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Recently discourse has grown about the importance of partnerships for adding value to agriculture research, strengthening policy capacities, and enhancing food policy impact on global food security and poverty reduction. However, the literature on partnerships specifically focusing on food policy research impact is still mostly emerging. This paper contributes to our understanding of food policy–research partnerships and provides a review of the theory and empirical literature about the factors that contribute to effective food policy–research partnerships. The literature points to the emergence of organizational partnerships as primarily driven by subjective perceptions about potential partners, the complex and uncertain external environment, access to resources through partnership and expectations of potential impact of the partnership. Perceptions that are found to be important include trust, mutuality of partner goals, legitimacy of partner and the perception that partnering will achieve more than what one organization can accomplish independently through cost sharing, lower transactions costs and increased competitiveness. Effectively implementing each phase of the partnership cycle, from scoping to reviewing and revising, with effective communication throughout all phases, is critical to achieve high quality and impactful food policy–research partnerships.
For four decades, the rich partnership between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has generated cutting-edge technical knowledge and enhanced expertise in support of food security and improved nutrition for all, and for making agriculture and food systems more inclusive, productive, resilient, and sustainable. Driven by these shared goals, FAO and IFPRI have contributed to a strong evidence base to strengthen the capacity of policy makers in making sound policy decisions. Our work helped create important information resources and networks for food security, strengthen the focus on gender in agriculture, spur strategic public investment in agriculture, promote productive and sustainable rural development, and advocate for enhancing the positive impact of agriculture and food systems on nutrition. This brochure presents highlights and successes of the partnership between FAO and IFPRI.
Researcher–implementer partnerships are a subject of growing interest in CGIAR, and beyond, to help ensure research is relevant, cost-effective, and likely to scale up quickly among potential users. In 2021, as part of its synthesis strategy, the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) commissioned an external review of the International Food Policy Research Institute’s (IFPRI) researcher–implementer partnerships in the context of nutrition-sensitive programming.1 The objective of this external review was to characterize and evaluate IFPRI’s researcher–implementer partnerships with Helen Keller International (HKI) and the World Food Programme (WFP). In the context of this external review, “research–implementer partnership” referred to long-term partnerships between two organizations that lasted beyond the life of a single project or funding stream. This review aimed to characterize and document how researcher–implementer partnerships work, what factors facilitate or constrain these types of partnerships, and how the evidence generated by them influences changes in programs and policies at the partner organizations and beyond. The study was completed through a desk review of peer-reviewed and gray literature and a series of in-depth interviews with key informants from IFPRI, HKI, WFP, and staff from other implementing organizations, funding organizations, and academic institutions. In total, 15 individuals from 8 organizations were interviewed virtually in July and August 2021. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. This brief synthesizes the lessons learned about effective researcher–implementer partnerships and the implications for researchers, implementers, and funders.
For four decades, the longstanding collaboration between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has been crucial to helping developing countries attain agriculture-led economic growth. The innovative programs and strong evidence base produced through this partnership have contributed to transforming policies and investments for improved food security, nutrition, incomes, and resilience around the world.
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) has undertaken research programs on agricultural STI policy since 1995. This study assesses the impact of this body of research outputs and support services in terms of three complementary analyses: (1) an evaluation of the potential impact of the complete body of research using implicit or explicit impact pathways, (2) two case studies that assess the actual impact of particular research outputs, and (3) a more traditional bibliometric analysis. Movement along the impact pathway, in turn, requires different types of research products—evolving from problem framing to methodology development, then to case studies, and finally to context-specific policy recommendations—all within the logical stages of the impact pathway. How far IFPRI operates along this impact pathway produces a basic tension between the CGIAR’s mandate to produce international public goods (IPGs) and the increasing focus on accountability through impact in the use of international public funds.
Researcher–implementer partnerships are frequently mentioned as key components of agricultural research for development (AR4D) programs. However, there is little information about what these types of partnerships look like, how they perform, and what factors facilitate and/or constrain their performance. By documenting and analyzing two partnerships in detail, including their history, formation, outputs, and outcomes, this study seeks to raise awareness about and improve understanding of long-term researcher–implementer partnerships. The lessons learned from these partnerships can be used by both the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and its implementing partner organizations, as well as other research and implementing organizations interested in engaging in or supporting such partnerships for AR4D in the future. The study was carried out through four case studies. Case 1 focused on a long-term partnership between IFPRI and Helen Keller International (HKI), documenting how it was formed, how it operated, and what outputs it produced. Case 2 looked at the evidence generated by this partnership on the effectiveness of homestead food production (HFP) programs on nutrition-related outcomes and its use by funders, implementers, and researchers. Case 3 looked at how and to what extent the approaches developed by the partnership for the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs — specifically the program impact pathway (PIP) approach — have influenced the broader field of program evaluation. Case 4 examined a partnership between IFPRI and the World Food Programme (WFP), documenting how it was formed, how it operated, and what outputs it has produced to date. The four case studies were completed through a series of in-depth interviews (IDIs) with key informants from a number of research, implementer, and funder organizations. Data from the IDIs were complemented by document and literature reviews.
There is a low number of studies on the impact of policy oriented research (PORIA) and an even lower number of those that undertake a quantitative assessment of impacts. In comparison, there are numerous quantitative impact assessment studies of technology research, thus creating an imbalance of evidence for decisionmakers interested in investing in agricultural research. There are many reasons for this, but one has been the challenges in PORIA, notably in methods to assess attribution of policy outcomes to research and the measurement of impacts of policy outcomes. To respond to this, a workshop was convened from November 12-14, 2014 at IFPRI headquarters in Washington, DC. It was cosponsored by IFPRI; the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM); and the Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA) of the CGIAR’s Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC).
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) were both created in response to the food crises of the 1970s. We have worked together for more than 20 years to catalyze agricultural and rural development and improve food security in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. IFAD and IFPRI have strengthened the productivity and resilience of smallholder farmers and other rural people, with a particular focus on helping expand their access to innovative local farming methods, climate change mitigation and adaptation technologies and financing, and more profitable markets. To further promote rural development and transformation, IFAD and IFPRI have built cutting-edge information systems and tools that deliver sound data and analyses to governments, donors, farmer organizations, and other stakeholders. As a result, the two organizations have fostered evidence-based policy making and investments that promote agricultural growth and rural development.
In the wake of the food crises of the early 1970s and the resulting World Food Conference of 1974, a group of innovators realized that food security depends not only on crop production, but also on the policies that affect food systems, from farm to table. The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) was founded in 1975 and for the past four decades has worked to provide partners in donor and recipient countries with solid research and evidence on policy options. IFPRI was fortunate to have as its first board chairman, world-renowned Australian economist Sir John Crawford, who was a passionate advocate for international agricultural research and an architect of CGIAR, of which IFPRI is a member. Agriculture and rural development play a critical role in alleviating poverty and undernutrition. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has focused its efforts on three pillars of food security: improving agricultural productivity, increasing rural livelihoods, and improving community resilience. This demonstrates Australia’s commitment to serving the needs of the poorest and constructing the building blocks of global food security in the long term. In 2013–2014, the Australian government’s spending on food security is expected to total more than 316 million Australian dollars. Working with many longstanding partners, such as the government of Australia and its Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), IFPRI’s research focuses on sustainable agricultural growth that engages the private sector, country-led strategy development, investment in agricultural research, provision of safety nets to strengthen resilience, prioritization of nutrition interventions for women and children, design of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, and partnerships with other stakeholders in global movements, such as Scaling Up Nutrition. IFPRI, and its partners, help to improve programs and initiatives for vulnerable people. By serving as a trusted voice on food policy issues, IFPRI works to change mindsets and provide evidence on how to improve food and nutrition security. Together, IFPRI and the Australian government support cutting-edge research and measurable targets for increasing agricultural productivity. This brochure highlights some of the key collaborations betweenIFPRI and the Australian government. This brochure highlights key collaborations between IFPRI and the Australian government, often in partnership with other institutions.