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The Bible gives instruction to those called to church leadership, challenging them to shepherd God’s people by exercising oversight. But what does that mean? And how is it done in a way that is faithful to God and effective in enabling growth, individually and corporately? The Practical Shepherding series of guides provides pastors and ministry leaders with practical help to do the work of pastoral ministry in a local church. In Oversee God’s People, pastors Brian Croft and Bryce Butler unpack what the Bible teaches about administration and the necessity of delegation in congregational leadership, offering practical suggestions to improve the structures, process, and relationships among leaders in your church.
How Do You Care for the Sick? Here’s How. One of the marks of the ministry of Jesus is his compassionate care for the sick. Jesus brought healing and hope to individuals struggling with life-debilitating illnesses. Ministry to the sick should also be a mark of his followers, but in many churches today it is neglected or pushed to the periphery of ministry concerns. To counter our modern tendency to minimize or ignore sickness, pastor Brian Croft looks to paradigms of the past and examines historical models of care that honor God, obey the teachings of Scripture, and communicate loving care to those who are struggling with sickness and disease. Part of the Practical Shepherding series of resources, Visit the Sick provides pastors and ministry leaders with real-world help to do the work of pastoral ministry in a local church. Visit the Sick gives pastors, church leaders, and caregivers the biblical, theological, pastoral, and practical tools they need to navigate through both the spiritual and physical care of the sick and dying.
“God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The Bible tells us that we are to worship the Lord, that we were created for this purpose. But what is true worship? What does the Bible teach about the right—and the wrong—ways to worship God? In this book, pastors Brian Croft and Jason Adkins unpack a biblical theology of worship, discuss the practical matters of planning a worship service, and offer suggestions and insights on the best way to lead a worship service that honors the Lord. The Practical Shepherding series of guides provides pastors and ministry leaders with practical help to do the work of pastoral ministry in a local church. In Gather God’s People, you will learn how to apply biblical doctrine and spirituality to the practice of Christian worship.
Using the wisdom of the past to address the challenges of the present, Christopher Beeley's Leading God's People presents key principles of church leadership as they were taught by great pastor-theologians of the early church, including Gregory of Nazianzus, Ambrose, Augustine, Chrysostom, and Gregory the Great.
The Practical Shepherding Complete Set provides pastors and ministry leaders everything they need to know about practically and effectively leading their flock. The Practical Shepherding Complete Set includes everything you need to be equipped to lead and serve in all aspects of your ministry. It contains: Prepare Them to Shepherd Visit the Sick Conduct Gospel-Centered Funerals Comfort the Grieving Gather God's People Pray for the Flock Oversee God's People. These seven volumes will give you clear and practical direction to lead and serve those you are ministering to. Each volume will provide easy-to-follow steps to help you better serve your flock in the different aspects of ministry.
Learn the “Big Picture” approach that will aim your congregation at the mission field in your back yard, or around the world. Many churches want to make the transition from an inward to an outward focus, from catering to the needs of members to reaching out into the world to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Too often they try to accomplish this radical change by taking half steps and partial measures, initiating a new program here or adding a new staff members there. Yet this kind of change requires more. To succeed in changing its core focus this way, a congregation must learn strategic thinking; it must commit itself to seeing the big picture, and to taking the steps necessary to paint that picture afresh. Everyone, including pastors, lay leaders, key teams and groups, and the congregation as a whole must be involved in a process of transformation. Paul D. Borden, author of Hit the Bullseye and Direct Hit, knows that this transformation will not be easy. But if the target is bringing more people into saving relationship with Jesus Christ, what could be more worthwhile?
God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention. In fact, Jesus says more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic—including both heaven and hell. In Managing God's Money, Randy Alcorn breaks down exactly what the Bible has to say about how we are to handle our money and posessions in a simple, easy-to-follow format. Filled with Scripture references, Managing God's Money is the perfect reference tool for anyone who is interested in gaining a solid biblical understanding of money, possessions, and eternity.
Charles Simeon ministered for over fifty years in one parish at the heart of Cambridge during the bleak period of English national life between the French Wars and the passing of the Reform Bill. He was considered by Lord Macaulay to have had greater influence on the life of the church than any primate. Soundly converted in his first term at King's College, he was appointed Vicar of Holy Trinity in 1782, combining the incumbency with a Fellowship and various academic posts. Highly unpopular at first on account of both his message and his manner, scorned and abused for many years, he carried on regardless of other's opinions until in the end he became perhaps the best known and best respected name in Cambridge. Hot-tempered but warm-hearted, impetuous but infinitely patient, a man of imposing, even remarkable appearance, he was a "character," about whom the most entertaining stories are eagerly recounted. As a Christian of independent mind and strong convictions, he found his spiritual strength in a lifetime of deep devotion and strict personal discipline; as a biblical preacher he was the first for many generations to see the possibility and importance of teaching others how to expound the Scriptures; as a pastor and evangelist his work with both town and gown was marked by a rare faithfulness and zeal. Limited all his life to the one center of spiritual activity, he yet was the moving spirit in the formation of the Church Missionary Society, and an enthusiastic supporter of the Bible Society and of work among the Jews.
"Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God" (Ruth 1:16). Like Ruth in the Old Testament, every Gentile believer has come out of the land of famine and into the spiritual realm of abundance in the name of Jesus. But unlike Ruth, we have turned our backs on the Jewish people, the relatives of the Messiah. We need to confess personally and corporately on behalf of the Church for centuries of persecution of the Jewish people, looking in these days for every opportunity to bless and not curse them. Once again, Israel and her people are center stage at a crucial moment in world history, and this book shows why the Church must effect reconciliation and why our prayers are vital in this hour. If we will make the same covenent pledge to Israel that Ruth made to Naomi, the Church will never be the same!