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Those who have grown up with Pan as a playmate remember how, back in the day, it would be possible for a young child to disappear into the woods with only a dog for company for hours on end without there being a hue and cry raised in its absence; and it was on those woodland rides and pathways - summer or winter - that Mélusine Draco often encountered Pan.
Pagan Portals - Brigid is a basic introduction to the Goddess Brigid focusing on her history and myth as well as her modern devotion and worship. Primarily looking at the Irish Goddess but including a discussion of her Pan-Celtic appearances, particularly in Scotland. Her different appearances in mythology are discussed along with the conflation of the pagan Goddess with Catholic saint. Modern methods for neopagans to connect to and honor this popular Goddess include offerings and meditation, and personal anecdotes from the author's experiences are included as well. Who was Brigid to the pre-Christian pagans? Who is she today to neopagans? How do we re-weave the threads of the old pagan Goddess and the new? Learn about Brigid's myths among the pagan Irish, the stories of Bride in Scotland, and the way that people today are finding and honoring this powerful and important deity to find the answer.
Pan, the Greek god of forests, shepherds and fertility, has long represented the pagan gods in general. With the advent of the Christian church communication with the pagan gods was very heavily suppressed by priests who have a vested interest in eliminating religious competition, by any means required, including, but not limited to lying, stealing, cheating, murder, mayhem, extortion, torture and blackmail. As a result, general public attention to the pagan gods disappeared about 2,000 years ago. PAN-God of the Woods assumes that the pagan gods may still be active, living beings. If any of the ancient gods are still around in the 21st century, what are they doing now? If they are here now -- still watching, still powerful, still immortal -- where or how might we contact them? If Pan is still around which of us mortals could not use the helping hand of a friendly god once in awhile? -- Lawrence R. Spencer
Discover the History, Magick & Myths of the Horned One Explore the deep spiritual roots of the Horned God and discover rituals and activities designed to help you get closer to him.Throughout history, horned deities have been honored as gods of nature, sex, fertility, passion, sacrifice, death, and rebirth. The Horned God of the Witches reveals the origins and features of their most common guises—Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Elen of the Ways, the Green Man, and even the Devil. Whether you are interested in the Wiccan Horned God—a more contemporary composite of several deities—or in one of his many other forms, these rituals for meeting the powerful deity will help you achieve your magical goals. With hands-on techniques for divination, creating an altar, working magick, spiritual lovemaking, and receiving the gifts of the Witchfather, this book supports a transformative deepening of your relationship to the divine.
How to find deeper meaning in magical workings with Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit and connect with the Old Ways. Many contemporary pagan books rarely go further than describing the use of the elemental energies as markers in casting the Circle. In The Power of the Elements we consider drawing on the energy from the deepest levels of the ocean, the highest peaks of the mountains, the limits of outer space and the path of the hurricane. And why it is so important to return to the Classic Elements of the Greeks if we really want our magic to work.
An updated approach for working with the Triple Goddess in modern times The Triple Goddess has three facets: the maiden, the mother, and the crone. The Triple Goddess represents many things such as birth, life, death and the phases of the moon, waxing, full and waning. Whilst in the form we recognise it may well be a modern idea, it still gives a wonderful way of working with the goddess and her phases, to help us evolve and understand our own pathway through life and this journey can help you to embrace your own personal power.
Divination is only a small part of a witch’s stock in trade, and although a basic introduction to the subject can be learned from books, proficiency will only come through vigorous practice. This proficiency comes through the discovery of certain secret matters by a great variety of means, correspondences, signs and occult techniques. Before a witch can perform any of these operations with any degree of success, we need to develop the ‘art of seeing’ and the ability to divine with rod, fingers and birds. Divination is what could be referred to as the practical element of Craft magic, and we don’t even have to be witches to be able to read the portents. But it helps! A companion volume to Pagan Portals: By Spellbook & Candle and Pagan Portals: By Wolfsbane & Mandrake Root, from popular Moon Books author Melusine Draco.
Using archaeology, archaeo-mythology and mitochondrial DNA we can chart the mass migrations of people throughout the ancient world and follow the footsteps of the beliefs of Old Europe. But if the concept of the Old Goddess is at odds with current popular thinking, how will we feel if we discover that the Great Mother of contemporary Paganism bears no similarity to the primal Great Goddess of the Old European world? Is there a ‘magico-spiritual’ gene that could be traced back to those distant ancestors who actually worshipped the forebears of the various deities to whom we claim allegiance today? Are there time-honoured things about us all as individuals that are bred deep in the bone? Are we what our roots (our DNA) claim us to be? Perhaps, even though we are now scattered all over the globe, we cannot escape those ancient racial memories of where we originally came from.
Irish Reconstructionist Polytheism is an often misunderstood path, but it is one with great richness and depth for those who follow it. This short introductory book touches on the basic beliefs and practices of Irish Polytheism as well as other important topics for people interested in practicing the religion using a Reconstructionist methodology or who would just like to know more about it. Explore the cosmology of the ancient Irish and learn how the old mythology and living culture show us the Gods and spirits of Ireland and how to connect to them. Ritual structure is explored, as well as daily practices and holidays, to create a path that brings the old beliefs forward into the modern world.
'The experience of reading Daimler's book is rather like being taken firmly by the hand and danced through a whirlwind tour of both historical fairylore and the author's own lived experiences and hard-won gnosis. From academic perspectives and informed theories to pragmatic advice and practical rituals, a desperately-needed guidebook to the realities of working with the Good People, written by one of the foremost modern practitioners at the intersection of witchcraft and the Fairy Faith.' Misha Magdalene, author of Outside the Charmed Circle: Exploring Gender & Sexuality in Magical Practice The human world and the Otherworld have always been intrinsically connected just as the beings within them are, but these connections have been strained in the Western world over the last millennia. Cultural and religious shifts have pushed the Other to the fringes and centred humanity in the world and in many spiritual frameworks. As we move into the 21st century the Othercrowd is pushing back, seeking a return to their place in things. Many witches are feeling this shift. Living Fairy is a look at ways to deepen your practice of fairy witchcraft by actively calling the Good Neighbours back, and connecting to them more experientially. It emphasizes older ways of relating to them within a modern framework, while acknowledging the good and the bad that comes with this work. There is also an emphasis on moving away from solar and lunar holy days into a system focused on the stars, which may be an older way to relate to both the fairies and our spirituality.