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This collection of writings by Paul Samuelson illustrates the depth and breadth of his contribution to the history of economics.
A significant part of economics as we know it today is the outcome of battles that took place in the post-war years between Keynesians and monetarists. In the US, the focus of these battles was often between the neo-Keynesians at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Chicago monetarists. The undisputed leader of the MIT Keynesians was Paul A. Samuelson, one of the most influential economists of the 20th century and arguably of all time. Samuelson’s output covered a vast number of subjects within economics, the quality of theseoften pioneering contributions unmatched in the modern era. The volume focuses both on how Samuelson’s work has been developed by others and on how that work fits into subsequent developments in the various fields of speciality within which Samuelson operated.
Paul Samuelson was at the heart of a revolution in economics. He was "the foremost academic economist of the 20th century," according to the New York Times, and the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. His work transformed the field of economics and helped give it the theoretical and mathematic rigor that increased its influence in business and policy making. In Founder of Modern Economics, Roger E. Backhouse explores the central importance of Samuelson's personality and social networks to understanding his intellectual development. This is the first of two volumes covering Samuelson's extended and productive life and career. This volume surveys Samuelson's early years growing up in the Midwest to his experiences at the University of Chicago and Harvard University, where leading scholars in economics and other disciplines stimulated and rewarded his curiosity. His thinking was influenced by the natural sciences and he understood that a critical, scientific approach increased insights into important social and economic questions. He realized that these questions could not be answered through rhetorical debate but required rigor. His "eureka" moment came, he said, when "a good fairy whispered to me that math was a skeleton key to solve age old problems in economics." Backhouse traces Samuelson's thinking from his early days to the publication of his groundbreaking book Foundations of Economic Analysis and Economics: An Introductory Analysis, which influenced generations of students. His work set the stage for economics to become a more cohesive and coherent discipline, based on mathematical techniques that provided surprising insights into many important topics, from business cycles to wage and unemployment rates, and from how competition influences trade to how tax rates affects tax collection. Founder of Modern Economics is a profound contribution to understanding how modern economics developed and the thinking of a revolutionary thinker.
This is not a festschrift, but a study of the prodigious Samuelson phe nomenon, his history-making contributions to and impact on the econom ics of our age, and the intricate, often perplexing, and divergent trends in modern economics - all intensely controversial subjects that will be argued, scrutinized, and periodically reassessed by economists of various strands and traditions for years to come, for, as Samuelson wrote of Pigou, "immortality does have its price. " A scholar with such an out standing body of contributions "must expect other men to swarm about it" (1966, p. 1233), subject it to scholarly scrutiny, and challenge it. Although Paul Samuelson was 65 on May 15, 1980 (and our best wishes go out to him for long life and continued enrichment of economics), this is neither a birthday party nor a gathering of only the Good Fairies, for, as he himself has said of Marx, "a great scholar deserves the compliment of being judged seriously" and critically (1972, p. 268). In accordance with the rule of Roman law, audiatur et altera pars, I have invited representative scholars of widely divergent perceptions to offer their critical evaluation of the "age of Samuelson. " While the response was by and large gratifying, some scholars were unable to meet the deadline, ix x PREFACE and with much compunction I have had to expand my own essays to partly fill the gaps.
"This book captures much of the spirit of Paul A. Samuelson. Those who know Samuelson, one of the great economists of the twentieth century, only through his writings may have already sensed his wit, his intellect, his brilliance. This book brings these into focus, through details of his personal history and a wealth of anecdotes from colleagues and students." - Joseph E. Stiglitz (Foreword) "Probably more than anyone else in the twentieth century, he transformed the way economists think and write." - Avinash Dixit "Samuelson set a standard in teaching and citizenship.that few if any will ever match." - Kenneth Rogoff "To know Paul Samuelson is to be engaged in a life-long intellectual conversation with the most important economist of our times." - Richard Zeckhauser About Paul Samuelson: Paul Anthony Samuelson is Institute Professor, Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Born in the American midwest in the first half of the twentieth century, he was a provocative student of Jacob Viner and was later wooed from Harvard to MIT. He developed original methodology and instigated controversies in his profession. Samuelson is the author of the best-selling economics textbook of all time, for which he never received an author's advance payment. He is legendary for his expansive, penetrating, undogmatic thinking and generosity of spirit-to students and colleagues alike. He has contributed to national economic policies and business trends and was the winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics. Paul Samuelson: On Being an Economist is a concise profile of this original thinker whose forceful, profound, skeptical and expansive intellect drove one of the fundamental transformations of twentieth-century economic theory. About the Authors: Michael Szenberg, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Economics and Chair, Finance and Economics Department, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, is editor-in-chief of The American Economist. His books include New Frontiers in Economics, coedited with Lall Ramrattan, with a Foreword by Paul A. Samuelson (Cambridge University Press, 2004). Aron A. Gottesman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Finance and Economics Department, Lubin School of Business, Pace University, is coauthor of Insurance Logic, Second Edition (Captus Press, 2005). Lall Ramrattan, Ph.D. teaches Economics at the University of California, Berkeley. His books include Reflections of Eminent Economists, coedited with Michael Szenberg (Elgar Publishing Co., 2004).
Contains chapter overview and outline, learning objectives, key concept review, helpful hints, multiple choice questions and problem solving questions
"It is a measure of Professor Samuelson's preeminence that the sheer scale of his work should be so much taken for granted," observes a reviewer in the Economist who goes on to note that "a cynic might add that it would have been better for Professor Samuelson to write less merely to give others a chance to write at all." These volumes contain virtually all of Professor Paul A. Samuelson's contributions to economic theory through mid-1964 - a total of 129 papers. Included are his classic articles on such topics as revealed preference, factor-price equalization, and public goods; as well as some articles which until now have only been privately circulated or "buried" in Festschriften, such as "Market Mechanisms and Maximization" and "The Structure of a Minimum Equilibrium System." The articles have been grouped together into five books, compiled in two volumes. The books, in turn have been divided into sections, each of which contains articles on the same or closely related topics. Within the sections the articles are arranged chronologically. The graduate student and professional economist will welcome The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson as a valuable addition to their libraries.
Who is Paul Samuelson Paul Anthony Samuelson was an American economist who was the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. When awarding the prize in 1970, the Swedish Royal Academies stated that he "has done more than any other contemporary economist to raise the level of scientific analysis in economic theory". Economic historian Randall E. Parker has called him the "Father of Modern Economics", and The New York Times considers him to be the "foremost academic economist of the 20th century." How you will benefit (I) Insights about the following: Chapter 1: Paul Samuelson Chapter 2: James Tobin Chapter 3: Macroeconomics Chapter 4: Neoclassical economics Chapter 5: Robert Solow Chapter 6: Lawrence Klein Chapter 7: Robert Barro Chapter 8: Edmund Phelps Chapter 9: Heterodox economics Chapter 10: Kenneth Binmore Chapter 11: William Nordhaus Chapter 12: Mainstream economics Chapter 13: Evsey Domar Chapter 14: Economics (textbook) Chapter 15: Foundations of Economic Analysis Chapter 16: Neoclassical synthesis Chapter 17: Lorie Tarshis Chapter 18: Keynesian Revolution Chapter 19: History of macroeconomic thought Chapter 20: Bowley's law Chapter 21: Cambridge capital controversy Who this book is for Professionals, undergraduate and graduate students, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and those who want to go beyond basic knowledge or information about Paul Samuelson.