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Improvements in organic aerosol (OA) source apportionment techniques are investigated based on field measurements made in the Southeast US by a Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) equipped with a custom Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO), as part of the Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS). Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation (NNMF) is applied to the particulate data in the form of both resolved thermograms and concentration timeseries. Assessments of the variance explained in the input data sets by the NNMF reconstructed approximation are used as a statistical tool for a less subjective choice of the number of factors. Linear correlation coefficients and vector phase angle are also used to produce a quantitative measure of the relative similarity between the output factors both temporally and in regards to composition. Each factor contains specific thermogram behavior (from which volatility information can be derived), unique weights for individual ions corresponding to individual molecular components of measured OA, and diurnal cycles. All three pieces of information were used to assign a specific source to each factor, ultimately showing that the dominant component of OA captured by the FIGAERO-CIMS stems from the oxidation of monoterpenes. Individual molecular components were permitted to belong to multiple and potentially all groupings of OA determined by NNMF, revealing certain factors with similar composition but remarkably different volatility and temporal trends. The median mass contribution determined from each factor produced by this factorisation routine, with no a priori information used as input, align well with those determined by an independent study of particle data during SOAS using a spectral basis set produced from several laboratory chamber experiments. The factorisation routine is shown to be more robust using resolved thermograms as input rather than the concentration timeseries. Of the seven factors given for the thermogram data, three were attributed to monoterpene-derived OA with respective extremely low, low, and semi-volatile behavior. These factors combined represent 68% of the total organic aerosol mass examined. Additionally, two factors were sourced to isoprene chemistry, one correlating with IEPOX-derived SOA, and the other likely relating to photochemistry and exhibiting relatively low volatility. The isporene-related factors accounted for 22% of OA mass. Notably absent in the factorisation of OA is a category exclusively capturing the behavior of particulate organic nitrates (PON). While this may be consistent with relatively low local concentrations of this class of particles, a separate factorisation was performed on only the PON in order to examine the volatility and temporal trends of these potentially important compounds. The added layer of volatility information and molecular level identification of OA composition provided by the FIGAERO-CIMS shows potential with the NNMF algorithm to reproduce atmospherically relevant sources from observations as well as providing framework to further identify chemical processes that lead to these categories based on volatility.
Aerosols, or particulate matter (PM), can affect climate through scattering and absorption of radiation and influence the radiative properties, precipitation efficiency, thickness, and lifetime of clouds. Aerosols are one of the greatest sources of uncertainty in climate model predictions of radiative forcing. To fully understand the sources of uncertainty contributing to the radiative properties of aerosols, measurements of PM mass, composition, and size distribution are needed globally and seasonally. To add to the current understanding of the seasonal and temporal variations in aerosol composition and chemistry, this study has focused on the quantification, speciation, and characterization of atmospheric PM in urban and rural regions of the United States (US) for short and long periods of time. In the first two chapters, we focus on 1 month of aerosol and gas-phase measurements taken in Fresno, CA, an urban and agricultural area, during the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) field study called DISCOVER-AQ. This air quality measurement supersite included a plethora of highly detailed chemical measurements of aerosols and gases, which were made at the same time as similar aircraft column measurements of aerosols and gases. The goal of DISCOVER-AQ is to improve the interpretation of satellite observations to approximate surface conditions relating to air quality, which can be achieved by making concurrent ground- and aircraft-based measurements of aerosols and gases. We begin in chapter 2 by exploring the urban aerosol and gas-phase dataset from the NASA DISCOVER-AQ study in California. Specifically, we discuss the chemical composition and mass concentration of water-soluble PM2.5 that were measured using a particle-into-liquid sampler with ion chromatography (PILS-IC) in Fresno, California from January 13–February 10, 2013. This data was analyzed for ionic inorganic species, organic acids and amines. Gas-phase species including HNO3 and NH3 were collected with annular denuders and analyzed using ion chromatography. Using the thermodynamic E-AIM model, inorganic particle water mass concentration and pH were calculated for the first time in this area. Organic particle water mass concentration was calculated from [kappa]-Köhler theory. In chapter 3 further analysis of the aerosol- and gas-phase data measured during DISCOVER-AQ was performed to determine the effectiveness of a local residential wood burning curtailment program in improving air quality. Using aerosol speciation and concentration measurements from the 2013 winter DISCOVER-AQ study in Fresno, CA, we investigate the impact of residential wood burning restrictions on fine particulate mass concentration and composition. Key species associated with biomass burning in this region include K+, acetonitrile, black carbon, and biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA), which represents primary organic aerosol associated with residential wood burning. Reductions in acetonitrile associated with wood burning restrictions even at night were not observed and most likely associated with stagnant conditions during curtailment periods that led to the buildup of this long-lived gas. In chapter 4 we transition to the rural aerosol dataset from the DOE SGP site. We discuss the chemical composition and mass concentration of non-refractory submicron aerosols (NR-PM1) that were measured with an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) at the DOE SGP site from November 2010 through June 2012. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was performed on the measured organic aerosol (OA) mass spectral matrix using a newly developed rolling window technique to derive factors associated with distinct sources, evolution processes, and physiochemical properties. The rolling window approach captured the dynamic variations of the chemical properties of the OA factors over time. Three OA factors were obtained including two oxygenated OA (OOA) factors, differing in degrees of oxidation, and a BBOA factor. Sources of NR-PM1 species at the SGP site were determined from back trajectory analyses. NR-PM1 mass concentration was dominated by organics for the majority of the study with the exception of winter, when NH4N33 increased due to transport of precursor species from surrounding urban and agricultural regions and also due to cooler temperatures. Chapter 5 is a continuation of chapter 4, where we will explore the use of the multilinear engine (ME-2) as a factor analysis technique, which is an algorithm used for solving the bilinear model called positive matrix factorization (PMF). The importance of ME-2 and its potential application on the long-term aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) data collected from the Department of Energy (DOE) Southern Great Plains (SPG) site will be discussed. ME-2 was performed on 19 months of OA mass spectral data obtained from the ACSM at the SGP site. Evaluation of ME-2 results are presented, followed by comparison of ME-2 factor results with corresponding OACOMP factor results reported in chapter 4. We show that ME-2 can determine a biomass burning organic aerosol (BBOA) factor during periods when OACOMP cannot. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)
Helping you better understand the processes, instruments, and methods of aerosol spectroscopy, Fundamentals and Applications in Aerosol Spectroscopy provides an overview of the state of the art in this rapidly developing field. It covers fundamental aspects of aerosol spectroscopy, applications to atmospherically and astronomically relevant problem
Abstract : Ambient atmospheric aerosol is ubiquitous in the atmosphere, originating from a variety of natural and man-made sources. These microscopic particles have profound impacts on the global climate system as well as human health. The organic fraction of atmospheric aerosol is an extremely complex mixture which is not yet fully characterized. These unknown organic aerosol species contribute to the uncertainty in the effect of aerosol on climate and uncertainty in overall ambient aerosol toxicity. Light absorbing organic aerosol can interact with incoming solar radiation and contribute to atmospheric heating; however, the source apportionment and overall fate of these absorbing organic aerosol species are not fully understood. The burning of woody and vegetative materials (biomass) is expected to be one source, while secondary chemical reactions in aqueous phase aerosol and liquid water droplets are another. In this work, we have analyzed ambient samples from the Po Valley (Italy) and Pacific Northwest (USA) influenced by biomass burning. Using ultrahigh resolution mass spectrometry and subsequent molecular formula assignment, we observe an extreme level of molecular complexity in atmospheric aerosol. We make several key observations regarding both biomass burning organic aerosol and aqueous phase processing based on the molecular details and the observed elemental trends in the assigned formulas. We estimate oxidation levels, heteroatom functionalization, aromatic character, volatility and glass transition temperature based on reliable molecular formula assignments. Overall, this work describes a level of complexity in organic aerosol much greater than previously indicated. We suspect that any one analytical technique is likely to miss certain aspects of this mixture, and that a variety of analytical methods must be employed to fully characterize and resolve the complex mixture in atmospheric organic aerosol.
Chemical speciation and source apportionment of size fractionated atmospheric aerosols were investigated using laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LD TOF-MS) and source apportionment was carried out using carbon-14 accelerator mass spectrometry (14C AMS). Sample collection was carried out using the Davis Rotating-drum Unit for Monitoring impact analyzer in Davis, Colfax, and Yosemite, CA. Ambient atmospheric aerosols collected during the winter of 2010/11 and 2011/12 showed a significant difference in the types of compounds found in the small and large sized particles. The difference was due to the increase number of oxidized carbon species that were found in the small particles size ranges, but not in the large particles size ranges. Overall, the ambient atmospheric aerosols collected during the winter in Davis, CA had and average fraction modern of F14C = 0.753 ± 0.006, indicating that the majority of the size fractionated particles originated from biogenic sources. Samples collected during the King Fire in Colfax, CA were used to determine the contribution of biomass burning (wildfire) aerosols. Factor analysis was used to reduce the ions found in the LD TOF-MS analysis of the King Fire samples. The final factor analysis generated a total of four factors that explained an overall 83% of the variance in the data set. Two of the factors correlated heavily with increased smoke events during the sample period. The increased smoke events produced a large number of highly oxidized organic aerosols (OOA2) and aromatic compounds that are indicative of biomass burning organic aerosols (WBOA). The signal intensities of the factors generated in the King Fire data were investigated in samples collected in Yosemite and Davis, CA to look at the impact of biomass burning on ambient atmospheric aerosols. In both comparison sample collections the OOA2 and WBOA factors both increased during biomass burning events located near the sampling sites. The correlation between the OOA2 and WBOA factors and smoke levels indicates that these factors can be used to identify the influence of biomass burning on ambient aerosols. The effectiveness of using the ChemWiki instead of a traditional textbook was investigated during the spring quarter of 2014. Student performance was measured using common midterms, a final, and a pre/post content exams. We also employed surveys, the Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) for Chemistry, and a weekly time-on-task survey to quantify students' attitudes and study habits. The effectiveness of the ChemWiki compared to a traditional textbook was examined using multiple linear regression analysis with a standard non-inferiority testing framework. Results show that the performance of students in the section who were assigned readings from the ChemWiki was non-inferior to the performance of students in the section who were assigned readings from the traditional textbook, indicating that the ChemWiki does not substantially differ from the standard textbook in terms of student learning outcomes. The results from the surveys also suggest that the two classes were similar in their beliefs about chemistry and overall average time spent studying. These results indicate that the ChemWiki is a viable cost-saving alternative to traditional textbooks. The impact of using active learning techniques in a large lecture general chemistry class was investigated by assessing student performance and attitudes during the fall 2014 and winter 2015 quarters. One instructor applied active learning strategies while the remaining instructors employed more traditional lecture styles. Student performance, learning, learning environments, and attitudes were measured using a standardized pre/post exams, common final exams, classroom observations, and the CLASS chemistry instrument in large lecture general chemistry courses. Classroom observation data showed that the active learning class was the most student centered and of the other classes two instructors were transitional in their teaching style and the remaining two primarily employed traditional lecture techniques. The active learning class had the highest student performance but the difference was only statistically significant when compared to the two traditional lecture classes. Overall, our data showed a trend that student performance increased as the instructional style became more student centered. Student attitudes didn't seem to correlate with any specific instructional style and the students in the active learning class had similar attitudes to the other general students. The active learning class was successful in increasing the average time students spent studying outside of the class, a statistically significant difference of about 1.5 to 3.0 hrs/week.
Until the 1980s, researchers studied and measured only the physical properties of aerosols. Since the 80s, however, interest in the physicochemcal properties of aerosols has grown tremendously. Scientists in environmental hygiene, medicine, and toxicology have recognized the importance held by the chemical composition and properties of aerosols and the interactions of inhaled, "bad" aerosols. This book offers the first comprehensive treatment of modern aerosol analytical methods, sampling and separation procedures, and environmental applications, and offers critical reviews of the latest literature. This important field has developed rapidly in the last 15 years, but until now, no book effectively summarized or analyzed the existing research. Analytical Chemistry of Aerosols reviews procedures, techniques, and trends in the measurement and analysis of atmospheric aerosols. With contributions from acknowledged, international experts, the book discusses various methods of bulk analysis, single particle analysis, and the analysis of special aerosol systems, including fibrous and bacterial aerosols.
Aerosols have a significant impact on technological processes and human activities. In many cases, aerosols are at the core of human health, environmental and technological problems (climate change and air quality). However, aerosols can be successfully used in industry and technology (new materials, fire suppression and fuel delivery). The current scientific status of aerosol modelling and simulation and measurements and some advances in computational techniques, particle measurement technologies and practical applications of aerosols are reviewed and considered in this book. This book also includes a number of case studies focused on analysis of optical thickness and air quality in various regions.