Download Free Peace The Demand Of Christianity A Sermon On Luke Ii 14 Preached In The South Congregational Church Dec 28 1845 Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Peace The Demand Of Christianity A Sermon On Luke Ii 14 Preached In The South Congregational Church Dec 28 1845 and write the review.

In Peace on Earth Joseph Grassi emphasizes the practical means Jesus suggests to make peace a reality. He focuses on the roots of peace and justice found in the non-violent and compassionate life and teachings of Jesus. Grassi teaches that Luke's summary of Jesus' teaching in the "Sermon on the Plain" has a central place as a practical guide for believers to develop a life of peace and non-violence in imitation of Jesus as a non-violent Messiah. Luke's Jesus goes to the roots of true peace through the practice of non-violence, love, compassionate justice, true repentance, and forgiveness. External power and domination are renounced and replaced by inner power, humble service, and a priority for the needs of the poor and marginalized. Chapters are" 'Peace on Earth'-Luke's Subversive Christmas Story," "Jesus, Messiah of Peace and Non-Violence in the Passion Story," "John the Baptist: The Mission to 'Guide Our Feet in the Way of Peace, '" " 'Justice and Peace Shall Kiss One Another'-Luke's Gospel of Justice," "The Inner Sources of Peace: Forgiveness and Metanoia," "The Sermon on the Plain: Part I. Roots," "The Sermon on the Plain: Part II. Praxis,"" 'Love Your Enemies'-Responses to Violence from a Gospel of Peace," "The Sign of Jonah, the Comic Prophet of Metanoia," "Women of Peace and Courage," "An Upside Down World: Peace and the Priority of Little Ones," "Bread and Circuses versus Jesus' New World Food Language," "Jesus' Last Passover Supper and Testament for Continuity," "Jesus' Compassion for Animals: A First Step Toward a Non-Violent World," and "Spiritual Combat for Peace: The Power of the Holy Spirit and Prayer."