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When I entered the lottery to have my application fee waived for a shot at attending Wiltshire University I never thought I would get in. I mean, Wiltshire University is The University; you know, the one that people would literally cut off their left arm to get into. No really, it was a thing. There was this whole expose a decade ago about a kid who cut off their left arm thinking it would make them a shoo-in with the admissions board. It didn’t. He ended up at Duke. It's a real cautionary tale. Anyways, when the acceptance packet arrived, I thought it was a fluke, or I was on a reboot of Punkd; I was totally not signing that release. Well, either Ashton 2.0 is playing the long game, or my acceptance was real. Either way, I left my two best friends behind to become a Gryphaera; everything was falling into place for me to have an amazing life. Was. I’ve been at Wiltshire for a few weeks now and my only friends here are the ladies who swipe my ID card in the dining hall. I mean, you know us girls with our besties, we are always all “Next.” “Hi! Sorry, I had my ID just a second ago. Boiling out there today, huh? Ok, well, thanks. Have a nice day!”. I dare you to claim I'm not killing it in the friend department. Fine, it's pathetic; I know. Not as pathetic as lying to everyone back home about how great things are here at Wiltshire. Oh, and I somehow got myself evicted from my dorm, like, while I was at class; or I walked right into a quarantined building. I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Is that a side effect of the plague? I should google that... Plus, bonus, someone is leaving me taunting voicemails and cryptic notes. See! Killing it in the friend department! That's how I found myself scouring the isolated underground tunnel of Wiltshire’s historic bell tower, because a note told me to. Have I mentioned I'm totes brilliant? That’s where I meet him; in the tunnel, not in the blinding light of my brilliance. That’s where my life really changes. Outcast is the first book in the new Wiltshire University series; a New Adult, contemporary, slow burn, reverse harem.
Cali may be out of the fire, but that doesn't mean the heat is off. Finn and Knoxx have been summoned to answer for their actions. The paparazzi and media are circling Kingston like vultures. People have questions, and they want answers. Tanner took pity on Cali, bringing Braxton, Bree, Knoxx, Finn, and Hoyt along for the ride; a decision they may regret. Fallout from the fire isn't Cali's only problem. Already victim to a prank war in her own dorm, Cali finds herself in the middle of the first year crew's saga. Can Cali remain Switzerland as the pranks continue to escalate, or will she be caught in the cross-hairs once again? Gruesome scalpel work. New societies. Minor kidnappings. Death by glare. Just a typical day at Wiltshire. Feeling guilty, homeless, and possessing only the clothes on her back, Cali tries to juggle the demanding Wiltshire academics, investigators who don't think Cali is as innocent as she seems, a game with increasing stakes that Cali doesn't know the rules to, and trying to hold on to the friends she's made. Cali wanted to be seen, but this is not what she had in mind.
The outcasts of society. A brigade of bandits, just eking out survival. Elin is on the run from something worse, though. Life with the bandits is almost tolerable, despite how they treat her. But when snowy isolation grips her small group of travelling companions and emotions start to get more heated, she finds an ally in their leader, Ara'bor. Will he be able – or willing – to protect her from the cruelty of others? Or will it be up to her to fight against a world that was never ready for someone like her?
Soren and Coryn read the ancient legends of Ga'Hoole in order to find a way to prevent the victory of evil in their present world.
For hundreds of years, the Eastern Zoners have slaved for the Megas--the technologically advanced beings living behind the walled city of Megalopolis. Each eighteen-year-old scavenges a living in the deadly Arid Zone until they either turn twenty-one or they're killed... A Mega throwback is expendable! No one wants him. Not the Zoner village where he was born or the hated Megas he resembles. In the Arid Zone's harsh conditions, death can come at any time... As a Mega Outcast child living in a garbage dump surrounding the walled, glass-and-steel city of Megalopolis, Fish was brought up in a farming tribal community where technologically-advanced Megas are feared and hated. Having turned seventeen, Fish is pushed over the border of his village into the gas pits and rubbish heaps that house the many clusters of outcasts who clean the city for those who consider them inferior between the hours of midnight and dawn. Outcasts are only allowed to return to their Zoner village if they're chosen as mates. But none of the tribe females would willingly choose Fish, given his extreme height and skinniness, his white hair and green eyes. Then he sees Ari, who's also thin, tall, white-haired and green-eyed...but she's about to be thrown off the Ritual Pier. Super-intelligent Megas have invented the 'Knowledge Chip', which is inserted into a baby's head. The better the Chip, the better the Megas lifestyle and the higher their position in the city. Ari's parents put too many chips in their daughter's brain, causing mental regression. Unless a substitute brain can be found for her, she'll be discarded at the pier. Can Fish save her?