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The Sakmarian (Cisuralian, Permian) Fossil Cliff Member of the Holmwood Shale is situated in the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia, and consists of alternating beds of shale and silty calcarenite forming three parasequences. Within this member a diverse fauna of ostracodes and foraminifera are present. During the Cisuralian the northern Perth Basin formed part of the Gondwanan supercontinent and was linked to Greater India via an epeiric sea that opened to the north. The ostracode fauna is restricted to the calcareous beds of the member and consists of a diverse benthic fauna comprising 31 new species and 13 previously recorded species. Species from the Healdioidea, Bairdioidea, Youngielloidea, and Thlipsuroidea dominate the assemblage and suggest a normal-marine environment during the period represented by the calcareous beds, with an overall shallowing trend up the sequence. The fauna shows some similarity to faunas from the Tethyan deposits of North America and the Boreal deposits of Russia during the Late Carboniferous and Cisuralian. Twenty-eight species of foraminifera were recorded from the Fossil Cliff Member and underlying Holmwood Shale and comprise two distinct faunas, an agglutinated benthic foraminiferal fauna found within the shale beds and a calcareous benthic foraminiferal fauna present in the calcarenite units. The agglutinated foraminifera are inferred to represent deposition in dysoxic to suboxic (0.1-1.5 mL/LO2;), poorly circulated bottom waters below wave base. The calcareous foraminifera are inferred to represent deposition in normal-marine conditions. Both foraminiferal assemblages show a shallowing trend in their distribution that matches the trend identified in the ostracode fauna. Based upon the palaeoecology of the ostracode and foraminiferal faunas, the depositional environment for the Fossil Cliff Member is inferred to have been within shallow water in an epeiric basin during an overall marine regression that is overprinted by eustatic and isostatic oscillations resulting from deglaciation that occurred during the early Sakmarian (Cisuralian). These sea-level oscillations raised and lowered the oxic surface waters of the epeiric sea above and below the substrate resulting in a sparse agglutinated foraminiferal fauna or an abundant and diverse ostracode and calcareous foraminiferal fauna respectively.
This book charts the stratigraphical distribution of ostracods in the Cambrian to Pleistocene deposits of Britain and outlines their utility for dating and correlating rock sequences, as well as indicating aspects of their palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographical significance. These small bivalved crustaceans are the most abundant arthropods in the fossil record. Indeed, the stratigraphy of Britain, which embraces many type-sequences, provides a particularly rich and full record of them, from at least the basal Ordovician, and from the British Cambrian there is a biostratigraphy based on their 'relatives', the bradoriids and phosphatocopids. Ostracod distributions demonstrate the ecological success story of the group, occupying as they do marine, non-marine and even 'terrestrial' habitats. Written by current specialists in the field, this book is an authoritative account and will be welcomed by all micropalaeontologists and applied geologists in the industrial and academic world alike. It is richly illustrated with over 80 plates of electron micrographs and specially drawn maps, diagrams and range-charts.
An illustrated guide to introduction to major fossil groups.
This publication combines the interpretations of two major sets of data. One if the geophysical data that is used to interpret the position of the tectonic plates through geologic time. The other is based on a long time search of the geological literature to find, record, and evaluate the lithologic descriptions of countless reports around the globe; paying careful attention to those lithologies that have climatic implications. The introduction to this volume includes a detailed discussion of the lithologies, mineralogies and biogeographies that are considered to be the most reliable in identifying the climatic conditions existing during their formation and how they are used or not used in this compilation. Global paleoclimatic zones based on the climatically interpreted data points are identified during the twenty-eight time periods from Cambrian to Miocene using paleotectonic reconstructed maps. The paleoclimate of each time period is summarized and includes a discussion of the specific referenced data points that have been interpreted to be the most reliable available for that time period and location.