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A syndrome is a set of symptoms identifying a condition or problem. But, it is NOT a disease, and can be overcome...We all have a purpose and dynamic life to live! Are you tired of daydreaming or merely talking about this dynamic vision you have for your life? Do you want to transform your life but don't know how or where to start? Well, this insightful workbook is just for you. Move forward believing that you have the power to accomplish your goals!"I've never met a strong person with an easy past."~ UnknownFrom the outside looking in, we tend to view the glory of others' accomplishments. They may appear strong, smart, gifted and exempt from the trials of life...But, there is a story. There is pain, doubt, fear and other surprises to overcome. This is Tiffany Bernard's story, a self-admitted survivor of the Superwoman Syndrome. Through Tiffany's experiences, understand the real power behind making Power Moves: dynamic goals for your life, transformed into reality! Tiffany did it, and so can you.
A syndrome can be defined as a set of symptoms or characteristics identifying the existence of a condition or problem. But, it is not a disease, and can be overcome... We all have a purpose and dynamic life to live! Are you tired of daydreaming or merely talking about this dynamic vision you have for your life? Do you want to transform your life but don't know how or where to start? Well, this insightful workbook is just for you. Move forward believing that you have the power to accomplish your goals! "I've never met a strong person with an easy past."~ Unknown From the outside looking in, we tend to view the glory of others accomplishments. They may appear strong, smart, gifted and exempt from the trials of life...But, there is a story. There is pain, doubt, fear and other surprises to overcome. This is Tiffany Bernard's story, a self-admitted survivor of the Superwoman Syndrome. Through Tiffany's experiences, understand the real power behind making Power Moves: dynamic goals for your life, transformed into reality! Tiffany did it, and so can you.
This book is for all of us women who have a challenging time with everyday life. In my first book "It's Ok You Don't Have to Be Superwoman" , I talked about how we as women try to be everything to everybody and often leave out God. We become so overwhelmed that we developed the superwoman syndrome. This next installment shows you how and encourages us to take off the cape and make life easier by becoming Godly Women.
Why do the things you want elude you? Intimacy. Validation. Romance. Nice things. More time. Most women wish for these every day. In Things Will Get as Good as You Can Stand, bestselling author Laura Doyle says that all of these things are available to us, but receiving them makes women feel uncomfortable. We turn away praise at work, help with the house, an expression of admiration so that we appear to be in control. The result is a Superwoman Syndrome: we are overworked and exhausted -- and we feel alone. In Things Will Get as Good as You Can Stand, Doyle provides steps for overcoming the Superwoman Syndrome and explains why: If you act like you don't deserve something, everyone else will agree Saying what you want makes you more beautiful Grateful women have better romantic relationships You should let a man support you You have to be vulnerable to get emotional help With her trademark practical approach, Doyle explains why it is "better to receive than to give." She guides you to accepting what you are offered with ease and kindness, which is the expressway to having what you want.
Stories, experiences, and advice from crazy brave, fiercely resilient, stereotype-busting, insanely courageous, relentlessly determined, wildly successful women. Are you tired of others OVERjudging you? Do men at work talk OVER you? Are you OVERachieving and still being paid less than your male colleagues? Were you passed OVER for a promotion or a plum assignment? Is it hard for you to get OVER feelings of betrayal due to sabotage by a woman? Do you struggle with OVERcommitment of your time and energy? Are you so busy that you tend to unconsciously OVER isolate yourself from others? You are not alone... Theresa describes these experiences as O-Syndrome and offers hope as she shares stories from badass women collabHERators who have OVERcome As a follow-up to the first in the series--O-Syndrome: When Work is 24/7 and You're Not, this book gives voice to the "her story" experiences of women across racial and generational lines and offers up practical advice and tactics to help you overcome O-Syndrome. Praise for the Book "What a gift Theresa gives us--the telling of shared experiences from wise and courageous sisters. So many women will recognize themselves in these pages. It's from healing our most painful memories that we blossom into true self-actualized women. The only antidote to O-Syndrome is to be O-mnipotent Now is our time to rise to our unlimited power Thank you, Theresa for being the catalyst " -- Shary Hauer, Founder of The Hauer Group, Executive Advisory and Coaching Firm, and Author of Insatiable: A Memoir of Love Addiction WARNING. Sentiments expressed in the book are often crass and not veiled in political correctness, tactfulness, civility, or etiquette. If you're easily offended or blush at the mere suggestion of an off-color thought or remark, then this book is not for you. If you're quick to claim "male-bashing" or discrimination, move on. The former is admittedly harsh, while the latter is illegal. If any of this applies to you, stop reading now. Each collabHERator was encouraged to just say it like it is and how she feels it--the good, the bad, and the ugly--without apology. So, in the spirit of full disclosure, I ask you to please refrain from judgment. Here's a sample of "Get Real" statements sprinkled throughout the book: I'll just say that I'm so relieved O-Syndrome has nothing to do with orgasm, LOL Because haven't we women already suffered enough? You probably won't even include this in the book, but we have to laugh about some things in order to not cry about all things. -- Pat, a collabHERator I speak up to both men and women. I'm like my grandmother, who reached a point where she didn't give a damn. She spoke her mind to whomever. She had no hesitation about saying exactly what she felt and exactly what she thought. -- Kim, a collabHERator It's not just about women realizing we have voices. It's about others shutting up long enough to recognize that women have voices -- Jackie, a collabHERator Women are judged and scrutinized for how we look. We're too sexy or not sexy enough. We're too pretty or not pretty enough. We're too fat or not thin enough. One day at work, I overheard two men in our caf talking about how overweight this woman was. A man can be bald, fat, and ugly, and it's a nonissue -- Christie, a collabHERator Nothing is more uncomfortable than an old-ass man looking at you as if you're a snack. -- Ayana, a collabHERator
Find your Power Type to discover your personalized plan for weight loss, energy, and lasting health. No more one-size-fits-all diets! Modern womanhood often means juggling multiple roles—businesswoman, mother, spouse, homemaker, and more—all while being expected to look perfectly composed. In other words, it means being superhuman. The truth is, it can seem impossible to maintain physical health while navigating our busy lives. We’re overwhelmed and exhausted, which can often translate into unhealthy eating habits, lack of exercise, and no time for self-care. But diet and fitness plans are usually one-size-fits-all, and those universal programs just don’t work for every body and every personality. Integrative health and wellness expert Tasneem Bhatia, MD, known to her patients as Dr. Taz, has a plan that is anything but cookie-cutter. Her mission is to help women achieve optimum health, and now she can help you with her personalized plans in Super Woman Rx. In Super Woman Rx, Dr. Taz sets out to treat “super woman syndrome” by offering five prescriptive plans based on a woman’s unique blueprint, or Power Type, whether you’re a Boss Lady, a Savvy Chick, an Earth Mama, a Gypsy Girl, or a Nightingale. A fun quiz will help you narrow down your type and figure out which strategies will work best for you. Drawing inspiration from Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Western systems of medicine, each nutrition and exercise plan helps you shed pounds, decrease anxiety and depression, rejuvenate skin, reduce PMS symptoms, and much more in just 3 weeks. Then, long-term strategies with specialized plans follow those 3 weeks. With Dr. Taz’s comprehensive, personalized guidance, you’ll radiate from the inside out.