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Second volume of a compilation of Ch'ogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's Vajradhatu Seminary teachings in three volumes.
I was born in 1920 in a little country village in the former Belgian Congo. I was eight years old at the time the day the first white man visited our isolated village. He was a Catholic missionary. It was through him and many other priests, catechists, and teachers that I came to know deeply Jesus Christ, who has shown me the path of true liberation. My people live in a situation of extreme underdevelopment, wretchedness, and exploitation. My experience as a Christian and a pastor has taught me that our pastoral and evangelizing work should offer persons a total development, rooted in the Good News of Jesus Christ. One is not possible without the other. This is what I have tried to explain in Paths of Liberation. Of course, too, the path Jesus assigns us for the liberation of society from the evils that afflict it is not the shortest of paths. It is not enough to make surface changes, and the path leads through the heart of the human person, which Jesus wishes to change. And the human heart is not to be changed in a day. But this longer path is also the most effective and the most realistic, for only thus do we attack the evil in its roots. Have we not found that at the core of all problems is always sin? It is precisely from this sin in the human heart that Jesus liberates us by guiding us on the path of continual conversion and uncalculating love.
Chögyam Trungpa’s in-depth exploration of the Four Noble Truths—the foundational Buddhist teaching about the origin of suffering and its cessation—emphasizes their profound relevance not just as an inspiration when we set out on the path, but at every other moment of our lives as well, showing how we can join view (intellectual understanding) of the teaching with practical application in order to interrupt suffering before it arises.
We are moving into a world where a power elite allocates jobs: where commodities buy consumers: where socialist as well as capitalist dogma is an obstacle to comprehension.In this book, Andre Gorz returns to Marx's Grundrisse and the prophecy of early nineteenth century socialists and rediscovers a vision of post-capitalist society founded on the automation of work and the transcending of the exchange economy. He argues that we have reached the precise stage where these utopian insights become a reality. If the socialist movement is to have something to say to a generation whose identity is no longer shaped at work, it must grasp these insights.
In this remarkable book, Salvadore Poe guides you step by step to awakening. There are numerous books that talk about spiritual awakening and enlightenment. And while reading any of them, you may be inspired, and you may be impressed with the wisdom of the author, but you don't awaken. You just add more concepts and beliefs to your mind about what enlightenment is, and this keeps you seeking for answers and resolution. Liberation IS, The End of the Spiritual Path is different. It is intended as a final push for those who are ready to be finished seeking. Through inquiries and experiments, you are guided to recognize your free essential being, and what is revealed in that recognition is that you are whole and complete, lacking nothing, exactly as you are now. When this is clearly seen and becomes doubtless, seeking ends naturally, by itself.
Due to the diversity in Buddhism, its essence remains a puzzle. This book investigates the Buddhist path to liberation from a practical and critical perspective by searching for patterns found in the Pāli Nikāyas and the Chinese Āgamas. The early discourses depict the Buddhist path as a network of routes leading to the same goal: liberation from suffering. This book summarizes various teachings in three aspects, provides a template theory for systematically presenting the formulas of the sequential training of the path, and analyses the differences and similarities among diverse descriptions of the path in the early Buddhist texts. By offering a comprehensive map of the Buddhist path, this book will appeal to scholars and students of Buddhist studies as well as those practitioners with a serious interest in the Buddhist path.
Treasures of the Sakya Lineage is a rich collection of teachings by both contemporary and ancient Sakya masters, showing a thousand years of lineage continuity. It provides an overview of the history, view, key lineage figures, and crucial teachings of the oldest continuously operating institution among the four lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya School has long been known for its balanced approach to study and practice. The writings of Sakya scholars have been deeply influential in every school of Tibetan Buddhism and they continue to be now. A great resource for students and practitioners of all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, this volume contains teachings from great Sakya scholars and meditation masters, including: H. H. Sakya Trizin, Khenpo Appey, Sakya Pandita, Jetsun Dragpa Gyaltsen, Chogye Trinchen, Choegyal Phagpa, Migmar Tseten