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DON’T JUDGE AN ORC BY HIS ACCOLADES ​Long ago, as the fires of war raged among the twelve races, one name inspired fear and awe in the heart of every orc—Bash. A living legend to his people, Bash has enjoyed many a blood-soaked victory. But this Hero harbors a shameful secret. Though it is the pride of every orc to match his triumphs in battle with conquests in the bedroom, Bash has been entirely devoted to the former. Thus, he embarks on a journey to face his greatest challenge yet: finding a wife and losing his virginity!
DWARFING THE COMPETITION Okay, third time’s the charm! Following two near misses with the fiery female knight and the mature elven mage, a valuable piece of info takes Bash all the way to Dwarf Country. And almost immediately after his arrival, he receives an impassioned proposal from a dwarven bombshell!...Or so he thinks. Our hopelessly eager hero is no stranger to misunderstandings, but he hasn’t struck out just yet! He learns that the sort of partnership the dwarf was hoping for lies on the field of battle! Apparently, if he teams up with her in the local God of War Festival Tournament and emerges victorious, he’ll be able to wish for anything his heart desires...And this orc knows exactly what he wants.
DESPERATE TIMES FOR ELVEN BRIDES... Having struck out with the knight Judith in human lands, Bash’s quest to lose his virginity leads him to the forest of elves. There, he learns that the ravages of war have claimed the lives of many elven men…making interracial marriage more popular than ever! While looking for an opportunity to charm the pants off a local beauty, fortune practically falls into Bash’s lap when he hears about a zombie infestation. Perfect! All he has to do is rack up an impressive body count, use the reward money to buy a special necklace, and propose to the apple of his eye. There’s just one problem—the zombies are undead orcs!
THE DIE IS CAST. After his sister is brutally murdered during a goblin raid, a young boy swears vengeance upon the creatures who killed not only her but also the rest of his village. Five years later and now a novice adventurer, he is by chance reunited with his childhood friend, another survivor of the massacre. Despite his inexperience, crude battle gear, and low rank, the boy sets off alone on a mission to defeat a nest full of goblins-thus begins the origin story of how he came to be known as Goblin Slayer!
Reincarnated as a character in the legendary video game, "Magical Explorer," our hero tries to win the hearts of the game's heroines and emerge as the most accomplished student at the Sorcerer's Academy.
He's out to save the world, one rack at a time! In the midst of a war, a child is born during a bloody battle at the cost of his mother's life. From this baby comes forth a huge and powerful dragon born of Shadow. Within minutes the dragon lays waste to the landscape, but a quick-thinking knight locks the baby in a cage of darkness, where he grows to be a young man, knowing only the kindness of his young female tutor. Until the day the Shadows attack and he is set free... During a bloody war, a child is born at the cost of his mother's life. From this baby comes forth a huge and powerful dragon born of shadow that lays waste to the landscape. A quick-thinking knight locks the baby in a cage of darkness, where he grows to be a young man, knowing only the kindness of his young female tutor. Until the day the Shadows attack...
Teleported to an unfamiliar land by a mysterious magical disaster, Rudeus and Eris are going to have to rely on their own wits to survive--and on each other! Which is easier said than done, especially when they find themselves face to face with one of the Superd, the murderous demon race Roxy warned Rudy about...
'"Rudeus is shipped off to Roa, the largest city in the region, to tutor the young daughter of a noble family. Unfortunately, what he thought would be an easy job proves the exact opposite once he meets his student, Eris--a fierce-tempered hurricane who blows Rudy''s optimistic expectations to bits! Can Rudy devise a plan to make his obstinate pupil listen, or is he already doomed to fail his second chance at success?"'
'" Just when an unemployed thirty-four-year-old otaku reaches a dead end in life and decides that it''s time to turn over a new leaf—he gets run over by a truck and dies! Shockingly, he finds himself reborn into an infant''s body in a strange, new world of swords and magic. His new identity is Rudeus Grayrat, but he still retains the memories of his previous life. Follow Rudeus from infancy to adulthood, as he struggles to redeem himself in a wondrous yet dangerous world. "'