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The Paulist Biblical Commentary (PBC) is a one-volume commentary on the books of the Bible designed for a wide variety of Bible readers, especially those engaged in pastoral ministry. The volume consists of a commentary on each of the seventy-three books of the Catholic canon of the Bible along with twelve general articles. While based on classical approaches to Scripture, the commentaries and articles are not limited to historical-literary issues, but draw upon relevant theological and pastoral ideas found in the text. The Paulist Biblical Commentary presents: · Solid exegesis of the biblical text. · A useful tool for preaching and spiritual nourishment. · An essential aid to deepen the understanding of Scripture. · Current biblical research that is relevant to pastoral or spiritual ministry. The Commentary brings together the collaboration of more than seventy international biblical scholars, each with expertise in their area of study drawn from their experience and interest in pastoral or spiritual ministry.
You love God. You long to know Him more intimately, to see Him face to face. Now is the time to dig deeper into the Scriptures, to see the Bible come alive for you: chapter by chapter, sentence by sentence, word by word. Written by forty-eight leading Bible scholars, this powerful handbook walks you through the entire text of the Old and New Testaments (primarily in the KJV). From the majestic Genesis account of all the Creator brought into being to Christ's words at the end of Revelation ('Yea, I come quickly...'), you'll find insights to help you wrap your heart and mind around God's Word in the pages of The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. INCLUDES BONUS MATERIAL: Commentary on Romans from The Moody Bible Commentary. Michael Vanlaningham, professor of New Testament at Moody Bible Institute, introduces Romans and then takes you through it verse-by-verse. Known as Paul's most thorough treatment on Christian doctrine, Romans explores sin, faith, and God's redemptive purposes for the world in Jesus. Familiarity with this famous letter is indispensable for growth and maturity in your Christian faith.
Incorporates up-to-date exegesis on the Gospel of Matthew, accompanied by the author’s experiences in South Asia, where many cultural practices are similar to those of biblical times.
An entirely new and comprehensive commentary by canon lawyers from North America and Europe, with a revised English translation of the code. Reflects the enormous developments in canon law since the publication of the original commentary. +
The Jerome Biblical Commentary has, since 1968, been essential reading for all Catholics who wish to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the Bible. It is a landmark of Catholic biblical scholarship, the first port of call for priests, preachers, students and scholars, and all those lay people who like to keep a one-volume Biblical commentary in their home to enlighten their reading of the scriptures. In this new fully revised edition, the publication of which has been welcomed by Pope Francis (who has also written the foreword), the entire content of the commentary has been revised to bring it up-to-date with the very latest scholarship, featuring the leading international Catholic scholars of our day. Whilst based on the historical critical method of Biblical study, the contributors draw in a range of more contemporary approaches to the biblical texts. The pool of contributors has also been broadened outside north America and Western Europe to include a more diverse range of perspectives, ensuring that the Jerome speaks more comprehensively to a global Church. The 'General Articles' section has been revised to include articles on new approaches to the study of the bible and on the interpretation of the bible in diverse pastoral contexts. This magnificent third edition will be essential reading for all those who possess existing editions of The Jerome; but it will also find a new generation of readers, eager to engage the scriptures within the tradition and teaching of the Church.
In the face of suffering, agony, and the brutal realities of life; in the midst of divine silence and human pain, the Lamentations poems speak of faith and trust in God. This sophisticated yet accessible commentary makes the message of Lamentations come alive. All who preach and teach will benefit from this rich resource. Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching is a distinctive resource for those who interpret the Bible in the church. Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.
This first-ever translation into English of this early work by St. Jerome includes a commentary by the Thistranslators that not only elucidates the difficulties but also presents an original view of Jerome¿s approach to the theological issues raised by this challenging book of the Bible.
Explores the geography of the gospel narratives and the Acts of the Apostles and reveals the deeper meaning that this often overlooked dimension gives the biblical texts.
The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul, discerning the thoughts of the heart. So proclaims te Epistle to the Hebrews. Yet for many persons the biblical Word of God is less a sharp sword than a crutch, supporting rather than piercing them. Interpreted as they have "always" heard it, scripture tells them exactly what they want to hear. Modern critical investigation of the Bible can change that radically, for now Christians and the churches are being told that the biblical authors did not always mean what they were thought to have meant when read through the spectacles of later interests. Because of its approach, some Protestants and Catholics believe the new biblical criticism is impious. Raymond Brown, a Catholic priest who is Auburn Professor of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, argues strongly to the contrary. Critically interpreted, the Bible is all the more critical to Christians and the Church. The challenge of the scriptures is unleashed, "piercing to the division of soul, discerning the thoughts of the heart." - Back cover.
A detailed study of the form and message of the Bible as a whole, along with carefully documented information on how, when, and why its diverse components were assembled.