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From rebellion to revolution -- Social movements and revolution -- Revolutionary states -- Revolutionary polities.
An expertly selected collection of articles on class, party, and revolution from one of the world's most important socialist journals
We fully endorse the concepts as set out by Lenin in 'State and Revolution'. It is now necessary, however, to incorporate the new elements of history into them. Lenin was writing with one Workers State before him, at a time when the profile of the capitalist State was neat. Today, that profile is no longer neat: in the Revolutionary State, the army no longer has the force, the status and the transcendence of the army in a full capitalist State. Here you see categories of distinct phases of the State in need of definition. We call these Revolutionary States because, under the spur of the revolution, they gradually let go of the capitalist State character. The structure of their relations, institutions and juridical functions continues to be that of capitalism. They maintain that structure, which is capitalist, but they do so under leaderships who declare themselves contrary, and take measures against capitalism.It is still necessary to destroy this capitalist structure, for it is a hub of counter-revolution in constant renewal. It contains the mechanisms of State that defend capitalism: army, church and juridical functions. This is why the first task of any Revolution is to dismantle the army.
State structures, international forces, and class relations: Theda Skocpol shows how all three combine to explain the origins and accomplishments of social-revolutionary transformations. Social revolutions have been rare but undeniably of enormous importance in modern world history. States and Social Revolutions provides a new frame of reference for analyzing the causes, the conflicts, and the outcomes of such revolutions. It develops a rigorous, comparative historical analysis of three major cases: the French Revolution of 1787 through the early 1800s, the Russian Revolution of 1917 through the 1930s, and the Chinese Revolution of 1911 through the 1960s. Believing that existing theories of revolution, both Marxist and non-Marxist, are inadequate to explain the actual historical patterns of revolutions, Skocpol urges us to adopt fresh perspectives. Above all, she maintains that states conceived as administrative and coercive organizations potentially autonomous from class controls and interests must be made central to explanations of revolutions.
State and Revolution is an indispensable guide to confronting the political and bureaucratic structures that protect the power and position of the world's elites and suffocate the lives of the vast majority of humanity. It has been considered essential reading for generation after generation of revolutionaries, and this fully annotated edition offers an essential guide to contemporary activists trying to work through and adapt its conclusions to our present conditions. ——— Much of Valdimir Ilyich Lenin's most famous—and most misunderstood—book was written in July of 1917 while its author was on the run and plagued by fears that the revolution would be swallowed by the forces of reaction waging a war to restore Russia's Tsar. By 1918, when this small 'notebook on Marxism and the State' was first published, the autocracy was no more, and the centuries old apparatus of repression it had used to sustain its rule had been smashed to bits by the collective power of Russia's working class and peasantry. In part because it was forged in the crucible of revolutionary foment, and in part because the state continues to be the guardian of the same inhumane systems of exploitation and oppression that Lenin thundered against, State and Revolution has offered inspiration and invaluable lessons to anti-capitalists the world over. But this small book was very much a product of its time, written for a specific context with a focus on certain questions over others. Because of this, any contemporary reader attempting to absorb State and Revolution's numerous lessons without a guide travels a perilous road. This new edition from Haymarket Books features an extensive introduction, hundreds of explanatory annotations, and an invaluable glossary of key figures and terms by Todd Chretien, all of which help place Lenin's work in its historical context. Chretien deftly offers an accessible account of the most important people, parties, and debates within the socialist movement of Lenin's time, and provides a map to navigating the book's most controversial points.
Whether it is brutal murders by the police, the injustices perpetrated everyday in the legal and prison system, or the military interventions around the globe-the state remains a topic of utmost importance for today's revolutionaries. In the everyday struggles of working class and oppressed people the state often presents itself as the main enemy. Can anything be done to change this reality? Is this just the way it is and always will be? This volume answers the question of why the capitalist government and its enforcers are set up against the people, and why, in order to win radical change, we need a revolution that builds a new state on new foundations. Revolution Manifesto revisits the theories of the state first developed by Marx, Engels and especially Lenin in his groundbreaking work "The State and Revolution." Nearly a century later, Lenin's analysis on the class nature of the state, and the need to overthrow it, has been proven true time and again. Examining the historical experience of revolutions in France, Russia and Cuba, as well as precolonial Indigenous societies, the book asks: do we even need a state? What are the possibilities for revolutionary states to "wither away" completely? As struggles against exploitation and oppression continue to heat up, this book is a must read for all those serious about understanding and resolving the serious injustices facing our world. This publication reflects the views of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. "Anyone who aspires ... to understand the theory of modern communism must study Lenin's pamphlet "The State and Revolution." ... The book's primary objective was to rescue Marxism from its devolution into a doctrine of reform, to restore Marxism as a doctrine of revolution." -From Revolution Manifesto
The first comprehensive political history of the communist party Vanguard of the Revolution is a sweeping history of one of the most significant political institutions of the modern world. The communist party was a revolutionary idea long before its supporters came to power. A. James McAdams argues that the rise and fall of communism can be understood only by taking into account the origins and evolution of this compelling idea. He shows how the leaders of parties in countries as diverse as the Soviet Union, China, Germany, Yugoslavia, Cuba, and North Korea adapted the original ideas of revolutionaries like Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin to profoundly different social and cultural settings. Vanguard of the Revolution is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand world communism and the captivating idea that gave it life.
Slavoj Zizek is one of the most prominent public intellectuals of the left. His central claim holds that "today, it is more crucial than ever to continue to question the very foundations of capitalism as a global system". To do so, iek proposes 'reloading' Lenin and updating Leninist notions of the proletariat, the political party and revolution. The precise contents of these updated notions, however, remain curiously underdeveloped. This volume therefore sets out to critically discuss Slavoj Zizek's conceptualisation of politics, political organisation and especially the (past, present and future) state. It seeks to investigate iek's works in search of a coherent state theory, and to subsequently examine its internal consistency and critical potential. This book is the first to analyse the evolution of iek's thinking about the state in great detail, from his writings on the limits of liberal democracy (and how to overcome them) to his views on revolution, the Soviet state and post-revolutionary society. Consequently, his ideas are grounded in radical and (post-) Marxist debates on the state and revolution and in his debates with other radical thinkers. This volume contains contributions by noted scholars and writers, such as Erik Vogt, Geoff Boucher and Agon Hamza.
This comprehensive chronicle of the Russian Revolution is told through the eyewitness accounts of journalists, political leaders, and ordinary citizens. More than a century ago, workers and peasants in Russia turned the world upside down when they overthrew their tsar, took over their factories, farms, and schools, and set out to build a new society. In this gripping reader, participants and firsthand observers of the revolution tell the inspiring, heroic, and sometimes tragic story of what happened in Russia over the course of 1917. Introduced and edited by Todd Chretien, Eyewitnesses to the Russian Revolution includes contributions from Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Lenin, John Reed, Louise Bryant, and others.