individual most responsible for the spread of the gospel in the first century. Yet the great apostle was not alone in his labors. Beside him were numerous colaborers. Set against him were many foes -- most of whom owe their limited fame almost entirely to their relationship to the man they opposed. This volume sheds new light on those in Paul's shadow, both friend and foe. Dr. Hiebert carefully surveys all the scriptural data concerning "prominent personalities" (such as Apollos, Barnabas, and Luke) and the "lesser lights" (such as Demas, Epaphras, and Philemon) -- twenty-five sketches in all. The author seeks to demonstrate how each of these figures contributed to the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. In addition, Dr. Hiebert includes two chapters briefly surveying "all the others, named and unnamed." The reverent scholarship and devotional warmth make this a valuable reference work. - Back cover.
What makes a true leader? Is leadership a title? Authority? Charisma? Whatever gets the best results? Today more than ever, Christians need a model of leadership that is based on God’s Word, that brings God glory. In Called to Lead, best-selling author, pastor, and teacher John MacArthur explains the characteristics of a leader drawn from one of the Bible’s most renowned leaders, the apostle Paul. Focusing on Paul’s letters to the church, Called to Lead shows you the twenty-six key qualities of a leader who can achieve results without forfeiting faith and obedience, qualities such as: Trustworthiness Discipline Christlikeness Sincerity Decisiveness Called to Lead presents a compelling, biblically sound explanation of the leadership God established when Jesus called and commissioned the apostles . . . and when God called you to lead.
The authors focus on Paul to discern how ancient persons understood themselves, other people, and the world around them, believing that biblical interpretation can be skewed if contemporary presuppositions about personality are imposed on history.
The Pauline Circle Paul, writes F.F. Bruce, attracted friends around him as a magnet attracts iron filings. The New Testament evidence for Paul's wide circle of friends is plentiful, both in Paul's own writings and in the Book of Acts. In this book, Bruce, who is widely known as one of today's foremost Pauline scholars, looks at several of Paul's closest friends and associates as well as several of the countless co-workers, hosts, and hostesses he encountered in his life and ministry. Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, Luke, Priscilla and Aquila, Onesimus, and Mark are among those discussed in terms of both their relationship to Paul and their relationship to the early church. Bruce surveys the biblical evidence for the stories of these people, placing it against its first-century background, and examining the relationships that underlie the New Testament references. The result, written in Bruce's usual engaging and accessible style, is a fascinating look at the men and women who surrounded Paul and influenced the New Testament church.
This ebook edition contains artwork adapted from the print edition to fit the digital format. "My hope is that this volume will help you to see the Savior more clearly, to understand his grace more deeply, to confess your struggle more honestly, to worship him more fully, and to find in these meditations the motivation to continue to follow the Savior even when he’s leading you into unexpected and hard places.” —Paul David Tripp Best-selling author Paul David Tripp invites you into his personal reflections on his experience of God’s ever-present grace through the ups and downs of his life. He shares his celebrations, disappointments, cries for help, confessions, and confusions in the form of 120 meditations that were written over many years through various joys and struggles. Vulnerable yet pastoral and wise, these meditations in the form of verse showcase how God’s amazing grace intersects with the mundane, unexpected, messy, and beautiful moments of everyday life.
Nick Doherty has a secret ability—so secret, in fact, he doesn’t even know it exists. Outwardly, he has it all: a prestigious career, a bevy of eager women, and he is intriguingly well-liked. What no one can imagine is his possession of two overactive amygdalae that radiate any spates of fear or anger he might have into those nearby with an amplified effect—a reverse empath, if you will. Nick’s unusual power makes him an emotional powder keg to those near him. All his aberrant behavior is demystified in a letter bequeathed by his father, who confesses information withheld until his death about their family curse. Newly aware of his undetectable superpower, Nick exploits it to bring down his diabolic rival and systematically advance his career, until a life-altering event flips the script, and he reboots on a quest to oxygenate the lives of others on a grand scale. A humorous primer on dealing with misfortunes through dogged determination, PERSONALITY + Puissance is a thought-provoking read about relationships and self-evolution.
It is a common—and fundamental—misconception that Paul told people how to live. Apart from forbidding certain abusive practices, he never gives any precise instructions for living. It would have violated his two main social principles: human freedom and dignity, and the need for people to love one another. Paul was a Hellenistic Jew, originally named Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, who made a living from tent making or leatherworking. He called himself the “Apostle to the Gentiles” and was the most important of the early Christian evangelists. Paul is not easy to understand. The Greeks and Romans themselves probably misunderstood him or skimmed the surface of his arguments when he used terms such as “law” (referring to the complex system of Jewish religious law in which he himself was trained). But they did share a language—Greek—and a cosmopolitan urban culture, that of the Roman Empire. Paul considered evangelizing the Greeks and Romans to be his special mission. “For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” The idea of love as the only rule was current among Jewish thinkers of his time, but the idea of freedom being available to anyone was revolutionary. Paul, regarded by Christians as the greatest interpreter of Jesus’ mission, was the first person to explain how Christ’s life and death fit into the larger scheme of salvation, from the creation of Adam to the end of time. Preaching spiritual equality and God’s infinite love, he crusaded for the Jewish Messiah to be accepted as the friend and deliverer of all humankind. In Paul Among the People, Sarah Ruden explores the meanings of his words and shows how they might have affected readers in his own time and culture. She describes as well how his writings represented the new church as an alternative to old ways of thinking, feeling, and living. Ruden translates passages from ancient Greek and Roman literature, from Aristophanes to Seneca, setting them beside famous and controversial passages of Paul and their key modern interpretations. She writes about Augustine; about George Bernard Shaw’s misguided notion of Paul as “the eternal enemy of Women”; and about the misuse of Paul in the English Puritan Richard Baxter’s strictures against “flesh-pleasing.” Ruden makes clear that Paul’s ethics, in contrast to later distortions, were humane, open, and responsible. Paul Among the People is a remarkable work of scholarship, synthesis, and understanding; a revelation of the founder of Christianity.