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Are you living in silent shame, hiding a “secret sin”? Maybe you numb life’s pain with a bottle, razor blade, or sex. Maybe you “binge and purge” or act on feelings for other girls. Whatever your “secret”—shocking or not—if you’re trapped by it, you’re trapped by it. And chances are you’re not getting help because you’re too scared of what people would think if they found out. Unashamed breaks the silence about the sins girls think they have to hide. With daring and a touch of humor, author Jessie Minassian shares her own story of struggle and victory. God longs for you to live in the freedom He died for! So whether you’re caught in a cycle of sin yourself or just want to know how to help the silent sufferers all around you, let this book be the beginning of your journey toward health, healing, and freedom in His love for you.
"A book you will want to read and read again." -- Eugene Peterson Afterword by Bono. How can we find a more transparent, resilient, and fearless life of faith? The book of Psalms has been central to God's people for millennia, across all walks of life and cultural contexts. In reading it, we discover that we are never alone in our joys, sorrows, angers, doubts, praises, or thanksgivings. In it, we learn about prayer and poetry, honesty and community, justice and enemies, life and death, nations and creation. Open and Unafraid shows us how to read the psalms in a fresh, life-giving way, and so access the bottomless resources for life that they provide. "David Taylor’s take is 'open and unafraid' alright. He really goes there, exposing himself before God in the most beautiful way. He might have called the book Naked, because if you don’t find your own self feeling a little exposed here, it might be time to take some armor off." -- Bono, from the Afterword "A book that you will want to read and read again, and yet again, in order to discover the wisdom of the Psalms that shows us how to walk in the life-giving way of Jesus." -- Eugene Peterson, from the Foreword "A winsome, accessible entry into the Book of Psalms…Connects the poetry of the psalms to real-life wonders and struggles." -- Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary "Taylor reads these biblical prayers with Dr. Seuss, rappers, and other poets, along with theologians and the daily news....Guides readers in tracing out patterns of holy speech that have the potential for healing our hearts and our communities." -- Ellen F. Davis, Duke Divinity School "I have always loved the psalms--for their defiant devotion, their deep joy, and their brutal yet beautiful honesty. And after reading this fantastic book about them, I love them even more." -- Matt Redman, worship leader and song writer "In these fraught and fearsome days, we need the psalms more than ever. And we need more faithful artists and thinkers like David Taylor to mine the infinite gifts the psalms offer across the ages." -- Karen Swallow Prior, author of Fierce Convictions
In 1998, after 12 years of counseling the wives of men in sexual sin, Kathy Gallagher wrote the original version of When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart. Presented in the form of letters which addressed the most pertinent struggles wives deal with, this book proved to be a lifesaver for thousands of women over the years. The 20th Anniversary Edition of When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart adds nine chapters of new material, making it more compelling than ever. The hurting wife will quickly find that Kathy sympathizes with her emotional turmoil and offers solid counsel on a wide range of issues. But most importantly, she will be directed to the only true source of hope: Jesus.
Are you living in silent shame, hiding a “secret sin”? Maybe you numb life's pain with a bottle, razor blade, or sex. Maybe you “binge and purge” or act on feelings for other girls. Whatever your “secret”—shocking or not—if you're trapped by it, you're trapped by it. And chances are you're not getting help because you're too scared of what people would think if they found out. Unashamed breaks the silence about the sins girls think they have to hide. With daring and a touch of humor, author Jessie Minassian shares her own story of struggle and victory. Godlongs for you to live in the freedom He died for! So whether you're caught in a cycle of sin yourself or just want to know how to help the silent sufferers all around you, let this book be the beginning of your journey toward health, healing, and freedom in His love for you.
Overcome Secret Sins by M. J. Welcome is for those who earnestly desire to live in the Light of God! The time is now, for the spiritual sons of God to throw off the works of darkness. To judge themselves as Christ Jesus will, for soon the great and dreadful day of the Lord will be upon us. The day when all secrets will be exposed to the light of God. Don't be deceived there will be no appeal process. No excuse or rationalization accepted by the Righteous One. He will examine everything, idle words, sinful deeds, foul thoughts, corrupt business ventures, unhealthy relationships and more. If you want to be ready . . . take the first step toward changing your spiritual life . . . expose all secret sins to the Light.
"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" II Corinthians 10:4-5. In this riveting tale, Laila, aka LaLa, struggled daily to fight the sexual temptations from within. As she tried to move forward in her walk with God and new role as a wife and mother, the men from her past were calling her back to a lifestyle she desperately wanted to forget. Growing up on Chicago's South Side, LaLa learned early on how to please a man. Her beauty, body, seductive ways, and passionate touch, made it difficult for any man to deny her; and for years, they laid claim to what was not theirs lawfully. Laila was unaware of the ungodly soul ties that would carry over into her marriage as well as ministry. She was clueless to the level of temptations that soon followed. It was on this spiritual journey that she was able to love, and find forgiveness and redemption through God. Follow her as she takes you on a journey to the beginning of it all.
God has provided a simple way for many of us to be delivered from the heartache and pain of our secret sins.
A series of addresses focusing mainly on Romans 8, this work gives a well-grounded view on the way of sin in the life of a believer. This aspect of Christianity is often neglected and most people in the faith just accept it with blindly duty. The doctrine has wide ramifications in our theologies as it makes it evident to us how sin works in our lives and whether it should have any kind of hold on us.
Ever wonder how to put Jesus at the Center of your life? As a Christian, do you sometimes feel lost as to how to have a relationship with your Savior? In Saved By Grace, Now What? Pam walks through the questions we are sometimes afraid to ask and guides us to a deeper connection to the One who gave His life for us. She addresses the topics of finding our identity in Christ and growing our relationship with Him, instead of practicing religion. She discusses how we are to live out our faith, share it with others and fight our way through spiritual battles. You will find yourself relating with Pam as she shares her own struggles and walks with you through the journey to find intimacy with Jesus. This is a book you will want to keep handy and reference regularly.