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Our Spiritual Destiny: Manifesting New Bodies discusses the ways that evolutionary forces are continuing to unfold through all gradations of life. It explains the purpose of human life as the expansion of Consciousness in matter through ongoing body development. We have the choice to fulfill this purpose consciously at an accelerated pace by changing and raising the matter of our bodies to a level of our divine essence. Utilizing the capacities of our Higher Selves within an initiatory framework of growth and transmutation, we can actively participate in our body development, thereby helping to expedite the manifestation of new bodies. The following are passages from various chapters in the book: From Alignment Clarification: Many of the ancient wisdom traditions, sacred religious texts and modern-day writers have all alluded to some form of physical transcendence, life extension or the raising and refinement of the physical body. From the past, each culture, religion or entity has its own interpretation and language of what the stories mean or symbolize and how they apply to the present day. I believe that many of these references relate to physical ascension, physical body perfection or physical immortality. All include the same premise that our bodies are of a nature and essence which enable their transformation. From Our Journey into Matter: I have come to see all of creation as a work in progress, gradually working its way towards fulfillment. Through evolutionary forces, matter is continually being prepared to express ever-higher aspects of Consciousness in our physical life. It may not always seem like it, but I also believe we are important agents of change for the expansion of consciousness in the world. Our immortal human spirit repeatedly reincarnates within humanity with increasing experience to help unfold and expand a higher plan for matter. However, our main problem with this task is that by taking physical form in matter bodies we cannot remember our divine origins in the inner, unseen realms. From Remembering: Some religious scholars suggest that the essence of all sacred material is somehow buried deep within our being. If this is true, then helping us remember must be the intent and purpose of all divinely inspired sacred books, spiritual literature and cultural myths in the world. Somewhere in our Being or Higher Self, we already know the purpose of physical life in matter. As evolution progresses and our consciousness expands through time, we are incrementally working towards remembering this purpose. From Spiritual Orientation and Alignment: For most of us, the physical demands of our daily lives capture our conscious attention and vital energies. This happens gradually within our ritualized patterns and daily activities. Through this physical focus and orientation, the crystallizing force in matter constructs barriers within our consciousness and bodies that maintain and reinforce this alignment. Because of its compelling and coalescing nature, our life energies are drained through attachment to the form and routine of our lives. As a result, we usually feel and believe we have little left over to devote to our spiritual development. From Health and New Body Alignment: Most people have grown up with a body-centered identity. Everything about living in the world seems to condition us to identify with this orientation. The realities of physical life throughout history have encouraged us to strengthen, build up or perfect our natural body in one way or another. This alignment has ensured the survival of our species. Even today in our modern world, we continue to value the attributes of physical strength, fitness, and vitality as the ultimate experience of a good life. From the standpoint of our present bodies and our collective beliefs about them, this orientation is helpful and necessary. However
The Soul’s Destiny: Discoveries of an Ordinary Christian combines sound biblical research with spiritual autobiography in order to unveil God’s living laws of love—for a prosperous life, here on earth, and for the soul in eternity. In her lively style, Thelma Jane shares the principles of faith and prayer by which she manifested a successful and happy life. These principles will help you to do the same. By careful theological reasoning, supported by a wealth of scriptures, Thelma Jane goes on to discuss theological issues, including: methods of biblical interpretation, the plan of the fall and redemption (from Adam to Christ), and revelations concerning God’s justice and mercy. The book offers a bold and convincing hypothesis, concerning the soul’s destiny. The hypothesis transcends the usual division between “conservative” and “liberal” doctrine. As an evangelical, Thelma Jane believes that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the center and goal of our life of faith. So that all may come to Christ, God’s plan of salvation may include the possibility of reincarnation. Furthermore, salvation may involve not just the individual but also the collective, not just the person but also soul groups (e.g. families). The Soul’s Destiny: Discoveries of an Ordinary Christian is far-ranging, intellectually stimulating, personally engaging, warm, inspiring, and uplifting. Thelma Jane gives hope for all who fervently seek to know God through Jesus Christ. Anyone curious about God's laws of love and the soul's destiny will benefit from this book.
"Create Your Own Destiny! Spiritual Path to Success" is an invaluable resource for those faithful to and open to spiritual and energy healing in which nearly every sentence contains wisdom worthy of contemplation. The book helps the reader realize the body and the mind are not two independent essences to be treated separately, but must be treated as a single whole. The reader gains insight into the power and results of natural and spiritual healing from a science-oriented practitioner. The unique book, written in easy-to-understand terms, is a desktop guide to health for those interested in the preservation of health and the maintenance of karma. The writer is unique. Her educational and scientific background is not normally associated with the gift of natural healing. Traditional science has not quite recognized a gift such as this without analytical proof. Yet, history and folklore traces individuals with the natural healing gift throughout the ages. This book is a modern day encounter between friends and their documented journey together, battling the ravages of cancer, and their ultimate victory.
Pastor and cofounder of the Bethel School of Ministry Kris Vallotton walks Christians through the profound process of discovering their true identity and experiencing the wonder of their kingdom purposes. Christians are often told that they were born with a purpose that reaches beyond their human strivings, but most are not sure how to break past the daily struggles holding them back, much less how to fully step into their callings. As a pastor and the cofounder of the Bethel School of Ministry, Kris Vallotton has been teaching Christians all over the world how to walk in wholeness and purpose for more than seventeen years. In Destined to Win, he passes on the lessons that will help readers discover who they really are, overcome destructive behaviors, and become equipped for their kingdom purposes. Confronting the challenges that limit Christians—such as living shackled by past pain, fear, and unforgiveness—Vallotton offers practical solutions to the of­ten-complex problems that undermine their destinies and derail their pur­poses. With personal stories and biblical teaching, Destined to Win combines practical wisdom and profound revelation to unlock the latent potential present in each person.
Bestselling Christian authors share spiritual insights on the life of Moses in this collection of essays inspired by the biblically based animated feature film, "The Prince of Egypt".
So far, our civilization has developed only one method of communication – OUR EVERYDAY INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION. Time has come for all of us to learn a second method of communication – to commit our thoughts to COMMUNICATING WITH THE UNIVERSE. By interacting with the Universe, we communicate with God, and God is THE ONLY ONE in the Universe WHO can give us the best advice regarding our choice to build up our destiny and secure ourselves with a sound and continuous evolution.
Reveals the ongoing alien manipulation of humanity and how we can break free • Explores how the Anunnaki have maintained invisible surveillance over us and how they control our development through religion, secret societies, and catastrophes • Reveals how they feed off our energies and how this ability has allowed them to remain here on Earth as multidimensional entities, enforcing their control invisibly • Explains how they established religion to control us and how Gnostic Christianity--which came from Christ and not the Anunnaki--offers a way out of their matrix of control Cuneiform texts found on clay plates in Mesopotamia tell us about an extraterrestrial race, called the Anunnaki, who came from space to exploit our planet. Through genetic manipulation, they created modern humans from existing earthly life forms to serve them as slaves. They physically left our planet millennia ago, but as Jan Erik Sigdell reveals, their influence and control over humanity is still pervasive and significant. Sigdell explains how the Anunnaki have maintained invisible surveillance over us as well as control over how humanity develops, setting limits on our evolution and holding back our development by means of manipulation and catastrophes, including the deluge immortalized in the Bible and many other ancient myths. He shows how they still manipulate our politics and affairs via secret societies, such as the Illuminati, and the political elite, such as the Bilderberg Group. Examining ancient descriptions of the Anunnaki as entities that resemble winged reptiles or amphibians, the author also explores their diet and how they feed off blood and the energies given off by lower life forms, such as humans, when they are expressing extreme negative emotions, having sex, or dying. This energy-feeding ability has allowed them to remain here on Earth as multidimensional entities, enforcing their control invisibly. He explains how the Anunnaki established religions as tools for control, setting up the major religions with themselves as “gods” and playing them against each other to keep humanity’s attention away from ongoing Anunnaki manipulation. They have also hidden from us the existence of the true highest creator, who created the cosmos as well as the Anunnaki themselves. The author reveals how the highest creator sent a messenger called Jesus to expose the Anunnaki and show us a way out of their matrix of control through a spirituality based on love, empathy, and sacred sexuality. But the “god” of the Anunnaki defeated this messenger and replaced him with a false Christ. This led to the development of Paulinian Christianity under Anunnaki influence, as well as other parallel religions such as Islam, and the suppression and elimination of the original Christianity, Gnostic Christianity. With the discovery of hidden Gnostic texts and teachings at Nag Hammadi in 1945, the way is now paved for our release from the reign of the Anunnaki.
Death is inescapable for us all, but in that death, we may also have the hope of something wonderful and greater than what we have experienced here on Earth. Our Spiritual Destiny: Death and the Hereafter explores what the Bible has to say about • Why people die, and what is promised to us beyond the grave • Example from the Old Testament and what the Bible declared as the fate of Old Testament saints • How Jesus described the hereafter • The promises for eternal fellowship with Christ found in the New Testament • A description of activities in heaven during coming events on Earth • The resurrection of the dead and promised reward and punishment • A description of eternity future God has many promises for those who trust Him by faith for a better life beyond the grave. This is why the apostle Paul wrote in his letter to the Thessalonian church: "But I would not have you be ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others who have no hope" (1 Thessalonians 4:13).
Many Christians would be excited to know they have a spiritual inheritance, but they don't have a clue what that really involves. Why is that? Juanita Bynum, author of the New york Times best seller The Threshing Floor, takes you right to the core issue. What place does your pastor hold in your church, your community, and your own heart? Bynum minces no words as she describes how our spiritual leaders have been placed in our lives to help us move into the full portion of the inheritance god has for us. But it will not happen unless we allow them to speak into our lives. Bynum answers the following questions: ? Do I really want to be released into the spiritual destiny god has for me? ? Am I ready to inherit the power god has deposited in my spiritual forefathers? ? Do I want to see spiritual authority flowing through my pastor and my church? ? Am I ready to inherit my destiny from god to go out and minister to others?
In this follow-up to "How to Talk with Your Angels, " professional channel Kim O'Neill provides simple steps to help readers access their souls' memory banks to achieve their life purposes, find romantic soul mates, release patterns of destructive relationships and become happier, more successful people.