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La pensée d'Edgar Morin est inclassable. Ni science ni philosophie, enjambant la science et la philosophie, les sciences humaines et les sciences naturelles, sa pensée échappe aux cloisonnements disciplinaires et aux modes de connaissance compartimentée. Véritable touche-à-tout du savoir, autodidacte par complexion, Edgar Morin est l'auteur d'une oeuvre considérable, qui couvre le vaste champ du savoir et qui propose une méthode pour traiter la complexité du réel. Cet ouvrage retrace les grands moments de l'histoire personnelle et intellectuelle qui ont fait d'Edgar Morin un des grands penseurs de notre temps, et l'auteur d'une oeuvre majeure à la convergence des savoirs, oeuvre colossale et désormais incontournable pour penser notre temps et les problèmes de notre temps.
Science is first and foremost an intellectual activity, an activity of thought. Therefore, how do we, as information scientists, respond intellectually to what is happening in the world of information and knowledge development, given the context of new sociocultural and knowledge landscapes? Information Science as an Interscience poses many challenges both to information science, philosophy and to information practice, and only when information science is understood as an interscience that operates in a multifaceted way, will it be able to comply with these challenges. In the fulfilment of this task it needs to be accompanied by a philosophical approach that will take it beyond the merely critical and linear approach to scientific work. For this reason a critical philosophical approach is proposed that will be characterised by multiple styles of thinking and organised by a compositional inspiration. This initiative is carried by the conviction that information science will hereby be enabled to make contributions to significant knowledge inventions that may bring about a better world. Chapters focus on the rethinking of human thinking, our unique ability that enables us to cope with the world in which we live, in terms of the unique science with which we are involved. Subsequent chapters explore different approaches to the establishment of a new scientific spirit, the demands these developments pose for human thinking, for questions of method and the implications for information science regarding its proposed functioning as a nomad science in the context of information practice and information work. Final chapters highlight the proposed responsibility of focusing on information and inventiveness and new styles of information and knowledge work. - focuses on rethinking information science to achieve a constructive scientific approach - provides an alternative methodological approach in the study of information science - shows how a change in scientific approach will have vast implications for the understanding and dissemination of knowledge - presents the implications of a new approach for knowledge workers, and the dynamics of their work - explores the future of thinking about science, knowledge and its nature and the ethical implications
Martine et Adélaïde nous invitent, petits et grands, à nous poser et à regarder autour de nous. En compagnie d'Edgar, nous partons, au fil des questions, à la découverte de la richesse et de la diversité du monde. Une belle ouverture à la connaissance et au respect.
Tells the story of the author's father, Vidal Nahoum, the Sephardic Jews, and of Europe.
Le réseau « Chromatiques whiteheadiennes » a pour objectif premier de fédérer les recherches sur les différents aspects, nuances et implications de la pensée du philosophe et algébriste britannique Alfred North Whitehead (1861-1947). C'est dans ce cadre qu'ont été créés en 2002 à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne des séminaires de recherche sur la philosophie organique whiteheadienne. L' « Annuaire de la philosophie en procès » publie les principaux résultats de ces travaux et offre complémentairement des études critiques et des comptes rendus récents dans les domaines whiteheadiens et connexes. The « Chromatiques whiteheadiennes » network intends to bring together research on the different aspects, nuances and implications of Alfred North Whitehead's (1861-1947) thought. Since 2002, the network has fostered in Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne research seminars on his organic philosophy. The Chromatikon yearbook publishes the main results of this work and also offer critical studies and reviews in Whiteheadian and related fields. The Chromatikon yearbooks are complementary to the works published in ontos' « Chromatiques whiteheadiennes » and« Process Thought » series.
In 1996 physicist Alan Sokal published an essay in Social Text--an influential academic journal of cultural studies--touting the deep similarities between quantum gravitational theory and postmodern philosophy. Soon thereafter, the essay was revealed as a brilliant parody, a catalog of nonsense written in the cutting-edge but impenetrable lingo of postmodern theorists. The event sparked a furious debate in academic circles and made the headlines of newspapers in the U.S. and abroad. In Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science, Sokal and his fellow physicist Jean Bricmont expand from where the hoax left off. In a delightfully witty and clear voice, the two thoughtfully and thoroughly dismantle the pseudo-scientific writings of some of the most fashionable French and American intellectuals. More generally, they challenge the widespread notion that scientific theories are mere "narrations" or social constructions.
Installation Theory: The Societal Construction and Regulation of Behaviour provides researchers and practitioners with a simple and powerful framework to analyse and change behaviour. Informed by a wide range of empirical evidence, it includes an accessible synthesis of former theories (ecological psychology, activity theory, situated action, distributed cognition, social constructionism, actor-network theory and social representations). 'Installations' are the familiar, socially constructed, apparatuses which elicit, enable, scaffold and control - and make predictable most of our 'normal' behaviour; from shower-cabins or airport check-ins to family dinners, classes or hospitals. The book describes their threefold structure with a new model enabling systematic and practical analysis of their components. It details the mechanisms of their construction, resilience and evolution, illustrated with dozens of examples, from restaurants to nuclear plant operation. The book also provides a detailed analysis of the processes of creation and selection of innovations, proposing a model for the maintenance and evolution of social systems.