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In this book, the author has tried bridge the gap between the common perception of the Yugoslav conflict as portrayed in the media and the actual grim reality with which he was dealing as an EU monitor on the ground. Drawing on original material from both UN and ECMM sources, he has identified the true origin of Former Yugoslavia's wars of dissolution, and critically examines the programme of violence which erupted in 1991 and eventually culminated in 1995 in the vicious dismemberment of a sovereign federal republic with seat at the United Nations. In doing so, he highlights the duplicitous behaviour of all parties to the conflict; the double standards employed throughout by the United States in its foreign policy; the lengths to which the Sarajevo government manipulated the international media to promote a 'victim' status; the contempt in which UN peace-keepers were ultimately held by all sides; and the manner in which Radovan Karadzic was sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, when the real culprits were Slobodan Milosevic and his acolyte, General Ratko Mladic. This book, the first by an EU Monitor with actual experience of the conflict, tells the real story of the modern Yugoslav conflict, 1991-1995.
In September 1994 I was selected by my superiors in the Irish Defence Forces to join the European Community Monitor Mission in Former Yugoslavia (ECMM) and after a time as a Monitor and Team Leader in Eastern Slavonia, and then as a Monitor in the Krajina near Bihac, I was appointed to the Headquarters' Staff in Zagreb as the officer responsible for evaluating and reporting on the war in Bosnia together with the general situation in Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Kosovo. In that capacity I was one of very few afforded the opportunity to work with the 'big picture', where my core function was to make some sense of the conflict in order to better inform the policy makers of the European Union. My reports found their way to EU HQ in Brussels, the Foreign Ministries of all EU governments, and to the United Nations in New York. However it also became apparent at an early stage that irrespective of what my colleagues and I actually wrote, in the world of real-politik individual agendas were still pursued relentlessly with the best and worst example unquestionably being Germany's single-minded determination to recognise Croatia when the Badinter Commission, Lord Carrington, and EC Monitors on the ground all advised against it. Equally, I experienced this frustration myself when during the Spring of 1995 I continually advised my superiors that Radovan Karadzic simply had to be included in all negotiations on the future of Bosnia if any meaningful and comprehensive resolution was to be achieved. Together with former US President Jimmy Carter, Karadzic had managed to secure the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) in December 1994 and I believed that this success could and should have been built upon in a serious and meaningful way. Unfortunately the leaders of the International Community thought otherwise and followed their own agendas determining that there would be no place for an indicted war criminal at the peace-conference-table - and a unique possibility for progress was squandered. I firmly believed that a distinct opportunity existed at that time to bring the war to an end, albeit that it would have left the Bosnian Serbs in a position of strength. Deplorably, influential people, particularly President Bill Clinton, were not prepared to tolerate that scenario, so the war went - needlessly. Nevertheless ECMM continued to gather information and make evaluations. With teams spread right throughout the region, daily, weekly, monthly, and special reports on the military, political, economic, and humanitarian situation came flooding into the Headquarters in Zegrab and were processed through a complex evaluation system. Thereafter assessments and predictions were distributed internationally and either accepted or rejected. ECMM's mission statement was simple. We were in theatre to observe and report at first hand on Former Yugoslavia's wars of dissolution, the activities of the numerous parties involved, and the shifting alliances into which they entered - and for the most part I am satisfied that we did it well. However, it was also during this time that I first became aware of the chasm which existed between the common perception of the conflict as portrayed in most of the popular media and the actual grim reality which I was dealing with on the ground. There was a difference, and in many instances it was huge. In order therefore to address these issues, and drawing on all resources available, including original material from both UN and ECMM sources, this thesis seeks to identify the true origin of Former Yugoslavia's war's of dissolution and thereafter critically examine the programme of violence which erupted between 1991-1995 culminating eventually in the vicious dismemberment of a sovereign federal republic with seat at the United Nations.
In this book, the author has tried bridge the gap between the common perception of the Yugoslav conflict as portrayed in the media and the actual grim reality with which he was dealing as an EU monitor on the ground. Drawing on original material from both UN and ECMM sources, he has identified the true origin of Former Yugoslavia's wars of dissolution, and critically examines the programme of violence which erupted in 1991 and eventually culminated in 1995 in the vicious dismemberment of a sovereign federal republic with seat at the United Nations. In doing so, he highlights the duplicitous behaviour of all parties to the conflict; the double standards employed throughout by the United States in its foreign policy; the lengths to which the Sarajevo government manipulated the international media to promote a 'victim' status; the contempt in which UN peace-keepers were ultimately held by all sides; and the manner in which Radovan Karadzic was sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, when the real culprits were Slobodan Milosevic and his acolyte, General Ratko Mladic. This book, the first by an EU Monitor with actual experience of the conflict, tells the real story of the modern Yugoslav conflict, 1991-1995.
In this book, the author has tried bridge the gap between the common perception of the Yugoslav conflict as portrayed in the media and the actual grim reality with which he was dealing as an EU monitor on the ground. Drawing on original material from both UN and ECMM sources, he has identified the true origin of Former Yugoslavia's wars of dissolution, and critically examines the programme of violence which erupted in 1991 and eventually culminated in 1995 in the vicious dismemberment of a sovereign federal republic with seat at the United Nations. In doing so, he highlights the duplicitous behaviour of all parties to the conflict; the double standards employed throughout by the United States in its foreign policy; the lengths to which the Sarajevo government manipulated the international media to promote a 'victim' status; the contempt in which UN peace-keepers were ultimately held by all sides; and the manner in which Radovan Karadzic was sacrificed at the altar of political expediency, when the real culprits were Slobodan Milosevic and his acolyte, General Ratko Mladic. This book, the first by an EU Monitor with actual experience of the conflict, tells the real story of the modern Yugoslav conflict, 1991-1995.
An incisive and revealing history of how Yugoslavia plunged into violence in the 1990s Over the past two years, the entire world watched in horror as one of Europe's most stable countries plunged into an orgy of violence and bloodshed that has invoked comparisons to the Holocaust. Aside from empty threats and diplomatic hand wringing, the West has done little to stop the ethnic cleansing, the sieges, and the brutality that has characterized the conflict in the former Yugoslavia. Contrary to common wisdom, the hyper-violent disintegration of the former Yugoslavia is not simply and exclusively the product of inherent and irrational ethnic animosities and centuries of strife. In this engaging book, journalist Christopher Bennett traces the turning point to the 1987 struggle within the Serbian Communist party which was between adherents of a Serb nationalist ideology -embodied by Slobodan Milosevic- and the other Yugoslavs who clung to the vision of a multinational state. As soon as Milosevic gained the upper hand, he ruthlessly purged his rivals and launched a massive campaign of media indoctrination to stir up Serb nationalism. This new nationalism, which has repelled the world since 1991, is primarily Milosevic's creation and not merely the result of historical enmity. As a student at two different Yugoslav universities in the 1980's, Bennett witnessed firsthand many if the critical events which contributed to Yugoslavia's destruction. He renders an incisive and accessible history, covering the period from Tito's dictatorship to the present day.
In this second volume, Rusko Matulic continues to formulate a comprehensive bibliography of primarily published sources relating to the history, languages, literature, politics, government, religion, and social sciences of former Yugoslavia, including bibliographical materials on expatriates.
The war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992-1995) was the bloodiest and most savage conflict in post-WWII Europe. While numerous books and articles on the subject exist, this book fills an important void by comprehensively addressing the intricacies of the conflict’s political, historic, military, and diplomatic factors. The brutal civil war triggered by the demise of Yugoslavia. Based on documents and eyewitness accounts, the book covers the ideologies, hidden agendas, military operations, covert actions, and diplomacy that resulted in the Dayton Peace Accords of 1995. It also includes the geography, population, and tumultuous history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author convincingly dispels myths related to the war, including pre-planned Serbian aggression, the siege of Sarajevo, the massacres of civilians in the UN “safe areas” of Srebrenica and Žepa, and Slobodan Miloševi?’s role.
This edited volume looks into the nature of the European Union as a strategic actor, setting out to explore the paradox that the EU produces policies with strategic qualities, but lacks the institutions and concepts to engage in strategic reasoning and action proper.