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Ron Austin first wandered purposefully into Mexico more than fifty years ago, when he produced a documentary on Mexican history for American television. Over the next decades, as his acquaintance with Mexico deepened, so too did his appreciation for the rich and contradictory impulses of Mexican culture and for the beauty of its people and their expressions of faith. At once guidebook, history, memoir, and tribute, Austin s Peregrino engagingly explores the spiritual and cultural heart of Catholic Mexico. Though once merely a tourist peering in a stranger to this distinctive faith and culture Austin, now a devout Catholic and part-year resident of Mexico, writes with respect, affection, and deep understanding as he invites fellow pilgrims peregrinos to regard both Mexico and their own cultures of faith in a new light.
The Pilgrim’s Progress: A Story You Won’t Want to Miss! Written in the 1600s, this timeless allegory still speaks to readers, realistically describing the joys and trials of anticipating heaven while living the Christian life on this earth. Bunyan’s immortal characters—Christian, Obstinate, Pliable, and Mr. Worldly Wiseman, among others—are placed in compelling settings such as the City of Destruction, the Celestial City, and the Wicket Gate. Escrito en el siglo xvii, El progreso del peregrino sigue hablando hoy a los lectores, y describe de forma realista los gozos y las pruebas en nuestra espera del cielo, mientras vivimos la vida cristiana en esta tierra. Los personajes inmortales de Bunyan —Cristiano, Obstinado, Flexible y el Sr. Sabio Mundano, entre otros— se sitúan en entornos fascinantes como la Ciudad de Destrucción, la Ciudad celestial y la Puerta angosta.
Jamilet is a beautiful young woman marred by a shockingly gruesome birthmark. It spills over her back and down her legs, twisting and writhing like a hideous cape of blood, causing her to be shunned by the villagers of her rural Mexican town. In search of medical salvation, this angel with the devil's mark is finally driven to escape north and cross the border illegally to Los Angeles. After acquiring false documents, Jamilet finds work at a mental hospital, where she is assigned to look after Señor Peregrino, an elderly man from Spain who is as disagreeable as he is mysterious. Jamilet is given strict orders to keep her distance, but when he cleverly snags possession of her papers, he bargains to return them upon the condition that she listen to his story. Jamilet begrudgingly agrees, and Señor Peregrino takes her back to the days of his youth, when he embarked upon a mystical and romantic journey along the legendary Road to Santiago in Spain. Jamilet and Señor Peregrino forge a spiritual bond that is more healing to them both than modern medicine could ever be. In an inspiring story of redemption, faith and the enduring power of love, Samartin offers an enlightening perspective on the true meaning of beauty.
Veamos algunos de los sitios donde Santo Domingo vivió y trabajó y predicó. ¡Qué oportunidad! No hacía mucho tiempo que Jaime y Peregrino habían compartido su primera peregrinación a Lourdes, pero Peregrino estaba castigado. ¿Le ayudaría a corregirse saber más cosas sobre Santo Domingo? Ven con Panda el Peregrino y lo sabrás. Una encantadora historia para leer en voz alta y disfrutar en familia.
Consisting of 214 poems and 79 poets, from over 23 African countries and the Diasporas, Best New African Poets 2015 Anthology: Poetry contains poems that deal with a panoply of issues, feelings, thoughts, ideas, beliefs, on identity, Africanness (Blackness, Whiteness, Arabic, Asian), culture, heritage, place, politics, (mis)governance, corruption, exile, loss, memory, spirituality, sex, gender, love, the individual and many others. It travels from Cape to Cairo, Monrovia to Nairobi, rooms in the beautiful Moroccan Sahara desert, pastoral idyllic Savannas, the rainy equatorial rainforests and then flies into the Diasporas as each poet speaks his/her own story of the Africa that she/he knows, dreams and envisions with protective pride and resolute dedication.
This title was first published in 2002: Jörg Breu belonged to the generation of German Renaissance artists that included Dürer, Cranach, Grünewald, Altdorfer, and, in his own city of Augsburg, Hans Burgkmair the Elder. His art registered the early reception of Italian art in Germany and spanned the dramatic years of the Reformation in Augsburg, when the city was riven with social and religious tensions. Uniquely, for a German artist, Breu left a diary chronicling his reaction to the massive social and cultural forces that engulfed him, including his own conversion to the Protestant cause. His story is representative of the condition of many artists during the Reformation years living through this watershed between two cultural eras, which witnessed the transfer of creative energies from religious painting to secular and applied forms of art. In this wide ranging and original study, Andrew Morrall examines the effect of these events on the nature and practice of Jörg Breu's art and its reception, not just in his own period, but right up to the present day.
¿Así que crees que la historia es aburrida? Un hombre llamado Rush Revere está por cambiar tu opinión, ¡más de lo que te imaginas! Prepárate para la clase de historia más emocionante de todos los tiempos con Rush Revere y los peregrinos valientes. ¡Conoce al gran amigo de Rush Limbaugh: Rush Revere! Está bien, está bien, mi nombre en realidad es Rusty—pero mis amigos me llaman Rush—. Rush Revere. Porque siempre he sido el fan número uno del tipo colonial más cool de todos los tiempos, Paul Revere. ¡Qué estrella de rock! Tanto quiso proteger al joven Estados Unidos que cabalgó por aquellas calles adoquinadas y disparejas gritando: “¡Vienen los británicos!”. Arriba de un caballo. A todo pulmón. El viento soplando, una lluvia torrencial... Bueno, te lo puedes imaginar. Pero, ¿qué tal si pudieses ver la imagen real, volviendo atrás en el tiempo y observando con tus propios ojos cómo se creó nuestro gran país? ¿Conociendo la gente que lo hizo posible —personas como tú y yo? ¡Agárrate de tu sombrero triangular puntiagudo porque lo puedes hacer —conmigo, Rush Revere, un aparentemente normal maestro sustituto de historia, como tu guía turístico a través del tiempo! “¿Cómo?” preguntas. Bueno, hay un portal. Y un caballo. Mi caballo que habla llamado Libertad. Y, pues, confía en mí, lograré que lleguemos allí. Comenzaremos acompañando a una barcada de familias valientes viajando en el Mayflower en 1620. ¿Aburrido? No lo creo. El año 1620 fue bastante fenomenal, y experimentarás exactamente lo que ellos hicieron en esa difícil y peligrosa travesía por el océano. Juntos, les haremos a los peregrinos todas nuestras preguntas, descubriremos cómo viven y los acompañaremos durante el primer Día de Acción de Gracias, y mucho más. ¡Así que ensilla tu caballo y cabalguemos! Nuestra nación excepcional está esperando ser descubierta de nuevo por excepcionales patriotas jóvenes, ¡como tú!
The Spanish Camino de Santiago, a pilgrimage rooted in the Medieval period and increasingly active today, has attracted a growing amount of both scholarly and popular attention. With its multiple points of departure in Spain and other European countries, its simultaneously secular and religious nature, and its international and transhistorical population of pilgrims, this particular pilgrimage naturally invites a wide range of intellectual inquiry and scholarly perspectives. This volume fills a gap in current pilgrimage studies, focusing on contemporary representations of the Camino de Santiago. Complementing existing studies of the Camino’s medieval origins, it situates the Camino as a modern experience and engages interdisciplinary perspectives to present a theoretical framework for exploring the most central issues that concern scholars of pilgrimage studies today. Contributors explore the contemporary meaning of the Camino through an interdisciplinary lens that reflects the increasing permeability between academic disciplines and fields, bringing together a wide range of theoretical and critical perspectives (cultural studies, literary studies, globalization studies, memory studies, ethnic studies, postcolonial studies, cultural geographies, photography, and material culture). Chapters touch on a variety of genres (blogs, film, graphic novels, historical novels, objects, and travel guides), and transnational perspectives (Australia, the Arab world, England, Spain, and the United States).