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God’s code of conduct is as relevant and insistent today as it’s always been. The landscape of contemporary society reveals that we neither know nor care much about the Law of God. There is: A general lawlessness in the lives of professing Christians. An absence of the fear of God in public worship and private living. A growing confidence in ourselves and doubt concerning God and His Word. Amidst this moral crisis, the message of the Ten Commandments can give us order, direction, and hope. With dynamic implications for how each of us lives every day, Pathway to Freedom will challenge you to think long and hard about the significance of God’s Law. “We have entered into a time of moral crisis in our culture and in the church as well. Stories about divorce, adultery, and the individualized picking and choosing of doctrines abound. Pathway to Freedom is forthright and necessary teaching that today’s church cannot afford to ignore. How now shall we live? The beginning of the answer must be in obedience to God’s moral law summarized in the Ten Commandments.” —CHARLES COLSON, PRISON FELLOWSHIP MINISTRIES, WASHINGTON, D.C.
"Many developing countries have launched transitions from authoritarianism to democracy over the past twenty-five years. While some have succeeded in building relatively strong democracies with shared prosperity, others have stumbled. As a wave of change continues to unfold across the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, the policy-relevant insights that can be gleaned from recent transitions are more salient than ever. Through case studies on Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, and Ukraine, Pathways to freedom explores the structural factors and policy choices that shaped eight important transitions--some successful, others less so. The case studies focus on six themes: socioeconomic inclusion and exclusion, economic structure and policies, civil society and media, legal system and rule of law, government structure, and education and demography. Additional chapters examine these themes in light of the quantitative evidence on democratization and highlight concrete policy recommendations from across the case studies. With concise historical analysis and forward-looking prescriptions, Pathways to freedom offers an authoritative and accessible look at what countries must do to build durable and prosperous democracies--and what the United States and others can do to help"--Back cover.
A workbook for sex offenders incorporating the latest developments in relapse prevention training. It features the four-path R-P model and invites offenders, in an easy-to-read style, to examine their own approach to offending, addressing the high risk factors that trigger and maintain that approach. This book looks beyond the cognitive and behavioral linchpins of offending to the powerful emotional needs that energize deviant sex. The authors believe that only by learning to meet these needs in healthy ways can offenders attain the positive reinforcements that lead to maintaining important lifestyle changes. Newly-added sections address the role of polygraphy in sex offender treatment and the role of the Internet in sexual compulsivity.
Throughout life, we're invited to go through various levels of transformation, but many of us decide not to answer the calls. Instead, we stay in our comfy boxes where everything makes sense. In doing so, we thwart and limit our world of possibilities, and don't get a chance to move beyond our caterpillar like shells and turn into the beatiful butterfly that we are meant to be. In Path to Freedom, Nader Vasseghi reflects on his own journey of transformation and distills a practical set of insights and guideposts to help readers discover and connect to their purpose, access and bring out fullness of their creativity, and lead a life of joy, impact and abundance. The path to freedom starts with opening to and recognizing our own true self, finding our way of being and feeling at home with it, and honoring and living in alignment with our heart's deepest desires.
Praise for Healing: The Path to Freedom: "What Michael has apparently discovered and teaches is that how we interact with life, moment by moment, particularly our feeling experience, is visibly at the core of everything. From the broken things to the extraordinary things, it is nowhere else but the place that no one thinks to look--literally in ourselves. The remarkable, almost unique aspect of Michael's work is that everything he does and teaches points you back to the truth of your own tangible experience. If you want to entertain the possibility of real change, this can be an excellent place to do it. If you seek to preserve your status quo, well, this may not be the place. The work is not easy, though it is simple and clear. It's also not necessarily a quick fix, though some experience rapid results. Expect change and be prepared to see that life is not (only) what you thought it was. In today's increasingly small world, sticking one's head in the sand is becoming a less and less viable option as hiding places become hard to find. Michael's work is all about strongly engaging life and finding the only reliable refuge: your true self." -- Marc Glassgold
An inspiring guide to getting off the road to more debt and financial insecurity and on the road to wealth and financial freedom You can take charge of your financial future. You can reduce your debt, increase your net worth and enjoy a life of prosperity. You can stop struggling, doing things the way you've always have, and embark on a new pathway to wealth. So what's stopping you? According to bestselling motivational author and wealth building advisor, Pat Mesiti, it's all about identifying what's wrong with the way you think and feel about money and the path they've put you on. And it's about creating a new, more prosperous path for yourself. Provides you with the tools you need to create your own roadmap to greater wealth and financial security Gives you priceless insights into your wealth-defeating mindset and how to stop repeating the same mistakes and start building wealth by design—not by chance Offers proven prescriptions for digging your way out of the debt-heavy financial rut you're in so you can start building wealth right away Features numerous inspiring case studies of Mesiti clients and mentees who found financial freedom following his "shift your mind, touch your heart" approach to wealth
Channeled Transmissions from Yeshua offering evolved, authentic, and original wisdom for the deepest realization of truth, love, and peace through balance, liberation, and transcendence from the burdens that anchor us to suffering and fear. As a child, Carissa Schumacher was told by an angelic presence that she would be a channel for Yeshua of Nazareth. She did not know what that meant at the time nor the impact it would eventually have on her life and countless others. After devoting much of her life to service as an intuitive guide and spirit medium, in late 2019, Yeshua's Divine Presence suddenly came through her channel for the first time. Over the next months, Yeshua shared his timely, universal, and revelatory messages. The Freedom Transmissions is the result. This singular book offers a pathway to peace by following the Four Elements of Balance: Simplicity, Stability, Surrender, and Stillness. When we embody these four energies, we create and attract the most abundance, nourishment, joy, and flow to our lives. The Freedom Transmissions unburdens us from unnecessary suffering, strengthens our faith and sense of wholeness, and restores balance and peace, reminding us that we are One with the Divine. The joy of these Transmissions is that they are for all people and not just some people on the basis of beliefs or dogma. Yeshua welcomes in all people who come in humility and a genuine desire to find and know self as One with God. This essential text encourages us to choose Faith over Fear, Forgiveness over Blame, Freedom over Suppression, and ushers us from the era of division and polarity to an era of co-creation, transparency, compassion, and equality.
"Deep Meditation is an easy-to-follow instruction book enabling you to systematically unfold inner peace, creativity, and energy in your daily life. Whether you are seeking an effective tool for reducing stress, improving your relationships, achieving more success in your career, or for revealing the ultimate truth of life within yourself, Deep Meditation can be a vital resource for cultivating your personal freedom and enlightenment."--
Path of Freedom is a mindfulness-based emotional intelligence (MBEI) curriculum originally developed for prisoners. In this book, anyone will find powerful tools for discovering and freeing yourself from the internal prison of mental conditioning, habitual emotional reactions, and impulsive behaviors. You can use these tools to find the freedom to make new choices and create a new life-a life of courage, self-respect and possibility. Discovering peace within is the starting point for becoming a peacemaker, and our world sorely needs more peacemakers. It's up to you. This book is all about choice and the power of choosing. Prison Mindfulness Institute's Path of Freedom (PoF) program teaches self-transformation and personal development.
This is a daily devotional for the first 4 weeks after someone becomes a follower of Christ! It is interactive, and designed to be used with a group, so at the end of each week the small group leader has discussion questions (included) to lead the group through the week's content and apply to their lives.