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The overall goal of the project is to stimulate decision-makers in Belarus to prioritize abatement measures aimed at black carbon in their efforts to reduce emissions of PM2.5, as encouraged in the Gothenburg protocol under the UNECE CLRTAP. To reach this purpose and in order to build up scientific basis necessary for further policy development, a comprehensive analysis of PM2.5 and BC emissions, emission reduction potentials and cost-effective abatement measures in Belarus has been conducted. The report presents two main parts of the conducted analysis: a part focused on the emission inventories, and a part summarizing the results of the integrated assessment modelling. The main focus is on analysis for Belarus; however, a range of modelling results have been obtained for the three participating Nordic countries -- Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
Emission inventories of Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), and especially of Black Carbon (BC), are uncertain and not always comparable. Comparable and reliable emission inventories are essential when aiming for efficient strategies and policies for reduced emissions. This report presents the Nordic emissions and emission inventories of SLCP, the important emission sources and their development over time. It also discusses knowledge gaps, factors contributing to the uncertainties, and possibilities for improved emission estimates. The overall objective of the three-year project is to improve the Nordic emission inventories of Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), with a focus on Black Carbon (BC). This report presents the results from the first phase of the project, an analysis of the present status of knowledge, with focus on BC and particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions from residential biomass combustion, on-road and non-road diesel vehicles, and shipping. The next phase will draw on the results from this background analysis in designing and implementing an emission measurement program, where the objective is to expand the knowledge and develop well documented and reliable emission factors, primarily for BC, for use in future national emission inventories.
Available online: Emissions of particle matter, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) cause health issues to humans and other organisms. Air pollution is also linked to climate change and global warming. Reducing air pollution emissions is thus pivotal to the Nordic countries in many aspects. However, mitigation actions on greenhouse gas emissions may lead to increased air pollution emissions. Balanced political decisions to curb both greenhouse gas emissions and emissions of air pollution are thus essential to the Nordic countries. The foundation for making well-informed decisions on policies and measures are accurate and well-founded national emission inventories. This policy brief summarizes a Nordic collaboration to improve the knowledge base of the Nordics national emission inventories on heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.
Abstract: Emission inventories of Short Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), and especially of Black Carbon are uncertain and not always comparable. Comparable and reliable emission inventories are essential when aiming for efficient strategies and policies for reduced emissions. The overall objective of this project is to improve the Nordic emission inventories of SLCPs. This report presents the results from the second phase of the project, emission measurements of SLCP and particulate matter from residential wood combustion. The measurements were done on residential biomass combustion appliances representative for the Nordic countries, covering elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), particulate matter (PM2.5), methane (CH4) and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC). Emission factors were developed for standard combustion conditions, as well as for "bad" combustion conditions
This is the third state and outlook report on the European environment produced by the European Environment Agency (EEA) since 1994. The last report, published in 1999 concluded that, despite 25 years of Community environmental policy, environmental quality in the European Union (EU) was mixed and that the unsustainable development of some key economic sectors was the major barrier to further improvements. That remains the EEA's key conclusion, despite significant progress on some issues demonstrating that environmental policy works. The next report is due in 2010, and the EEA intends to have played its part in reversing unsustainable trends in sectors such as energy, agriculture and transport. This report is in four parts: (A) an integrated assessment of the atmospheric, aquatic and terrestrial environment; (B) a core set of indicators, including pollution, biodiversity, climate change, agriculture, energy, fisheries and transport; (C) country analysis; and (D) a bibliography of EEA publications since 2000.
Urban Climates is the first full synthesis of modern scientific and applied research on urban climates. The book begins with an outline of what constitutes an urban ecosystem. It develops a comprehensive terminology for the subject using scale and surface classification as key constructs. It explains the physical principles governing the creation of distinct urban climates, such as airflow around buildings, the heat island, precipitation modification and air pollution, and it then illustrates how this knowledge can be applied to moderate the undesirable consequences of urban development and help create more sustainable and resilient cities. With urban climate science now a fully-fledged field, this timely book fulfills the need to bring together the disparate parts of climate research on cities into a coherent framework. It is an ideal resource for students and researchers in fields such as climatology, urban hydrology, air quality, environmental engineering and urban design.
This book offers a detailed presentation of the principles and practice of life cycle impact assessment. As a volume of the LCA compendium, the book is structured according to the LCIA framework developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)passing through the phases of definition or selection of impact categories, category indicators and characterisation models (Classification): calculation of category indicator results (Characterisation); calculating the magnitude of category indicator results relative to reference information (Normalisation); and converting indicator results of different impact categories by using numerical factors based on value-choices (Weighting). Chapter one offers a historical overview of the development of life cycle impact assessment and presents the boundary conditions and the general principles and constraints of characterisation modelling in LCA. The second chapter outlines the considerations underlying the selection of impact categories and the classification or assignment of inventory flows into these categories. Chapters three through thirteen exploreall the impact categories that are commonly included in LCIA, discussing the characteristics of each followed by a review of midpoint and endpoint characterisation methods, metrics, uncertainties and new developments, and a discussion of research needs. Chapter-length treatment is accorded to Climate Change; Stratospheric Ozone Depletion; Human Toxicity; Particulate Matter Formation; Photochemical Ozone Formation; Ecotoxicity; Acidification; Eutrophication; Land Use; Water Use; and Abiotic Resource Use. The final two chapters map out the optional LCIA steps of Normalisation and Weighting.
This topical volume covers the intersection between transport and climate change, with papers from the 'Transport & Climate Change' session of the RGS-IBG conference in London, September 2010. It considers the role of transport modes at varying spatial dimensions and a range of perspectives on the relationship between transport and climate change.
This report identifies potential improvements in terms of more effective safety and environmental regulation for trucks, backed by better systems of enforcement, and identifies opportunities for greater efficiency and higher productivity.