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In a year of renewed interest in the OSCE, the 20th edition of the OSCE Yearbook contains analyses, descriptions and reports by experts, insiders and decision-makers on the world's largest regional security organization, its work and participating States. A special focus section considers the Helsinki +40 Process against the background of the crisis in Ukraine. Highlights include former Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov on the OSCE's ongoing relevance, and OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier on the Organization as a regional arrangement under the UN Charter. Steven Pifer also discusses recent events in US-Russia relations. The participating States in the spotlight this year are Turkmenistan, newcomer Mongolia, and the UK, in the context of the referendum on Scottish independence. The section on conflict prevention and dispute settlement is largely dedicated to the Ukraine crisis. Here, renowned experts deal with the challenges and opportunities presented by the OSCE's Special Monitoring Mission; analyse the strategic struggle between Russia and Ukraine; consider Russia's motivations; and outline the development of Ukrainian civil society. Other contributions are dedicated to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, election observation, conventional arms control against the backdrop of the Ukraine crisis, and the OSCE Mediterranean Partnership four years after the "Arab Spring".
Die Aufgaben und Aktivitäten der Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa von der Konfliktverhütung und Krisenbewältigung über die Förderung von Demokratie und Menschenrechten bis zu regionaler Rüstungskontrolle – wissenschaftliche Analysen und Berichte aus der politischen und diplomatischen Praxis.
This book details the responsibilities and activities of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Chapters range from conflict prevention and crisis management via the promotion of democracy and human rights to arms control – with each chapter including analysis and reports on political and diplomatic practice.
Zwei Ereignisse, die Europa und die OSZE 2014 besonders gepragt und das Interesse an der Organisation schlagartig erhoht haben, stehen im Mittelpunkt der Expertenanalysen und Insiderberichte im nunmehr 20. Band der Reihe: die Ukrainekrise und der Helsinki+40-Prozess. Im Themenschwerpunkt zum Helsinki+40-Prozess gewahrt der 2014 auaerst erfolgreich agierende Schweizer Vorsitz einen Einblick in seine Tatigkeit. Zeitzeugen lassen die Ereignisse seit der Unterzeichnung der Helsinki-Schlussakte Revue passieren. Serbiens Auaenminister umreiat die wichtigsten Aufgaben, denen sich sein Land als OSZE-Vorsitz des Jahres 2015 stellen muss, und der ehemalige russische Auaenminister Igor Iwanow legt dar, warum die OSZE heute noch genauso wichtig ist wie vor 40 Jahren. Der Generalsekretar der OSZE Lamberto Zannier befasst sich mit der OSZE als regionale Abmachung im Sinne der VN-Charta, Steven Pifer geht jungsten Entwicklungen in den amerikanisch-russischen Beziehungen nach. Die diesjahrigen Landerberichte sind Turkmenistan, dem OSZE-"Neuling" Mongolei und Groabritannien im Kontext des schottischen Unabhangigkeitsreferendums gewidmet. Im Kapitel uber Konfliktpravention und Streitschlichtung, das 2014 groatenteils im Zeichen der Ukrainekrise steht, werden die Chancen und Herausforderungen, die mit der Einsetzung der OSZE-Sonderbeobachtermission in der Ukraine verbunden sind, Hintergrunde und Auswirkungen des Konflikts, die Motive Russlands und die Entwicklungen in der ukrainischen Zivilgesellschaft von internationalen Experten beleuchtet. Weitere Themen sind in diesem Jahr u.a. der Konflikt um Berg-Karabach, Russlands Kritik an der Wahlbeobachtung des BDIMR, konventionelle Rustungskontrolle vor dem Hintergrund der Ukrainekrise sowie die Mittelmeerkooperation der OSZE vier Jahre nach Beginn des "Arabischen Fruhlings". Wie stets bietet das Jahrbuch in einem umfassenden Anhang Daten und Fakten zu den 57 Teilnehmerstaaten der OSZE, einen Uberblick uber wichtige Veranstaltungen sowie eine aktuelle Literaturauswahl.
The OSCE Yearbook 2013 comprises a wealth of writing by experts and practitioners on the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the topics it deals with, and the states that comprise it. After a foreword by the 2013 Chairperson-in-Office, Ukraine's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Leonid Kozhara, three analytical contributions consider Russian-US relations, the evolution of Euro-Atlantic security, and the ongoing Helsinki +40 process. The section on the participating States includes a discussion of relevant developments in Armenia and Kazakhstan and a preview of the 2014 Swiss Chairmanship. A comprehensive review of OSCE conflict prevention activities is followed by a special focus section, which this year covers transnational threats, policing, and border management. It contains detailed considerations of the Strategic Framework for Police-Related Activities, in-depth information on border-related issues such as border policy in Central Asia, an outline of the OSCE's counter-terrorism activities, and descriptions of community policing in Germany and the European Border Surveillance System EUROSUR. The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media considers the challenges of press freedom in the digital age. There is also a review of Ireland's 2012 chairmanship, a discussion of the recently established OSCE Academic Network, and a report on the OSCE's public diplomacy. Finally, external relations in the spotlight include OSCE engagement in Afghanistan and the role of the Arab League in conflict resolution. The Yearbook includes compendious appendixes with data and facts on the 57 OSCE States as well as a full bibliography of recent publications.
Der Band stellt die Aufgaben und Aktivitaten der Organisation fur Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa von der Konfliktverhutung und Krisenbewaltigung uber die Forderung von Demokratie und Menschenrechten bis zu regionaler Rustungskontrolle dar - wissenschaftliche Analysen und Berichte aus der politischen und diplomatischen Praxis.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the world's largest regional security organisation, possesses most of the attributes traditionally ascribed to an international organisation, but lacks a constitutive treaty and an established international legal personality. Moreover, OSCE decisions are considered mere political commitments and thus not legally binding. As such, it seems to correspond to the general zeitgeist, in which new, less formal actors and forms of international cooperation gain prominence, while traditional actors and instruments of international law are in stagnation. However, an increasing number of voices - including the OSCE participating states - have been advocating for more formal and autonomous OSCE institutional structures, for international legal personality, or even for the adoption of a constitutive treaty. The book analyses why and how these demands have emerged, critically analyses the reform proposals and provides new arguments for revisiting the OSCE legal framework.
This volume provides the first geographically and thematically comprehensive study of the evolution and current state of the national security and defence policies, strategies, doctrines, capabilities, and military operations, as well as the alliances and security partnerships, of European armed forces.