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Now in its third edition the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology serves as the key to a common understanding in the extremely interdisciplinary community of astrobiologists. Each new or experienced researcher and graduate student in adjacent fields of astrobiology will appreciate this reference work in the quest to understand the big picture. The carefully selected group of active researchers contributing to this work are aiming to give a comprehensive international perspective on and to accelerate the interdisciplinary advance of astrobiology. The interdisciplinary field of astrobiology constitutes a joint arena where provocative discoveries are coalescing concerning, e.g. the prevalence of exoplanets, the diversity and hardiness of life, and its chances for emergence. Biologists, astrophysicists, (bio)-chemists, geoscientists and space scientists share this exciting mission of revealing the origin and commonality of life in the Universe. With its overview articles and its definitions the Encyclopedia of Astrobiology not only provides a common language and understanding for the members of the different disciplines but also serves for educating a new generation of young astrobiologists who are no longer separated by the jargon of individual scientific disciplines. This new edition offers ~170 new entries. More than half of the existing entries were updated, expanded or supplemented with figures supporting the understanding of the text. Especially in the fields of astrochemistry and terrestrial extremophiles but also in exoplanets and space sciences in general there is a huge body of new results that have been taken into account in this new edition. Because the entries in the Encyclopedia are in alphabetical order without regard for scientific field, this edition includes a section “Astrobiology by Discipline” which lists the entries by scientific field and subfield. This should be particularly helpful to those enquiring about astrobiology, as it illustrates the broad and detailed nature of the field.
Since 1985, scientists have been documenting a hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico each year. The hypoxic zone, an area of low dissolved oxygen that cannot s- port marine life, generally manifests itself in the spring. Since marine species either die or ee the hypoxic zone, the spread of hypoxia reduces the available habitat for marine species, which are important for the ecosystem as well as commercial and recreational shing in the Gulf. Since 2001, the hypoxic zone has averaged 2 1 16,500 km during its peak summer months , an area slightly larger than the state 2 2 of Connecticut, and ranged from a low of 8,500 km to a high of 22,000 km . To address the hypoxia problem, the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force (or Task Force) was formed to bring together represen- tives from federal agencies, states, and tribes to consider options for responding to hypoxia. The Task Force asked the White House Of ce of Science and Technology Policy to conduct a scienti c assessment of the causes and consequences of Gulf hypoxia through its Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR).
The image is modified based on Figure 1a of Lucey et al. (this Research Topic) and Figure 7b of Niemi et al. (this Research Topic). (A) Graphical depiction of atmospheric warming and increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2atm), which drives ocean warming, contribute to the decreases in dissolved oxygen (DO), and lowers pH and saturation state index of calcium carbonate (Ω). The partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) increases due to increasing atmospheric CO2 that is absorbed into the seawater (i.e., ocean acidification), along with other biological processes in the marine environment. (B) Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image showing dissolution on pteropod shells collected in the Amundsen Gulf in the Canadian Arctic, in 2017. Lucey N, Haskett E and Collin R (2020) Multi-stressor Extremes Found on a Tropical Coral Reef Impair Performance. Front. Mar. Sci. 7:588764. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2020.588764 Niemi A, Bednaršek N, Michel C, Feely RA, Williams W, Azetsu-Scott K, Walkusz W and Reist JD (2021) Biological Impact of Ocean Acidification in the Canadian Arctic: Widespread Severe Pteropod Shell Dissolution in Amundsen Gulf. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:600184. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.600184
Nitrogen is an essential element in biological systems, and one that often limits production in both aquatic and terrestrial systems. Due to its requirement in biological macromolecules, its acquisition and cycling have the potential to structure microbial communities, as well as to control productivity on the ecosystem scale. In addition, its versatile redox chemistry is the basis of complex biogeochemical transformations that control the inventory of fixed nitrogen, both in local environments and over geological time. Although many of the pathways in the microbial nitrogen cycle were described more than a century ago, additional fundamental pathways have been discovered only recently. These findings imply that we still have much to learn about the microbial nitrogen cycle, the organisms responsible for it, and their interactions in natural and human environments. Progress in nitrogen cycle research has been facilitated by recent rapid technological advances, especially in genomics and isotopic approaches. In this Research Topic, we reviewed the leading edge of nitrogen cycle research based on these approaches, as well as by exploring microbial processes in modern ecosystems.
Indian Ocean Biogeochemical Processes and Ecological Variability provides a unique synthesis of current knowledge on Indian Ocean biogeochemistry and ecology, and an introduction of new concepts and topical paradigm challenges. It also reports on the development of more extensive/frequent observational capacity being deployed in the Indian Ocean. This book The volume is derived from invited plenary talks that were presented at the initial SIBER workshop held at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) in Goa, India in October 2006. It includes contributions from some of the most esteemed oceanographers and Indian Ocean experts in the world. This volume will be valuable to academic and governmental researchers interested in oceanographic, atmospheric and hydrological questions and the interfaces between these processes that are prevalent within the Earth system and which are especially relevant to understanding the complex interactions in the Indian Ocean. The volume discusses: y The overlying physical processes set by monsoonal forcing and how these control biological production and variability y Nutrient cycling and limitation y Pelagic carbon cycling and air-sea exchange y Benthic biogeochemistry and ecology y The impact of climate and human activities on biogeochemistry and ecosystems.