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Dynamics of billiard balls and their role in physics have received wide attention since the monumental lecture by Lord Kelvin at the turn of the 19th century. Billiards can nowadays be created as quantum dots in the microscopic world enabling one to envisage the so-called quantum chaos, i.e.quantum manifestation of chaos of billiard balls. In fact, owing to recent progress in advanced technology, nanoscale quantum dots, such as chaotic stadium and antidot lattices analogous to the Sinai Billiard, can be fabricated at the interface of semiconductor heterojunctions. This book begins itsexploration of the effect of chaotic electron dynamics on ballistic quantum transport in quantum dots with a puzzling experiment on resistance fluctuations for stadium and circle dots. Throughout the text, major attention is paid to the semiclassical theory which makes it possible to interpretquantum phenomena in the language of the classical world. Chapters one to four are concerned with the elementary statistical methods (curvature, Lyapunov exponent, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and escape rate), which are needed for a semiclassical description of transport in quantum dots. Chapters fiveto ten discuss the topical subjects in the field, including the ballistic weak localization, Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillation, partial time-reversal symmetry, persistent current, Arnold diffusion and Coulomb blockade.
A quantum dot is a particle of matter so small that the addition or removal of an electron changes its properties in some useful way. All atoms are quantum dots, but multi-molecular combinations can have this characteristic. In biochemistry, quantum dots are called redox groups. In nanotechnology, they are called quantum bits or qubits. Quantum dots typically have dimensions measured in nanometers, where one nanometer is 10-9 meter or a millionth of a millimetre. The fields of biology, chemistry, computer science, and electronics are all of interest to researchers in nanotechnology. Other applications of quantum dots include nanomachines, neural networks, and high-density memory or storage media. Research is being carried out on nano-crystals, self-assembled dots, and gated structures. This book presents leading-edge research from around the world.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of our understanding of chaotic behaviour in quantum systems.
A quantum dot is a particle of matter so small that the addition or removal of an electron changes its properties in some useful way. All atoms are quantum dots, but multi-molecular combinations can have this characteristic. In biochemistry, quantum dots are called redox groups. In nanotechnology, they are called quantum bits or qubits. Quantum dots typically have dimensions measured in nanometres, where one nanometre is 10-9 meter or a millionth of a millimetre. The fields of biology, chemistry, computer science, and electronics are all of interest to researchers in nanotechnology. Other applications of quantum dots include nanomachines, neural networks, and high-density memory or storage media. Research is being carried out on nano-crystals, self-assembled dots, and gated structures. This book presents leading-edge research from around the world.
In this book, leading experts on quantum dot theory and technology provide comprehensive reviews of all aspects of quantum dot systems. The following topics are covered: (1) energy states in quantum dots, including the effects of strain and many-body effects; (2) self-assembly and self-ordering of quantum dots in semiconductor systems; (3) growth, structures, and optical properties of III-nitride quantum dots; (4) quantum dot lasers.
Since first developed in the early sixties, silicon chip technology has made vast leaps forward. From a rudimentary circuit with a mere handful of transistors, the chip has evolved into a technological wonder, packing millions of bits of information on a surface no larger that a human thumbnail. And most experts predict that in the near future, we will see chips with over a billion bits. Quantum dots are small devices that contain a tiny droplet of free electrons. They are fabricated in semiconductor materials and have typical dimensions ranging from nanometres to a few microns. The size and shape of these structures and therefore the number of electrons they contain can be precisely controlled; a quantum dot can have anything from a single electron to a collection of several thousands. The physics of quantum dots shows many parallels with the behaviour of naturally occurring quantum systems in atomic and nuclear physics. As in an atom, the energy levels in a quantum dot become quantised due to the confinement of electrons. Unlike atoms however, quantum dots can be easily connected to electrodes and are therefore excellent tools for studying atomic-like properties. This new book brings together leading research from throughout the world in this field of the future which has become the field of today.
This multidisciplinary book provides up-to-date coverage of carrier and spin dynamics and energy transfer and structural interaction among nanostructures. Coverage also includes current device applications such as quantum dot lasers and detectors, as well as future applications to quantum information processing. The book will serve as a reference for anyone working with or planning to work with quantum dots.