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This volume expands on a set of lectures held at the Courant Institute on Riemann-Hilbert problems, orthogonal polynomials, and random matrix theory. The goal of the course was to prove universality for a variety of statistical quantities arising in the theory of random matrix models. The central question was the following: Why do very general ensembles of random n times n matrices exhibit universal behavior as n > infinity? The main ingredient in the proof is the steepest descent method for oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems. Titles in this series are copublished with the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at New York University.
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This book explores the remarkable connections between two domains that, a priori, seem unrelated: Random matrices (together with associated random processes) and integrable systems. The relations between random matrix models and the theory of classical integrable systems have long been studied. These appear mainly in the deformation theory, when parameters characterizing the measures or the domain of localization of the eigenvalues are varied. The resulting differential equations determining the partition function and correlation functions are, remarkably, of the same type as certain equations appearing in the theory of integrable systems. They may be analyzed effectively through methods based upon the Riemann-Hilbert problem of analytic function theory and by related approaches to the study of nonlinear asymptotics in the large N limit. Associated with studies of matrix models are certain stochastic processes, the "Dyson processes", and their continuum diffusion limits, which govern the spectrum in random matrix ensembles, and may also be studied by related methods. Random Matrices, Random Processes and Integrable Systems provides an in-depth examination of random matrices with applications over a vast variety of domains, including multivariate statistics, random growth models, and many others. Leaders in the field apply the theory of integrable systems to the solution of fundamental problems in random systems and processes using an interdisciplinary approach that sheds new light on a dynamic topic of current research.
"Orthogonal polynomials satisfy a three-term recursion relation irrespective of the weight function with respect to which they are defined. This gives a simple formula for the kernel function, known in the literature as the Christoffel-Darboux sum. The availability of asymptotic results of orthogonal polynomials and the simple structure of the Christoffel-Darboux sum make the study of unitary ensembles of random matrices relatively straightforward. In this book, the author develops the theory of skew-orthogonal polynomials and obtains recursion relations which, unlike orthogonal polynomials, depend on weight functions. After deriving reduced expressions, called the generalized Christoffel-Darboux formulas (GCD), he obtains universal correlation functions and non-universal level densities for a wide class of random matrix ensembles using the GCD. The author also shows that once questions about higher order effects are considered (questions that are relevant in different branches of physics and mathematics) the use of the GCD promises to be efficient. Titles in this series are co-published with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques."--Publisher's website.
This book provides a detailed description of the Riemann-Hilbert approach (RH approach) to the asymptotic analysis of both continuous and discrete orthogonal polynomials, and applications to random matrix models as well as to the six-vertex model. The RH approach was an important ingredient in the proofs of universality in unitary matrix models. This book gives an introduction to the unitary matrix models and discusses bulk and edge universality. The six-vertex model is an exactly solvable two-dimensional model in statistical physics, and thanks to the Izergin-Korepin formula for the model wit.
This new book presents research in orthogonal polynomials and special functions. Recent developments in the theory and accomplishments of the last decade are pointed out and directions for research in the future are identified. The topics covered include matrix orthogonal polynomials, spectral theory and special functions, Asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials via Riemann-Hilbert methods, Polynomial wavelets and Koornwinder polynomials.
Motivated by asymptotic questions related to the spectral theory of complex random matrices, this work focuses on the asymptotic analysis of orthogonal polynomials with respect to quasi-harmonic potentials in the complex plane. The ultimate goal is to develop new techniques to obtain strong asymptotics (asymptotic expansions valid uniformly on compact subsets) for planar orthogonal polynomials and use these results to understand the limiting behavior of spectral statistics of matrix models as their size goes to infinity. For orthogonal polynomials on the real line the powerful Riemann-Hilbert approach is the main analytic tool to derive asymptotics for the eigenvalue correlations in Hermitian matrix models. As yet, no such method is available to obtain asymptotic information about planar orthogonal polynomials, but some steps in this direction have been taken. The results of this thesis concern the connection between the asymptotic behavior of orthogonal polynomials and the corresponding equilibrium measure. It is conjectured that this connection is established via a quadrature identity: under certain conditions the weak-star limit of the normalized zero counting measure of the orthogonal polynomials is a quadrature measure for the support of the equilibrium measure of the corresponding two-dimensional electrostatic variational problem of the underlying potential. Several results are presented on equilibrium measures, quadrature domains, orthogonal polynomials and their relation to matrix models. In particular, complete strong asymptotics are obtained for the simplest nontrivial quasi-harmonic potential by a contour integral reduction method and the Riemann-Hilbert approach, which confirms the above conjecture for this special case.
This book establishes bounds and asymptotics under almost minimal conditions on the varying weights, and applies them to universality limits and entropy integrals. Orthogonal polynomials associated with varying weights play a key role in analyzing random matrices and other topics. This book will be of use to a wide community of mathematicians, physicists, and statisticians dealing with techniques of potential theory, orthogonal polynomials, approximation theory, as well as random matrices.
This paper is a largely expository account of the theory of p x p matrix polyno mials associated with Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices and some related problems of interpolation and extension. Perhaps the main novelty is the use of reproducing kernel Pontryagin spaces to develop parts of the theory in what hopefully the reader will regard as a reasonably lucid way. The topics under discussion are presented in a series of short sections, the headings of which give a pretty good idea of the overall contents of the paper. The theory is a rich one and the present paper in spite of its length is far from complete. The author hopes to fill in some of the gaps in future publications. The story begins with a given sequence h_n" ... , hn of p x p matrices with h-i = hj for j = 0, ... , n. We let k = O, ... ,n, (1.1) denote the Hermitian block Toeplitz matrix based on ho, ... , hk and shall denote its 1 inverse H k by (k)] k [ r = .. k = O, ... ,n, (1.2) k II} . '-0 ' I- whenever Hk is invertible.
This volume contains the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on "Orthogonal Polynomials and Their Applications" held at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. between May 22,1989 and June 3,1989. The Advanced Study Institute primarily concentrated on those aspects of the theory and practice of orthogonal polynomials which surfaced in the past decade when the theory of orthogonal polynomials started to experience an unparalleled growth. This progress started with Richard Askey's Regional Confer ence Lectures on "Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions" in 1975, and subsequent discoveries led to a substantial revaluation of one's perceptions as to the nature of orthogonal polynomials and their applicability. The recent popularity of orthogonal polynomials is only partially due to Louis de Branges's solution of the Bieberbach conjecture which uses an inequality of Askey and Gasper on Jacobi polynomials. The main reason lies in their wide applicability in areas such as Pade approximations, continued fractions, Tauberian theorems, numerical analysis, probability theory, mathematical statistics, scattering theory, nuclear physics, solid state physics, digital signal processing, electrical engineering, theoretical chemistry and so forth. This was emphasized and convincingly demonstrated during the presentations by both the principal speakers and the invited special lecturers. The main subjects of our Advanced Study Institute included complex orthogonal polynomials, signal processing, the recursion method, combinatorial interpretations of orthogonal polynomials, computational problems, potential theory, Pade approximations, Julia sets, special functions, quantum groups, weighted approximations, orthogonal polynomials associated with root systems, matrix orthogonal polynomials, operator theory and group representations.