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The edited book covers the climate change impact broadly across the ecosystems including increasing pressure on livelihood and food supplies to the society. Climate change, in particular, rising temperatures, can have both direct and indirect effects on global fish production. Fisheries and aquaculture is one of the important sectors of agriculture for livelihood and nutritional security. Fish, being poikilothermic in nature are very sensitive to any change in the ecosystem. In commercial aquaculture, it is crucial to ensure that environmental rearing conditions are adequate, if not optimal, for fish growth, welfare and profitability. Thus, the book develops an understanding regarding changes in relevant environmental parameters and its affect in the growth and physiological performance of fish. Fish feeds on natural food organisms, but the adverse changes in the ecosystem attracts nutritionists to provide better food and feeding strategies for optimum growth and survival of the fish. it is become necessary to develop preparedness about the changes and their mitigation strategies through fish nutrition and feeding strategies. This book addresses the potential impact of climate change on the aquaculture sector under sections - Assessment of Global Warming Impact on aquatic resources and fish production, Adaptation in Fish Digestive Physiology and Biochemistry under Changing Environment, Prioritization of fish feed technology with respect to changing climate for adaptation and mitigation, Strategies and planning on reproductive physiology and feed management for biodiversity conservation. The chapters are contributed by the experts in the field of fish nutrition and physiology. The book assists fish farmers, entrepreneurs, planners and advisors specifically related to nutritional and physico-biochemical changes in fishes to adapt or mitigate the adverse effect of climate change.
Quality of Life and Climate Change: Impacts, Sustainable Adaptation, and Social-Ecological Resilience delves into the pressing concerns surrounding climate change and its profound impacts on the quality of life (QoL) experienced by individuals and communities worldwide. This book explores the intricate relationship between climate change, variability, and QoL in both rural and urban settings. It undertakes a detailed review of QoL assessments to examine the extent to which climatic changes and livability conditions are incorporated into existing evaluations. By shedding light on the critical need to consider climatic factors in measuring and comparing QoL, especially in the context of creating aging-friendly and climate-neutral cities, this publication addresses a significant research gap. This book presents prospective themes, including sustainable solutions, mitigation strategies, and models to enhance socio-ecological resilience. The chapters within the book cover a wide range of topics including climatic variations and future projections, technological advancements in climate change mitigation, implications for residential and non-residential areas, industrial solutions, SDG attainment, mitigation strategies, QoL measurement instruments, and urban QoL models. By addressing these themes, the book provides a comprehensive analysis of the complex interactions between climate change, QoL, and the pursuit of sustainable development. This book serves as a valuable resource for researchers, academicians, policymakers, civil society groups, think tanks, government and non-government organizations, international agencies, and other interested parties seeking to deepen their knowledge and capacity in the field of climate change and its impacts on QoL and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) attainment.
This book is related to disaster risk reduction in agriculture particularly under changing climate. Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate. There is unequivocal evidence that Earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. Human activity is the principal cause. The planets average surface temperature has risen to about 1oC since the late 19th century and most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years. The years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on the record. Similarly, other evidence of rapid climate change includes warming of oceans, shrinking of ice sheets, retreating glaciers, decreasing snow cover, rising of sea level, declining artic sea ice, increased frequency of extreme events, ocean acidification and loss of biodiversity. Hence, climate change impacts, both extreme weather and slow-onset events, have impacted several sectors of the national economies and activities, in particular agriculture and food production, augmented by other challenges be it geopolitical, cost of finance or supply chain related, and in a time of increased food insecurity. Without CO2 fertilization, effective adaptation, and genetic improvement, each degree-Celsius increase in global mean temperature would, on average, reduce global yields of wheat by 6.0%, rice by 3.2%, maize by 7.4%, and soybean by 3.1%. Hence this book is useful as a study material to teach in the field of agriculture and climate change. The book is useful for instructors and postgraduate as well as undergraduate students involved in the study of climate change. The book also provide guidance to multiple stakeholders to design mitigation and adaptation efforts to climate change and ensure food security in the developing world.
This report indicates that climate change will significantly affect the availability and trade of fish products, especially for those countries most dependent on the sector, and calls for effective adaptation and mitigation actions encompassing food production.
This publication considers issues of global change versus global warming, using climate history graphics to illustrate the earth's climate variability from paleoclimate research. Topics discussed include: the hydrological cycle and its relevance to fisheries and the evolution of species and fisheries variability, production variabilities and changes in vulnerability owing to constant dynamics of ocean motion affects, bioindicators, spatial and temporal scales, regional ecological responses, examples of ocean ecosystems defined by seasonal thermal properties, synchrony and systematic transitions.
The anatomy of water, water as a substance, water as a medium, the principles of the hydrologic cycle, the economics of water, and challenges are all covered in the first chapter of this book. The horizon of the tropical world, the environment, particularly the tropical environment, aquatic biome, tropical aquatic bionetwork, concept of biosphere, and tropical limnology are all covered in the second chapter. The third chapter covers the following topics: the origins of lakes, general lake classification, tropical lakes, lake morphometry, morpho-edaphic index, trophic status index of lakes, wetlands, and mangroves in tropical regions. The lotic environment is the main topic of the fourth chapter, which also covers the idea of stream order, the differences between rivers and streams, the river continuum, physical, chemical, and biological characteristics, and adaptations of fish found in hill streams. Chapter five covers the prokaryota, cyanobacteria, freshwater biota, and water-adapted organisms. The sixth chapter focuses on the algal communities Xanthophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Phaeophyceae (brown algae), and Chlorophyceae. The seventh and last chapter covers the following topics: Protozoa, Porifera, Rotifera, Coelenterata, Annelida, Arthropoda, Crustacea, Aquatic Insects, Mollusca, Echinodermata, and Brachiopodaa.
This comprehensive Handbook assesses the escalation of global natural disasters as a result of climate change. Examining the complex interplay of human and natural activities, it highlights the growing vulnerability of people and communities in developing countries to floods, landslides, cyclones, heat waves and wildfires.
"Written by Tim Hirsch with Kieran Mooney, Robert H'oft, and David Cooper"--P. 90.
After steadily declining for over a decade, global hunger is on the rise again, while various forms of malnutrition coexist. Climate change is already exacerbating this grim picture, which is why food security and food production will be a major focus of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 6th Assessment Cycle. Thanks to the participation of 250 experts from all around the world, the International Symposium on Food Security and Nutrition in the Age of Climate Change highlighted the importance of food and agricultural systems in the fight against climate change and presented concrete multi-sector solutions to address this global issue. The event placed special emphasis on the regional realities of West Africa and the Canadian North, as well as to the presence of young people and members of Indigenous and Northern communities directly affected by these issues. The summaries of these four days of plenaries, interactive workshops, and special events have been grouped under seven major themes for this publication: 1) Climate change, food security and nutrition: the issues; (2) The agriculture sectors in the context of climate change; (3) Food systems in the face of climate change; (4) Natural resources: challenges and solutions; (5) Food security and nutrition in a changing North; (6) Summary of solutions; (7) Strengthening and adapting regional and international cooperation.
Published to coincide with the Fourth United Nations Environmental Assembly, UN Environment's sixth Global Environment Outlook calls on decision makers to take bold and urgent action to address pressing environmental issues in order to protect the planet and human health. By bringing together hundreds of scientists, peer reviewers and collaborating institutions and partners, the GEO reports build on sound scientific knowledge to provide governments, local authorities, businesses and individual citizens with the information needed to guide societies to a truly sustainable world by 2050. GEO-6 outlines the current state of the environment, illustrates possible future environmental trends and analyses the effectiveness of policies. This flagship report shows how governments can put us on the path to a truly sustainable future - emphasising that urgent and inclusive action is needed to achieve a healthy planet with healthy people. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.