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Using archaeology, archaeo-mythology and mitochondrial DNA we can chart the mass migrations of people throughout the ancient world and follow the footsteps of the beliefs of Old Europe. But if the concept of the Old Goddess is at odds with current popular thinking, how will we feel if we discover that the Great Mother of contemporary Paganism bears no similarity to the primal Great Goddess of the Old European world? Is there a ‘magico-spiritual’ gene that could be traced back to those distant ancestors who actually worshipped the forebears of the various deities to whom we claim allegiance today? Are there time-honoured things about us all as individuals that are bred deep in the bone? Are we what our roots (our DNA) claim us to be? Perhaps, even though we are now scattered all over the globe, we cannot escape those ancient racial memories of where we originally came from.
An updated approach for working with the Triple Goddess in modern times The Triple Goddess has three facets: the maiden, the mother, and the crone. The Triple Goddess represents many things such as birth, life, death and the phases of the moon, waxing, full and waning. Whilst in the form we recognise it may well be a modern idea, it still gives a wonderful way of working with the goddess and her phases, to help us evolve and understand our own pathway through life and this journey can help you to embrace your own personal power.
'A valuable tool on how to develop a relationship with the Goddess of Rainbows, Iris. With historic sources, how to work the colors of the rainbow, and how to create rituals in her mighty name, this book will open your eyes and soul to this Messenger of the Gods.' Jennifer Teixeira - Author of Pagan Portals: Temple of the Bones; Rituals to the Goddess Hekate Iris, the Goddess of the Rainbow, is an often-overlooked goddess in Greek mythology. As a messenger, she offers us the words and wisdom of the gods, traveling between worlds to tell us what we need to know. In Pagan Portals - Iris Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Godds, we will explore the mysterious Iris, following the colors of her magick to inspire our lives.
Sulis is one of the very ancient English goddesses. From evidence found we know that she was worshipped at the hot springs in Bath, in the UK, going back to at least the Mesolithic period. What we know about her can only be gleaned from the archaeological finds at the Roman Baths in Bath and a few mentions in ancient Roman documents. What we do know is that she must have been extremely powerful, and her presence continues to carry that energy forward. The historical information in this book is drawn from archaeological finds and academic viewpoints from experts in their field. Little or nothing is known or has been found about the goddess herself, or how she was honoured. Drawing upon personal experience, this book gives you an introduction to connect with Sulis yourself and discover and create your own relationship with her. Let me introduce you to the solar goddess of the hot spring waters.
'I've felt for a long time that there must be more in the call to Baba Yaga's cottage than the fairytales tell us. Natalia Clarke has drawn on her Siberian heritage and personal insights in this powerful piece to show us how we might approach this powerful Goddess. This is a book for anyone drawn to dark Goddesses and Crone Goddesses. It's also the first map I've seen that explores the forests in search of wild Gods who will not make themselves comfortable in our homes or on our altars. It's groundbreaking stuff.' Nimue Brown A unique perspective on working with Baba Yaga, Slavic Earth Goddess of mystery, intrigue and ambiguity, through apprenticing into her magic. In this introductory work Baba Yaga is re-defined outside of the dogmatic portrayals and becomes one of the most powerful and influential figures in an individual spiritual practice. An accessible guide to building a devotional practice, Pagan Portals – Baba Yaga is a journey of discovery and collaboration with deity, written to aid your own psycho-spiritual progression and offer a unique presentation of how we might work with the Goddess, psychologically and spiritually.
As the queens of heaven and the underworld, Ishtar and Ereshkigal represent the opposing forces that allow life, death and rebirth to occur in the world.
One of the most significant social changes in the 20th-century was the wedge driven between the males and females of Craft as a result of social media and political feminism. From a purely magical point of view the battle of the sexes has been one of the most negative crusades in the history of mankind since everything in the entire Universe is made up from a balance or harmony of opposite energies. Men and women are different as night and day but still part of the same homo sapiens coin, regardless of their individual sexuality.
In Sumer is Icumen In we discover new and exciting ways of surviving (and enjoying) the truly pagan excesses of the Midsummer Festival. Here we can establish and instigate a new smorgasbord of traditions of our own for the purpose of celebration and observance and, in time, even though we must never lose sight of our authentic history, they may even be integrated into future pagan revels.
Nemetona is an ancient goddess whose song is heard deep within the earth and also deep within the human soul. She is the Lady of Sanctuary, of Sacred Groves and Sacred Spaces. She is present within the home, within our sacred groves, our rites and in all the spaces that we hold dear to our hearts. She also lies within, allowing us to feel at ease wherever we are in the world through her energy of holding, of transformation. She holds the stillness and quiet of a perfect day; she is the stillness at the end of it, when the blackbird sings to the dusk. She is the energy of sacred space, where we can stretch out our souls and truly come alive, to be who we wish to be, filled with the magic of potential. Rediscover this ancient goddess and dance with a Druid to the songs of Nemetona. Learn how to reconnect with this goddess in ritual, songs, chants, meditation and more. ,
Artemis takes you back to the wild and helps you discover your authentic power.