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La obra refleja la investigación realizada por el autor en escolares entre diez y catorce años sobre las cuestiones reflejadas en el título.
Bastante literatura e investigaciones sociales, coinciden que las condiciones sociales de origen, influyen en el rendimiento escolar. Asi lo confirma la teoria social. Contar con buenas y estables condiciones economicas, sociales, materiales y familiares, condiciona en buena medida, un desempeno positivo en la escuela. La educacion ha sido considerada un mecanismo de movilidad social, y por tanto uno de los instrumentos idoneos para combatir la desigualdad. Sin embargo la realidad social nos enfrenta a otras situaciones. La realidad es que no necesarimente quienes cuentan con condiciones de educabilidad positivas, tienen un mejor desempeno y, por consiguiente quienes no cuentan con ellas, fracasan en la escuela. Este trabajo se ocupa de casos excepcionales, donde el enfoque de resiliencia, tiene un gran potencial explicativo de aquellos que, a pesar de condiciones precarias en las que se desarrollan, logran salir adelante y rehacer, de la adversidad, un lugar de oportunidad y aprendizaje. Nos referimos a aquellos jovenes universitarios sobresalientes, que pese a una estructura que opera en contra, buscan y encuentran caminos alternativos de su accion."
The aim of this book is to develop a framework for describing the field as it currently exists together with well-established views. As far as possible the book describes rather than prescribes, to avoid taking up any single approach or theory regarding what constitutes the legitimate approach to TEFL research. Of course, the personal views of the authors will colour the account provided as it is imposible to separate description from interpretation. Thus, in a way, this book involves the theories, beliefs, knowledge, methods and practices of foreign language teachers and how these can enhance teacher education. This book is planned for pre-service or in-service teachers of a foreign language at primary, secondary or tertiary levels, although the criterions examined are useful to teachers of English as a foreign language, teacher trainers, or modern language teachers involved in teaching any language whether in Spain or overseas. Our main purpose is to help readers to help themselves. Accordingly, the reader is encouraged to be engaged in an examination of foreign language teaching and learning in hope of improving his/her practice and making language teaching more controllable, more interesting and more effective. The chapters are organized into four sections. In Section I, three chapters describe some perspectives in teacher education. In the first chapter, José M. Vez focuses on the hypothesis that the key to producing well-qualified EFL teachers is to greatly strengthen their professional learning across the continuum of a career in the foreign language classroom. He emphasizes the fact that foreign-language teaching must become a learning profession in order to prompt greater learning among foreign language students and describes the innovative aspects of foreign language teacher education. In the second chapter, Sheena Davies provides an overview of language teacher education today, with particular reference to English language teaching, discusses some current issues associated with the field, and gives notice of her experience working with both native speaker and non-native speaker teachers of English from all over the world on a variety of in-service and pre-service courses and seminars. In chapter 3, we examine the perspectives on teacher thinking and teachers' beliefs in general, and about language learning in particular. .
Inequality of educational opportunities (IEO) is a recurring topic in both public debate and academic research. This book contributes to the contemporary discussion on IEO with a focus on individual trajectories over the life course. It provides empirical evidence on the magnitude and the mechanisms of IEO in Colombia, a country with extreme, persistent levels of social inequality. Using national administrative databases, the author examines the effect of social origin on academic and labor market outcomes among university graduates. Drawing on a comprehensive theoretical approach to stratification and higher education, this volume discusses how the interaction between family background and segmentation of educational institutions might influence individuals’ outcomes. As such, it will appeal to scholars, policy makers, and practitioners with interests in education, social inequality, social policy, higher education research, and international/comparative education.
This groundbreaking research volume addresses the topic of educational inequality from a global perspective. It includes 16 chapters from an international group of scholars who examine how well city school systems from around the world are preparing young people, particularly poor and minority students, with the skills they will need for further study, work, and life overall. While skills in key domains such as science, math, language, and civics have been center stage in international comparisons, there has been growing recognition of the effects that education has on the development of broader sets of capabilities such as social and emotional skills (also known as “noncognitive” or “21st-century” skills) that can affect the success of students in school and beyond. This volume aims to address the shortage of international data on the wide range of skills that students need to learn, enabling researchers to compare the types and causes of educational inequality in skills within and between cities.