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The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 jeopardizes the country's independence and its chances for Western-style development. However, the heroic attitude of the Ukrainian people, combined with a solidifying national identity, makes the domestic foundations for a western turn stronger than ever. After the invasion, building strong foundations of liberal democracy will be a top priority. In addition to alleviating immediate problems, the country must also address its post-communist legacy and address the constraints of patronalism. The authors of this edited volume, leading Ukrainian scholars supplemented by colleagues from Hungary, examine the chances of an anti-patronal transformation after the war. The book provides an overview of the development of Ukraine's political-economic system: color revolutions in 2004 and 2014 brought democratic transformation, but no change in the patronage system The result was patronal regime cycles instead of the emergence of a Western-type liberal democracy in the country. Building on the conceptual framework of the editors' The Anatomy of Post-Communist Regimes (CEU Press, 2020), the 12 chapters examine the impact of the war on patronal democracy, the relational economy, clientelist society, and the international environment in which Ukraine operates. This collection is complemented by the book entitled Russia. Imperial Endeavor and Geopolitical Consequences.
Leaders of hybrid regimes in pursuit of political domination and material gain instrumentalize both hidden forms of corruption and public anti-corruption policies. Corruption is pursued for different purposes including cooperation with strategic partners and exclusion of opponents. Presidents use anti-corruption policies to legitimize and institutionalize political domination. Corrupt practices and anti-corruption policies become two sides of the same coin and are exercised to maintain an uneven political playing field. This study combines empirical analysis and social constructivism for an investigation into the presidencies of Leonid Kuchma (1994–2005), Viktor Yushchenko (2005–2010), and Viktor Yanukovych (2010–2014). Explorative expert interviews, press surveys, content analysis of presidential speeches, as well as critical assessment of anti-corruption legislation are used for comparison and process tracing of the utilization of corruption under three Ukrainian presidents.
Zwei Ereignisse, die Europa und die OSZE 2014 besonders geprägt und das Interesse an der Organisation schlagartig erhöht haben, stehen im Mittelpunkt der Expertenanalysen und Insiderberichte im nunmehr 20. Band der Reihe: die Ukrainekrise und der Helsinki+40-Prozess.Die diesjährigen Länderberichte sind Turkmenistan, dem OSZE-„Neuling" Mongolei und Großbritannien im Kontext des schottischen Unabhängigkeitsreferendums gewidmet.Im Kapitel über Konfliktprävention und Streitschlichtung werden die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die mit der Einsetzung der OSZE-Sonderbeobachtermission in der Ukraine verbunden sind, Hintergründe und Auswirkungen des Konflikts, die Motive Russlands und die Entwicklungen in der ukrainischen Zivilgesellschaft von internationalen Experten untersucht.Weitere Themen sind u.a. der Konflikt um Berg-Karabach, Russlands Kritik an der Wahlbeobachtung des BDIMR, konventionelle Rüstungskontrolle vor dem Hintergrund der Ukrainekrise sowie die Mittelmeerkooperation der OSZE vier Jahre nach Beginn des „Arabischen Frühlings".Wie stets bietet das Jahrbuch in einem umfassenden Anhang Daten und Fakten zu den 57 Teilnehmerstaaten der OSZE, einen Überblick über wichtige Veranstaltungen sowie eine aktuelle Literaturauswahl.In englischer Sprache.
This book presents an in-depth analysis of the environmental issues raised in the South China Sea Arbitration Awards, which have not attracted as much attention in the Philippines as the “nine-dash line”. Specifically it focuses on the conservation of endangered species and the conservation of fragile ecosystems in the South China Sea. The aims of the book are two-fold. First, it seeks to explain the Philippine perspective on the environmental aspects of its dispute with China. The book reconstructs the Philippine perspective in part by consulting several dozens of the hundreds of documents that the Philippines submitted to the Tribunal. Some of these documents were classified as secret and would thus have never been made available to the public had it not been for the arbitration. Second, it attempts to explain the decisions of the Tribunal on jurisdiction and admissibility as well as the decisions on the merits of the dispute. The book does this by consulting not only the two Awards but also the hundreds of pages of transcripts, expert reports, supplemental submissions and written responses by the Philippines to questions posed by the Tribunal.
The Council of Europe, of which all European States are members, plays a pivotal role in the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in Europe. Bringing together specialist scholars and practitioners, The Council of Europe: Its Laws and Policies offers profound insights into the functioning of the organization. The organization's primary and secondary law, its institutional structure, and its far-reaching fields of activities are comprehensively and systematically analysed. This volume investigates the impact of the Council's activities within the national legal systems of the Member States and the dense web of relationships between the Council of Europe and other international organisations. An important reference work on one of the most influential organizations in Europe, the book concludes that the Council of Europe has played a considerable role in the constitutionalization process of regional public international law.
Die Aufgaben und Aktivitäten der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa von der Konfliktverhütung und Krisenbewältigung über die Förderung von Demokratie und Menschenrechten bis zu regionaler Rüstungskontrolle – wissenschaftliche Analysen und Berichte aus der politischen und diplomatischen Praxis.
This book explores the phenomenon of de facto states in Eurasia: states such as Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, and the Transnistrian Moldovan Republic. It examines how they are formed, what sustains them, and how their differing development trajectories have unfolded. It argues that most of these de facto states have been formed with either direct or indirect support from Russia, but they all have their own internal logic and are not simply puppets in the hands of a powerful patron. The book provides detailed case studies and draws out general patterns, and compares present-day de facto states with de facto states which existed in the past.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the world's largest regional security organisation, possesses most of the attributes traditionally ascribed to an international organisation, but lacks a constitutive treaty and an established international legal personality. Moreover, OSCE decisions are considered mere political commitments and thus not legally binding. As such, it seems to correspond to the general zeitgeist, in which new, less formal actors and forms of international cooperation gain prominence, while traditional actors and instruments of international law are in stagnation. However, an increasing number of voices - including the OSCE participating states - have been advocating for more formal and autonomous OSCE institutional structures, for international legal personality, or even for the adoption of a constitutive treaty. The book analyses why and how these demands have emerged, critically analyses the reform proposals and provides new arguments for revisiting the OSCE legal framework.
Religious education is always a local or regional practice. This is evident in the studies in the present volume on religion and education. The production and the transfer of knowledge in this field are particular and take place in certain historical contexts, so that both can be understood as historical processes. With regard to these theoretical assumptions, the authors of the present volume deliver case studies concerning religious education research in Germany, Ireland, Sweden, Argentina, as well as other countries. Several questions from these contributions might be relevant for further studies: Is religion being underrated in educational research? Is education, on the other hand, being underrated in religious studies? Do these questions depend on national traditions in educational as well as religious research? Are there transnational exchanges between countries through networks, guilds and media? And finally, what might be the additional benefits of such research compared to international comparative studies?
How could a person portrayed as a terrorist by the Tajik state also be seen as a mujahid fighter in Islam and be a cousin all at the same time? Is this just a matter of perspective and conceptualization? To believe in the protection of concepts to safeguard groups and individuals from the uncertain character of the world, is to deny the existence of chance and the contradictions in life. This book uses approaches from existential anthropology to enquire into the question of how concepts and experiences relate. The focus is on the way the notions jihad, mujahid and terrorism were used during a military intervention in Tajikistan in 2010. The book includes long-term ethnographic material, popular pamphlets on Islam and an internet analysis of the conflict, offering new insights into how concepts and experiences relate. Since the end of the Soviet Union, the people from the republic Tajikistan have struggled to find a place in the larger Muslim world, a painful process unfolding in relation to global events, discourses and politics. The primary readership for the book will come from academia and policy makers. The book presents novel material on a fascinating and highly important topic, the nature of ostensibly Islamist political violence against the state in Tajikistan. John Heathershaw