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This publication contains the proceedings of a seminar held in Ghent, Belgium on October 11th-13th 1977, under the auspices of the Commission of the European Communities, as part of the EEC programme of co-ordination of research on beef production. The seminar was initiated by the scientific working group on 'Carcass and Meat Quality' and attracted the interest of the working groups on 'Genetics and Selection' and on 'Nutrition and Management'. Consequently it developed into a multi-disciplinary programme, organised under the responsibility of the working group on Carcass and Meat Quality. This group comprised Ir. H. de Boer (Chairman), Netherlands; Prof. R. Boccard, France; Dr D.E. Hood, Ireland; Dr R.W. Pomeroy, UK; Dr A. Romita, Italy; Professor Dr L. Sch~n, Fed. Rep. of Germany; Mr P. L'Hermite, CEC; and Dr J.C. Tayler, UK (adviser to the CEC). In view of the broad scope of the subject, a special plan ning meeting was organised, experts from the different disciplines involved. The additional participants were: Dr B. Bech Andersen, Denmarkj Dr A.J.H. van Es, Netherlands; Prof. Dr J. Martin, Belgium; Dr. St.C.S. Taylor, UK. The multidisciplinary scope of this ~eminar follows a series of seminars in 1975-76 on more specific aspects of beef production research in the individual fields involved. It seems logical that further seminars should integrate the approaches by different disciplin~s in order to achieve a balanced programme of research on the very complex topic of beef production.
The 1984 International Stockmen's School Handbooks include more than 200 technical papers presented at this year's Stockmen's School, sponsored by Winrock International. The authors of these papers are outstanding animal scientists, agribusiness leaders, and livestock producers who are expert in animal technology, animal management, and gene
Approximately five years have elapsed since the Conference on "Tick-borne Diseases and their Vectors" (Wilde, 1978, University of Edinburgh) was held at the Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine in Edinburgh. Theileriosis was one of the main topics at that Conference and some 20 scientific presentations were given. Also in the same year a Workshop on "Theileriosis" was held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre in Nairobi (Henson & Campbell, 1977, IDRC, Ottawa). Both of these meetings provided a valuable up dating of theilerial diseases, and the Proceedings have been a constant source of reference for scientists in the ensuing years. The meetings played a significant role in setting the scene for a number of important advances which have been made since then. In February of this year, attention was focused on these advances when nearly 200 scientists from over 30 countries were assembled at the International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases in Nairobi for the international conference on "Advances in the Control of Theileriosis". The interest and concern shown in this subject has now grown to the extent that more than 70 scientific presentations were given over the course of a very busy week. An important facet of the Conference was the attention given to the control of Theileriosis, since this must be the ultimate aim of all those involved with the disease. Control will be difficult.
This publication contains the proceedings of a seminar held in Germany (Fed. Rep.) on May 4 -6, 1977, under the auspices of the Commission of the European Communities, as part of the EEC programme of co ordination of research on beef production. The programme was drawn up by a combined scientific working group on Genetics and Selection and on Nutrition and Management on behalf of the Beef Production Committee. The working group consisted of Professor Dr. Neimann S~rensen (Denmark, Chairman), Dr. Brolund Larsen (Denmark), Mr. Boccard (France), Dr. H. de Boer (Netherlands), Priv.-Doz. Dr. B. Hoffmann (Germany, Fed. Rep.), Professor Dr. H.J. Langholz (Germany, Fed. Rep.), Dr. J.W.B. King (UK), Mr. R. Jarrige (France), Mr. B. Vissac (France), Professor Dr. A. Romita (Italy), Professor Dr. E.P. Cunningham (Ireland), Mr. P. L'Hermite (CEC) and Dr. J.C. Tayler (Scientific Adviser to CEC). The subject chosen for this seminar was drawn from the list of priorities in research objectives drawn up in 1973 by members of a committee (now the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research, (~PRA). One of the functions of this series of seminars was to summarise and update the information available on the selected subjects and to discuss future needs for research, so as to assist the Commission in evaluating the probable impact of research on agri cultural production within the Community.
Aujeszky's disease (AD) is increasing in Europe and it has become a serious problem in some of the countries of the European Communities (EC). The control and eradication of the disease is very difficult since AD virus (ADV) evokes a persistant latent infection in its main host, the pig. Such latent infection can also occur when vaccinated pigs are exposed to the virus. In view of this, the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) thought it necessary to have a survey on the current state of knowledge on AD and ADV. Therefore, a seminar was organised by the Federal Research Institute for Animal Virus Diseases in Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany, and held there on June 9 and 10, 1981. The seminar was a part of the 'Animal Pathology Programme' of the CEC. The seminar was attended by 44 participants from the countries of the EC, and 29 papers were presented which covered a wide field of research on AD: properties of the virus, diagnostic procedures, immunity and pathogenesis, vaccination, latent infection, epidemiology, control and eradication. Scientists from differ ent institutes in the EC who have been working on AD thus had the oppor tunity to exchange their knowledge as well as to give and receive impetus for further scientific work. Furthermore, many details were given which are of interest for the veterinary authorities with regard to control and eradication of AD.
The welfare of domestic poultry. particularly those kept under intensive housing conditions is a subject ~n which many. often divergent and conflicting views. are held. This divergence, may be the result either of insufficient knowledge of the facts of particular poultry husbandry systems or a differing interpretation of those facts. With regard to poultry and the laying hen in particular. there is a need to gather together a basic knowledge of avian behaviour in all the circumstances and systems of husbandry under which birds are presently being kept. That knowledge should lead to the development of interpretative and hopefully predictive theories which in turn will allow us to meet the recommendations of Article 3 of the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes: 'that animals shall be housed, provided with food. water and care in a manner which - having regard to their species and to their degree of development. adaptation and domestication - is appropriate to their physiological and ethological needs in accordance with established experience and scientific knowledge'. In furtherance of those objectives a small group of specialists in poultry physiology and ethology. both from within and outside the European Community met by invitation of the Commission in Luxembourg between 11 and 13 March 1980. Their objective was to discuss what is already known. and can be agreed on. of the normal physiology and ethological range of the laying hen.