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La nutrición es de particular importancia a lo largo de la vida del ser humano ya que determina su salud, desempeño físico y mental, y productividad. La mala nutrición tiene causas complejas que involucran determinantes biológicos, socioeconómicos y culturales. En los niños, la desnutrición es el resultado del mal estado de salud con una ingesta alimentaria inadecuada. Estos factores se originan debido a la carencia de alimentos nutritivos, servicios de salud deficientes, saneamiento ambiental inadecuado y prácticas inapropiadas de cuidado en el hogar (UNICEF). Si se consideran a los primeros dos años de vida como una ventana de oportunidad para el desarrollo y crecimiento del niño, es importante conocer qué determinan las pautas de alimentación, cuáles son las recomendadas. Dicho conocimiento logrará un impacto importante en la nutrición del niño. En el presente trabajo se seguirá el enfoque económico de la función de producción del hogar donde la salud es el resultado de las decisiones del hogar sobre el uso de insumos como el tiempo, bienes y servicios adquiridos en el mercado, y la demanda de estos insumos está determinada por variables socioeconómicas, biológicas y sociodemográficas. A través de este enfoque se estimará una función de producción de salud infantil utilizando el puntaje-z de estatura por edad como indicador del estado de salud, tomando en cuenta los problemas de endogeneidad en los modelos econométricos, debido a la heterogeneidad no observada. Los modelos utilizados se basan en el trabajo de Rosenzweig y Schultz (1983) bajo el enfoque tradicional de la función de producción del hogar y en el de Akin y col. (1985) para un enfoque multivariado. El trabajo de investigación está organizado de la siguiente manera. En la sección 2 se hace una revisión de la literatura relevante sobre las pautas de alimentación y la función de producción de salud. En la sección 3 se discute el modelo económico que se utilizará en el análisis de los determinantes de las.
To comprehensively address the complexities of current socio-ecological problems involved in global environmental change, it is indispiseble to achieve an integration of ecological understanding and ethical values. Contemporary science proposes an inclusive ecosystem concept that recognizes humans as components. Contemporary environmental ethics includes eco-social justice and the realization that as important as biodiversity is cultural diversity, inter-cultural, inter-institutional, and international collaboration requiring a novel approach known as biocultural conservation. Right action in confronting the challenges of the 21st century requires science and ethics to be seamlessly integrated. This book resulted from the 14th Cary Conference that brought together leading scholars and practitioners in ecology and environmental philosophy to discuss core terminologies, methods, questions, and practical frameworks for long-term socio-ecological research, education, and decision making.
This report from the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS) in collaboration with WHO covers the activities and outputs of the CIOMS/WHO Working Group on Vaccine Pharmacovigilance (2005-2010). This working group brought together experts from both industrialized and emerging countries representing regulatory agencies, vaccine industry, national and international public health bodies including WHO and CIOMS, academia and clinical care, contributing from their different perspectives. The report covers general terms and definitions for vaccine safety and discusses the application of such harmonized tools in vaccine safety surveillance and studies. As well, the report highlights case definitions for adverse events typically reported for vaccines. The report is addressed to those engaged in vaccine safety data collection and evaluation, and will also make a useful reading for others who want to familiarize themselves with vaccine safety terminology.
The chemistry, biological role and analysis of nutrients in food; Chemistry and biological role of macronutrients; Chemistry and biological role of micronutrients; Analysis of nutrients in food; Recommended intake of nutrients and interpretation of nutritional data; Food composition tables; Reference works for further reading; Methods for the analysis of nutrients in food; General sample preparation; Moisture and total solids; Proteins and nitrogenous compounds; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Ash, elements and inorganic constituents; Fat-soluble vitamins; Water-soluble vitamins; Calculation of calorific value.
Provides a complete and up-to-date introduction to the technique, taking account of developments in instrumentation for remote and non-invasive measurements and significant advances in calibration and mathematics. The clear explanation of practical and theoretical aspects of the techniques and mathematical treatments available will be essential reading for those working in the food industry and for anyone approaching NIR for the first time.
The vertebrate eye has been, and continues to be, an object of interest and of inquiry for biologists, physicists, chemists, psychologists, and others. Quite apart from its important role in the development of ophthalmology and related medical disciplines, the vertebrate eye is an exemplar of the ingenuity of living systems in adapting to the diverse and changing environments in which vertebrates have evolved. The wonder is not so much that the visual system, like other body systems, has been able to adapt in this way, but rather that these adaptations have taken such a variety of forms. In a previous volume in this series (VII/I) Eakin expressed admiration for the diversity of invertebrate photoreceptors. A comparable situation exists for the vertebrate eye as a whole and one object of this volume is to present to the reader the nature of this diversity. One result of this diversification of ocular structures and properties is that the experimental biologist has available a number of systems for study that are unique or especially favorable for the investigation of particular questions in visual science or neurobiology. This volume includes some examples of progress made by the use of such specially selected vertebrate systems. It is our hope that this comparative approach will continue to reveal new and useful preparations for the examination of important questions.
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