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This book presents commentaries by a leading international group of peace education scholars and practitioners concerning Reardon’s peace education theory and intellectual legacy. The guiding question throughout the book is: How can her foundational work be used to advance the theory and practice of peace education? In an attempt to find answers, the contributing authors explore three general areas of inquiry: (1) Theoretical Foundations of Peace and Human Rights Education; (2) Feminism and the Gender Perspective as Pathways of Transformation Toward Peace and Justice; and (3) Peace Education Pedagogy and Practices. A contemplative commentary by Reardon herself rounds out the coverage
This book provides theoretical answers, applied methodological models, and didactic experiences that seek to reflect and analyze the potentialities and challenges of the active learning concept in STEAM disciplines and social sciences education. It also contributes to the understanding, intervention, and resolution of contemporary social problems and to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs that incorporate integrated active learning as one of its explanatory axes.
This open access book brings together theoretical, empirical, methodological, and practical insights from various countries on effective teaching. It particularly focuses on discussing issues pertaining to effective teaching behaviour including definitions and conceptualizations, measurement, differences, and importance to student outcomes from international perspectives. The book will draw upon the rich cultures with diverse contexts involving Asia, Australia, Africa, America, and Europe which serve as the background setting to better understand teaching quality from a wide spectrum of educational systems and performances. It shows that effective teaching behaviour can be conceptualized and operationalized uniformly using specific frameworks and measures, but also addresses some limitations that should be tackled. The book discusses promising ways to measure and compare effective teaching behaviour from classical test theory (CTT) as well as item response theory (IRT) perspectives. It indicates that effective teaching behaviour in diverse countries follows a systematic level of complexity, which provides an avenue for ongoing teacher education and teacher professional development. It discusses the interrelated domains of effective teaching behaviour including contemporary trends of differentiation. The book continues with examining similarities and differences in effective teaching behaviour across countries. It builds on the understanding of cultural traditions across countries as profoundly reflected in the classroom processes.
Podríamos convenir que en el cruce de la erudición, la ficción y la tertulia se vantejiendo las creencias y los supuestos a partir de los que cada cual forma su teoría educativa. Nos tememos que unas pueden tener más peso que otras: quizás las últimas, con su potencia mediática, sean más suculentas y de consumo rápido; seguramente las literarias tienen un alto poder explicativo y resultan siempre muy atractivas; sin duda, las eruditas suelen ser más aburridas y se alejan del gran público. En cualquier caso, lo que resulta notorio es que el bosquejo de la educación no es exclusivo de ninguna de estas aproximaciones teóricas: ni el sabio ni el artista ni el opinador amateur o profesional pueden atribuirse la exclusividad sobre la verdad en educación. Este libro debe leerse como una defensa corporativa de la pedagogía y está dedicado a sus practicantes, pedagogos y pedagogas –de ambos sexos, como exige la corrección política–, que se esfuerzan, también desde la buena fe, por intentar entender mejor la cosa educativa, quizás los más inofensivos, o por sugerir alivios para los males que la aquejan, los más atrevidos, fabricando las pócimas y los remedios más variados, no siempre del todo inocuos
Un pedagogo o educador es un conector; un mediador que ayuda y acompañaa las personas y comunidades en sus procesos de articulación de prácticasy realidades. La tarea del educador es la de acompañar y ayudar al otro a ser.Pero, siempre es el otro quien ha de ser; quien ha de elegir qu ién quiereser y qué quiere y puede hacer en el marco de sus particulares circunstancias.La elección no es sino una forma de acción que lleva la firma de l sujetoy, por eso mismo, siempre retorna al sujeto. Si la elección e s lo que másinequívocamente constituye a una persona concreta y las personas noshacemos en la vida, cualquier pedagogía, ya sea individual o social, es antesque nada una pedagogía de la elección y una pedagogía de la vida y para la vida.
Continuing its calling to define the field and where it is going, the Second Edition of this landmark handbook brings up to date its comprehensive reportage of scholarly developments and school curriculum initiatives worldwide, providing a panoramic view of the state of curriculum studies globally. Its international scope and currency and range of research and theory reflect and contribute significantly to the ongoing internationalization of curriculum studies and its growth as a field worldwide. Changes in the Second Edition: Five new or updated introductory chapters pose transnational challenges to key questions curriculum research addresses locally. Countries absent in the First Edition are represented: Chile, Colombia, Cypress, Ethiopia, Germany, Iran, Luxembourg, Nigeria, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, and Switzerland. 39 new or updated chapters on curriculum research in 34 countries highlight curriculum research that is not widely known in North America. This handbook is an indispensable resource for prospective and practicing teachers, for curriculum studies scholars, and for education students around the world.
By examining the centrality of Romantic authorship to both copyright and the music industry, the author highlights the mutual dependence of capitalism and Romanticism, which situates the individual as the key creative force while challenging the commodification of art and self. Marshall reveals how the desire for bootlegs is driven by the same ideals of authenticity employed by the legitimate industry in its copyright rhetoric and practice and demonstrates how bootlegs exist as an antagonistic but necessary component of an industry that does much to prevent them. This book will be of great interest to researchers and students in the sociology of culture, social theory, cultural studies and law.