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**This is the chapter slice "Invasion of Kuwait Gr. 5-8" from the full lesson plan "Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)"** Get the facts about the U.S.-led Operation Desert Storm. From 1990 to 1991, our resource highlights the events that occurred shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Complete a map activity of Iraq. Conduct a research report on the process of extracting oil to establish the motivations behind the invasion of Kuwait. Get to know Saddam Hussein, from his early life to his involvement with the Baath Party, and finally the leader of Iraq. Read about the invasion of Kuwait and how other countries and the UN reacted to this. Learn about Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and how the U.S. sent troops to the Gulf to help protect other nations from Hussein. Show your artistic side by designing a comic strip, poster or diorama showcasing some aspect of the Persian Gulf War. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.
**This is the chapter slice "Victory Gr. 5-8" from the full lesson plan "Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)"** Get the facts about the U.S.-led Operation Desert Storm. From 1990 to 1991, our resource highlights the events that occurred shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Complete a map activity of Iraq. Conduct a research report on the process of extracting oil to establish the motivations behind the invasion of Kuwait. Get to know Saddam Hussein, from his early life to his involvement with the Baath Party, and finally the leader of Iraq. Read about the invasion of Kuwait and how other countries and the UN reacted to this. Learn about Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and how the U.S. sent troops to the Gulf to help protect other nations from Hussein. Show your artistic side by designing a comic strip, poster or diorama showcasing some aspect of the Persian Gulf War. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.
**This is the chapter slice "Iraq, Oil and the Middle East Gr. 5-8" from the full lesson plan "Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)"** Get the facts about the U.S.-led Operation Desert Storm. From 1990 to 1991, our resource highlights the events that occurred shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Complete a map activity of Iraq. Conduct a research report on the process of extracting oil to establish the motivations behind the invasion of Kuwait. Get to know Saddam Hussein, from his early life to his involvement with the Baath Party, and finally the leader of Iraq. Read about the invasion of Kuwait and how other countries and the UN reacted to this. Learn about Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and how the U.S. sent troops to the Gulf to help protect other nations from Hussein. Show your artistic side by designing a comic strip, poster or diorama showcasing some aspect of the Persian Gulf War. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.
Examines events surrounding the 1991 war between Iraq and a worldwide coalition of forces, plus biographical notes on important figures and a look at the effects of this war.
Get the facts about the U.S.-led Operation Desert Storm. From 1990 to 1991, our resource highlights the events that occurred shortly after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Complete a map activity of Iraq. Conduct a research report on the process of extracting oil to establish the motivations behind the invasion of Kuwait. Get to know Saddam Hussein, from his early life to his involvement with the Baath Party, and finally the leader of Iraq. Read about the invasion of Kuwait and how other countries and the UN reacted to this. Learn about Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, and how the U.S. sent troops to the Gulf to help protect other nations from Hussein. Show your artistic side by designing a comic strip, poster or diorama showcasing some aspect of the Persian Gulf War. Aligned to your State Standards and written to Bloom's Taxonomy, additional hands-on activities, crossword, word search, comprehension quiz and answer key are also included.
Examines the causes and events of the Persian Gulf War that followed Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.
Discusses the Persian Gulf crisis, from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 to the Allied victory in 1991.
The Gulf War was war waged on Iraq which comprised of coalition forces that had 35 countries and was led by United Nations. The war was a response to Iraq’s step taken to annex Kuwait. The Gulf War is also known as the Persian Gulf War. Iraq under the leadership of Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on August 2, 1990 with a purpose of procuring the large oil reserves of Kuwait to establish their power in the region and to annul the debt that it owed to Kuwait. The next day on August 3, 1990 the United Nations Security Council asked Iraq to withdraw their army from Kuwait and when they denied obeying the instructions the United Nations Security Council enforced a worldwide ban trade with Iraq on August 6 of the same year. The government of Iraq then responded by formally seizing Kuwait on August 8, 1990. Iraq’s invasion in Kuwait and forced acquiring of the nation was also an open threat to Saudi Arabia. United States and European NATO allies rushed their troops to Saudi Arabia to prevent any attacks from Iraq. These armies were further joined by Egypt and many other Arab nations. The world witnessed live broadcast of the war especially by CNN. It was a decisive battle and the coalition forces had won against the Iraqi troops
For most Americans, the war against Iraq lingers in memory as a vast morality play, a drama offering ready made heroes and villains: a glowering dictator in military uniform, hapless Kuwaiti refugees with tales of persecution, plucky pilots with high-tech wizardry, and a defiant American president, ringing Churchillian as he drew a line in the sand. But this characterization of the war is greatly oversimplified, a one-dimensional portrait, lacking in context and nuance. In War in the Gulf, 1990 91, eminent scholars Majid Khadduri and Edmund Ghareeb paint a very different picture, one that brings historical depth to the portrait, and displays the actions of many of the participants in a new and revealing light. Khadduri and Ghareeb offer a far more accurate and complex portrait of the Iraq-Kuwait conflict, providing a wealth of background information not readily available before. They made a distinction between the differences between Iraq and Kuwait over frontiers, territory, and sovereignty and the method pursued by Iraqi leaders to resolve those differences. They explore, for instance, the history of relations between Iraq and Kuwait, revealing that Kuwait had once been a part of Basra (in southern Iraq) during the Ottoman rule, and only became a separate country while under British control (it was the British in fact who drew the much-disputed boundary line between Iraq and Kuwait). Khadduri and Ghareeb describe the many decades of struggle to resolve the boundary issue, examining the repeated attempts by other Arab states to mediate according to Islamic traditions of consultation and peaceful resolution within the faith. The authors also show how Saddam Husayn's war with Iran exacerbated the boundary tensions. Because of the decade-long war, Iraq badly needed oil revenue to repay wartime loans and to rebuild, but Kuwait persisted in pumping far beyond its OPEC quota, driving down prices, and costing Iraq billions of dollars of revenue. The book reveals how Kuwait spurned Arab attempts to mediate this clash over oil prices as well as the longstanding boundary dispute, frustrating efforts to resolve this crisis by peaceful means. In one particularly interesting section, the book examines the diplomatic talks during the early summer of 1990, both among various Arab nations (most notably, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Kuwait), and with Saddam Husayn and the United States (they show how messages from Washington and a visit by a congressional delegation lead by Senator Dole convinced the Iraqi leaders that they would be allowed to settle their problems with Kuwait without outside interference). Khadduri and Ghareeb carry us through to the present, exploring the war and its aftermath, from the uprisings against Baghdad, to the continuing U.N. sanctions, to the recent defections from Saddam's inner circle. War in the Gulf is a balanced, eye-opening account of one of the central events of recent years. It corrects the Western views of most reporting, explaining the frame of mind of the participants as no one has done before and causing us to examine anew such questions as who was responsible for the conflict, and what might have happened if the United States had not intervened so rapidly.