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If we open our hearts to God, He is waiting and willing to walk with us through difficult times. He wants us to have an attitude of praise, as this will usher in His presence and strengthen our relationship with Him. It can be difficult, during tough times, to find an attitude of praise, but what if it was something you could find any day, in any circumstance? Through struggles and trials, cancer survivor Bobbi Jane Huerta has been able to find strength, hope, and peace by praying and meditating on Gods Word. Pearls of Grace is a collection of her inspirational poetry, penned during quiet moments spent seeking the Lord. To enlighten and educate, scripture is cited to accompany each poem. Bobbis hope and prayer is that readers will be inspired to delve deeper into Gods Word and discover His gift of grace along with a treasure more precious than pearls: true love for the Lord. It is possible to praise Gods light even in the darkest of times if we turn to His Word and His loving faithfulness. The question is, are you ready to accept peace and everlasting love?
Grace is what we needed when God sent His Son to be the One who provided grace for us. We were lost and now we’re found because someone died and rose again, because someone sent His Only Son, because He was the lamb who assured us there is a love far more alive than any love we’ve ever known—and there is grace far more merciful than any grace we’ve ever hoped for. Grace is what this little book is meant to reveal, inspire, and invite into the souls of those who know that God is the giver of this gift, pearls of grace. Pearls of Grace is a selection of devotionals on grace, the grace that makes a way through every sorrow, every pain. Grace with the sweetest face—His name is Jesus and He is the answer to every question, every doubt, every prayer. When He meets a heart in need, He blesses with grace that is more beautiful than we can conceive. This grace silences every fear, wipes away each tear, and lifts the veil so hearts can feel and know—this grace is real!
God's Word is filled with 'pearls' of discovery. He longs for His children to wear his power, His truth, His promises, His faithfulness and His unwavering acceptance close to their hearts and spirits. Weaving together a beautiful strand from scripture with simple and profound reminders of God's heart of love toward them, women will be reminded that they, too, are precious and unique in His eyes.
After experiencing the death of both parents, Margaret McSweeney recognized the importance of community like never before. Through these difficult times in life, she learned how God uses gritty circumstances to conform us to the stunning image of Christ. McSweeney also realized that she was not at all alone. It is for this reason that she decided to compile essays into an inspiring book: Pearl Girls: Encountering Grit Experiencing Grace. Through this collection, readers will be encouraged by the heartfelt writings that deal with loss and hardship in a real and honest way. Respected authors such as Shaunti Feldhahn, Melody Carlson, Debbie Macomber, Robin Jones Gunn and others help remind every woman that they are not alone and that no circumstance is beyond the grace of God. McSweeney uses the metaphor of a pearl in order to better describe the situations that ail us all. When an oyster takes in a piece of sand in order to create its coveted masterpiece, it is initially painful to the soft flesh of the creature. But after the pain, appears a clean, white symbol of simplicity, purity, and endurance that any woman would be proud to wear. McSweeney believes that each woman is a pearl and together, form a necklace of great worth. In this book, readers will discover community and encouragement: women are alone in neither their pain nor victories in life.
“. . . the Kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls.” 2 Corinthians 5:17b NIV My husband had passed away just 3 months earlier. The chaos and drama that usually follows had finally settled: the house was unusually quiet while my spirit remained stirred. I’d spent quite a bit of time in reflective prayer, unsure of what even to ask of God, but knowing He was somehow divinely connected to my unsettledness. Where were these random thoughts of writing coming from? Besides, what would I even say? Moreover, would anyone care enough to listen? It didn’t take long to receive confirmation. The instruction was just that, leaving no room for doubt or misunderstanding: I’m invited to write. Being as transparent as possible, I’m living proof God can use anybody to do His Kingdom work. You and I don’t have to wait until we feel equipped or we’ve got our act together in order to respond to God’s call. We simply need to be willing to take the first step. Here I am, starting year three, not necessarily an “accomplished” writer, but definitely a writer who has learned far more than she could ever put in print, ever share with others . . . a writer who realizes all God wants is her humble, amendable heart: He’ll step in and do the rest. Several heavenly pearls have dropped in my lap throughout this newfound journey: It’s God’s story; I’m not the main character. I’m simply invited to play a role in His story. Feelings are fickle; they come and go. Don’t trust them. Faith is only faith when action follows. Yet, it’s faith that empowers and perseveres. God calls me to “bigger-than-Kim” tasks so I get out of the way and He can say and do what He needs to say and do through me. This way, He gets full credit and all the glory. I cannot share what I don’t possess. My spiritual authenticity grows the quieter I’d become and the closer I draw near to God’s heart. I will never do life perfectly. I make mistakes but my response to my mistakes reflects my level of humility before God and others. When you and I allow God to step in and take over the reins of our life, He opens our eyes to both His presence and power working in, through, and around us. We realize we are walking along each day stepping on Pebbles of Grace with each stride. Only God can take it all, both the good and bad of one’s life, and interweave it into a beautiful tapestry, a tapestry of divine value, meaning, and purpose. May this collection of heavenly pearls drench your soul with a fresh awareness of just how passionately God loves you, how relentlessly He pursues you, and how through the acceptance of His son, Jesus Christ, how He affectionately offers you Pebbles of Grace.
Constance Courtland is rich. Beautiful. And haughty. But the town beauty’s life is about to take a drastic turn. After a terrible accident, her world is shattered, and she’s forced to take a look at what truly matters. Can she let go of old ways forever and embrace a bright tomorrow—with the help of a captivating yet startling stranger?
Lights that blink is an allusion to the Lighthouses which guide ships through the harbor channels to docking. The blinking lights from the shore’s Lighthouses as well as the lights from the buoys in the approach to the harbor alert the vessels to steer clear of the danger zones, the shallow waters, the submerged boulders, rocks and hidden reefs.
If there is one word which encompasses a common theme for my life, that word would be grace. Not man's restrained, conditional, and flawed grace, but God's un-restrained, un-conditional, undeserved, and flaw-less grace. In good times, God's grace covered me. In tough times, God's grace covered me. In my mistakes, God's grace covered me. Even in my shame, God's grace covered me. Scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:8, "God saved you by His grace when you believed. And, you cannot take credit for this; it is a gift from God." Accepting, and believing, that God's Word is sound and true, then I have just one question for you, "Why is it sometimes so difficult to extend the same measure of grace to the next woman, as you know that you have certainly received?" In accepting to walk in the purpose of my assignment, God is showing me that He is able to use my mess for His message-His message of the gift of His grace. If I am being transparent, I knew this task would be challenging. Challenging because I knew that self house cleaning would be inevitable. Now really, who really likes to clean? But, if we're being honest, who really needs to clean? But, who really needs to clean? As I began this process of self house cleaning, this one phrase kept ringing in my spirit, "God's glory, being revealed through you, will manifest as you practice what you preach." Those weren't just words for the moment, but those were words for a lifestyle. So, in my practice, I'm learning to stand exposed. I'm learning to be transparent. I'm learning to stand accountable in my truth. I'm learning to stand in integrity. No matter how it looks, feel, or even smell. May I share something with you? God's grace has not failed me yet. And, it never will! I am here to testify that never at any point in my life has God forgotten about me. And, guess what? I have a little secret to share with you, "God has not forgotten about you either." The same undeserved and flaw-less grace that God extends to me, is the same undeserved and flaw-less grace that He desires to extend to you as well. All He asks is that you believe in Him. Initially, it was not unveiled to me why it was that I had to expose the most vulnerable aspects of my life. However, as I continue to God-vigate my journey, God gives me, what I like to call 'snippets.' And, one of the little 'snippets' revealed to me, was that in order to make myself relatable to other women, I would actually have to be able to relate. Be relatable to the guilt that the next woman may have experienced. Be relatable to the insecurities that my fellow sister(s) may have struggled with. Be relatable to the embarrassment that may have plagued you; enough to make you want to run and hide. Or, being relatable to the shame that may have burdened you to the point where all you want to do is hang your head in disgust and disbelief. So, if that meant that I would have to go first, I am assured that God has equipped me for the journey. First to expose myself. First to stand accountable. First to be transparent. First to share the little pearls of wisdom that God's grace has allowed me to gather along the way. Little pearls of grace to walk, to stand still, to endure, to sustain, and to triumph. #TeamWelcomeToTheGraceChronicles
To respond to the many letters that Michael and Debi Pearl received after publishing their first book, To Train Up a Child, they started the No Greater Joy magazine. No Greater Joy Volume Two includes articles from the first two years of publication and covers the subjects of rowdy boys, homeschooling, grief, and much more.