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This thesis is devoted to the measurement of the electron neutrino appearance with the T2K experiment. T2K is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment that is taking data in Japan. The neutrino beam is produced by an accelerator in JPARC and neutrinos are observed in a Near Detector, ND280, before the oscillation and in the far detector, SuperKamiokande, after the oscillation. The aim of this thesis is the measurement of the intrinsic electron neutrino component of the beam with the Near Detector. The main detector used in this measurement is the ND280 TPC. The first part of the thesis describes the method developed for the particle identification in the TPCs: the PID method is based on the measurement of the truncated mean of the charge deposited by the particles crossing the gas. The PID capabilities of the TPCs have been tested analyzing the beam test data: these data have been taken at TRIUMF where we had a beam composed by electrons, muons and pions with momenta up to 400 MeV/c: the analysis of these data confirmed that the resolution on the deposited energy in the TPCs was of the order of 7%. When the first data of the T2K experiment were available, a first measurement of the electron neutrino component in the near detector has been done. To perform the analysis, a sample of neutrino interactions in ND280 was selected: this sample was mainly composed by muon neutrino interactions as the electron neutrino is expected to be 1 % of the total number of neutrinos in the beam. The selection of both, electron and muon neutrinos, allowed a first measurement of the electron neutrino component in the T2K beam.
This thesis reports the calculation of neutrino production for the T2K experiment; the most precise a priori estimate of neutrino production that has been achieved for any accelerator-based neutrino oscillation experiment to date. The production of intense neutrino beams at accelerator facilities requires exceptional understanding of chains of particle interactions initiated within extended targets. In this thesis, the calculation of neutrino production for T2K has been improved by using measurements of particle production from a T2K replica target, taken by the NA61/SHINE experiment. This enabled the reduction of the neutrino production uncertainty to the level of 5%, which will have a significant impact on neutrino oscillation and interaction measurements by T2K in the coming years. In addition to presenting the revised flux calculation methodology in an accessible format, this thesis also reports a joint T2K measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance, and the accompanying electron neutrino and antineutrino appearance, with the updated beam constraint.
This thesis reports the measurement of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance and electron neutrino and antineutrino appearance in a muon neutrino and antineutrino beam using the T2K experiment. It describes a result in neutrino physics that is a pioneering indication of charge-parity (CP) violation in neutrino oscillation; the first to be obtained from a single experiment. Neutrinos are some of the most abundant—but elusive—particles in the universe, and may provide a promising place to look for a potential solution to the puzzle of matter/antimatter imbalance in the observable universe. It has been firmly established that neutrinos can change flavour (or ‘oscillate’), as recognised by the 2015 Nobel Prize. The theory of neutrino oscillation allows for neutrinos and antineutrinos to oscillate differently (CP violation), and may provide insights into why our universe is matter-dominated. Bayesian statistical methods, including the Markov Chain Monte Carlo fitting technique, are used to simultaneously optimise several hundred systematic parameters describing detector, beam, and neutrino interaction uncertainties as well as the six oscillation parameters.
T2K es un experimento de oscilaciones de neutrinos de largo recorrido en el que por primera vez se ha observado la aparición de neutrinos electrónicos en un haz de neutrinos muónicos. Así pues, el único ángulo de mezcla que quedaba por conocer, q13, es medido con gran precisión. el background principal de esta medida es la contaminación de neutrinos electrónicos producida en el haz junto con la componente de neutrinos muónicos. Ésta es una componente irreducible que ha de ser medida y controlada. La componente intrínseca de neutrinos electrónicos es medida antes de las oscilaciones en el detector cercano de T2K confirmando la predicción de la simulación con un precisión del 10%. Se establece que el background de neutrinos electrónicos está bien reproducido y que la principal medida del experimento T2K es exacta. Por otro lado, estudiar la componente de neutrinos electrónicos es interesante para investigar el comportamiento anómalo de algunos experimentos. Estudios en reactores nucleares y resultados en la calibración de experimentos de neutrinos solares con Galio han observado un déficit de neutrinos electrónicos a cortas distancias de la fuente. Este déficit no es compatible con oscilaciones de neutrinos estándar, pero puede ser conciliado en el marco de las oscilaciones, mediante la introducción de un cuarto neutrino con una masa del orden de 1eV2. Este nuevo neutrino no sentiría ninguna fuerza del Modelo Estándar y por ello es comúnmente llamado neutrino estéril. Asumiendo que se mezcla con los neutrinos de tipo electrónico, explicaría la desaparición a cortas distancias de los mismos. El detector cercano de T2K se encuentra a una distancia de la fuente óptima para el estudio de oscilaciones de neutrinos estériles ligeros. El modelo más simple de neutrinos estériles con un sólo neutrino adicional es investigado, definiendo intervalos de confianza para los parámetros de oscilación y comparándolos con la literatura.
"Starting in 1998 experiments began to show that neutrinos oscillate from one flavor to another over time, a phenomena that is explained by the existence of neutrino mass. The disappearance of muon and electron neutrinos over long distances, presumably from conversion into tau neutrinos, has been measured to great precision in many experiments. T2K is a long baseline experiment from Tokai to Kamioka in Japan that was designed to precisely measure a third type of oscillation by observing the conversion of muon neutrinos into electron neutrinos. A major background for oscillated electron neutrinos at the far detector comes from intrinsic electron neutrinos produced in the beam. To constrain this background, near detectors located 280m from the target are used to measure electron neutrino flux and cross sections. This work explains in detail the composition of the T2K beam, near and far detectors and how the components are calibrated to reduce errors. It focuses on the specific uncertainties that exist in the neutrino generators and in the beam models that affect the far detector measurement. Finally a detailed explanation of a measurement in the Pi-zero detector(P0D) of the intrinsic electron neutrino component and a constraint on the Qø distribution of the charged current quasi-elastic like component of the sample is described"--Leaf vi.
The T2K experiment studies the properties of neutrinos, particularly neutrino oscillations. It takes place in Japan and uses a muonic neutrino beam produced by the J-PARC accelerator complex, a near detector, ND280 on the J-PARC site in order to characterise the beam, and a far detector, Super-Kamiokande 295 km away in order to measure the neutrino oscillations. The near detector is also used to study the neutrino interactions and the goal of this thesis is the measurement of muonic neutrino deep inelastic scattering cross sections.The thesis first introduces neutrino physics, then the T2K experiment and more particularly the time projection chambers of the near detector, and its data quality checking that I was in charge of. The analysis is based on the T2K data recorded until 2013. The selection of charged current muonic neutrino interactions is then presented, as well as a preliminary study of the selection of charged current muonic neutrino interactions with the production of a neutral pion. A criterion on track multiplicity allows enriching the former sample in interactions corresponding to a neutrino deep inelastic scattering. Finally a fit, first validated on simulated data, allows the extraction of the muonic neutrino deep inelastic scattering cross sections.