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"La permisividad que impera actualmente en la educacin̤ familiar, provoca que los hijos desdeęn los valores morales y sociales, y opten por los antivalores. Las generaciones de las l︢timas dčadas del siglo xx e hijos del nuevo milenio conocen sus derechos y las obligaciones de sus padres, pero no reconocen las suyas. Esta falta de responsabilidad se ha convertido en un dolor de cabeza para los padres, cuya debilidad ha propiciado la formacin̤ de niǫs y jv̤enes dictadores. Este libro se propone guiar a los padres de familia que sufren esta problemt̀ica, para que centren la educacin̤ de sus hijos en la formacin̤ de voluntad, la autodisciplina y la responsabilidad, porque los hijos a quienes sus padres satisfacen todas sus necesidades -sin que ellos realicen el menor esfuerzo-, toleran sus caprichos y les resuelven sus problemas, estǹ condenados a fracasar en la vida. La educacin̤ positiva, inteligente, permite a los padres de familia fomentar en sus hijos el respeto a s ̕mismos y hacia los dems̀; ayudarlos a asumir las consecuencias de sus acciones u omisiones, y aprender de sus errores, as ̕como fortalecer en ellos las toma de decisiones responsable."--backcover.
Coyame is the wide-ranging account of a small town in Mexico. The author provides readers with a panoramic view of history from the Mayans to the Villa revolutionaries and beyond. The history of the region is brought into stark detail with the inclusion of the tales, legends, and family histories of Coyame’s colorful residents. Morales presents the information with great care and passion; both historians and casual readers will benefit from the candor and whimsy that mark this unique contribution.
In recent years, couple breakdowns and divorces for mild and superficial reasons have increased. To counter this, it's time to read Love Brain: Dangerous to Be in Love Only With the Heart and Not With the Brain. Infidelity, psychological abuse and violence are no longer the most important causes of separation. Incompatibility of character, non-fulfillment of expectations and the disillusionment of seeing her transformed from a princess into a witch and him not transforming from a toad into a prince seem to be the issues. Men and women trying to live out their fantasy with their ideal perfect partner are instead finding disenchantment. The real problem with relationships is not being incompatible or being the ideal couple, but loving without thinking. We are unaware of how men and women should love and be loved. Love Brain describes how our brains love and provides alternatives to reduce the misunderstandings that lead to divorce. The book's goals are to identify the main relationship breakdown causes, to understand the male and female brain love function, and to use effective brain-gender love strategies to prevent and reduce marriage conflicts. About the Author: Evelyn Prado, Ph.D., is a high school counselor at Tecnologico de Monterrey. Jesús Amaya, Ph.D., is full professor of education and school counseling at Universidad de Monterrey. The couple has two sons. They have written18 books about family, marriage, education, study skills and reading fields. They also provide keynotes, training, and consulting for conferences, schools, businesses and organizations in Mexico and United States. Author website: http: //
En ¿Cual Guerra? Testimonios de Sobrevivientes Maya, algunos jovenes que fueron victimas de "la violencia" relatan sus historias. En sus propias palabras, nos cuentan como sus vidas fueron devastadas por el trauma, el terror y la muerte. La violencia es colocada en contexto historico con capitulos especificos que enfocan en el exilio forzado, las experiencias unicas sobrellevadas por mujeres y ninos, el empacto en la vida familiar, la lucha por mantener la identidad maya y el efecto de los Acuerdos de Paz. La realidad es que se necesita de un profundo coraje para "romper el silencio" y hablar de esta dolorosa historia personal. Estos sobrevivientes estan comprometidos a decir la verdad de sus propias experiencias. Aqui lidian con el futuro, rehacen sus vidas y tienen el compromiso de crear una nueva Guatemala.
Regarded as one of the most important sociological and business commentaries of modern times, The Organization Man developed the first thorough description of the impact of mass organization on American society. During the height of the Eisenhower administration, corporations appeared to provide a blissful answer to postwar life with the marketing of new technologies—television, affordable cars, space travel, fast food—and lifestyles, such as carefully planned suburban communities centered around the nuclear family. William H. Whyte found this phenomenon alarming. As an editor for Fortune magazine, Whyte was well placed to observe corporate America; it became clear to him that the American belief in the perfectibility of society was shifting from one of individual initiative to one that could be achieved at the expense of the individual. With its clear analysis of contemporary working and living arrangements, The Organization Man rapidly achieved bestseller status. Since the time of the book's original publication, the American workplace has undergone massive changes. In the 1990s, the rule of large corporations seemed less relevant as small entrepreneurs made fortunes from new technologies, in the process bucking old corporate trends. In fact this "new economy" appeared to have doomed Whyte's original analysis as an artifact from a bygone day. But the recent collapse of so many startup businesses, gigantic mergers of international conglomerates, and the reality of economic globalization make The Organization Man all the more essential as background for understanding today's global market. This edition contains a new foreword by noted journalist and author Joseph Nocera. In an afterword Jenny Bell Whyte describes how The Organization Man was written.
Es una novela emocionante de principio a fin. Describe las etapas de un divorcio de manera realista. Al conocerlas, el lector vislumbrará todas las implicaciones y contará con elementos de reflexión para valorar la conveniencia de llevarlo o no a cabo. Los principios de este libro pueden aplicarse también para salir adelante de quiebras, fallecimientos de seres queridos y cualquier otra situación crítica. Contraveneno contiene un mensaje de esperanza que debe ser leído por todas las personas.