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Aerosol therapy has significantly improved the treatment of a variety of respiratory diseases. Besides the treatment of respiratory diseases there is currently also a great interest to use the lungs as a portal to introduce drugs for systemic therapy. The success of therapy with the application of aerosolized medicaments depends on the possibility to deliver the proper amount of drug to the appropriate sites in the respiratory system, thus limiting the side effects to a minimum. Aerosolized delivery of drugs to the lung is optimized if, for a given chemical composition of a medicine, the target of deposition and the required mass of drug to be deposited are precisely defined. The next step is the specification of the number of respirable particles or droplets, to be generated by appropriate devices. Another very important factor for successful aerosol therapy is the condition of the patient coupled with his or her inhalation technique.
An introductory but detailed treatise which includes some 1,000 references and solved examples and end-of-chapter problems, making it useful to both students and practitioners. The pharmokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and biological and biopharmaceutical parameters pertinent to each route of administra
The pace of new research and level of innovation repeatedly introduced into the field of drug delivery to the lung is surprising given its state of maturity since the introduction of the pressurized metered dose inhaler over a half a century ago. It is clear that our understanding of pulmonary drug delivery has now evolved to the point that inhalation aerosols can be controlled both spatially and temporally to optimize their biological effects. These abilities include controlling lung deposition, by adopting formulation strategies or device technologies, and controlling drug uptake and release through sophisticated particle technologies. The large number of contributions to the scientific literature and variety of excellent texts published in recent years is evidence for the continued interest in pulmonary drug delivery research. This reference text endeavors to bring together the fundamental theory and practice of controlled drug delivery to the airways that is unavailable elsewhere. Collating and synthesizing the material in this rapidly evolving field presented a challenge and ultimately a sense of achievement that is hopefully reflected in the content of the volume.
The overall aim of this research project was to develop surfactant dry powder formulations and devices for efficient delivery of aerosol formulations to infants using the excipient enhanced growth (EEG) approach. Use of novel formulations and inline delivery devices would allow for more efficient treatment of infants suffering from neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and bronchiolitis. A dry powder aerosol formulation has been developed using the commercial product, Survanta ® (beractant) and EEG technology to produce micrometer-sized hygroscopic particles. Spray drying and formulation parameters were initially determined with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC, the dominant phospholipid in pulmonary surfactant), which produced primary particles 1 mm in size with a mass median aerodynamic diameter of 1-2 mm. Investigation of dry powder dispersion enhancers and alcohol concentration on the effect of powder aerosol characteristics were performed with the Survanta-EEG formulation. The optimal formulation consisted of Survanta®, mannitol and sodium chloride as hygroscopic excipients, and leucine as the dry powder dispersion enhancer, prepared in 20% v/v ethanol/water. The powders produced primary particles of 1 mm with>50% of the particles less than 1 mm. The presence of surfactant proteins and surface activity were demonstrated with the Survanta-EEG formulation following processing. A novel containment unit dry powder inhaler (DPI) was designed for delivery of the surfactant-EEG formulation using a low volume of dispersion air. Studies explored optimization of air entrainment pathway, inlet hole pattern, delivery tube internal diameter and length. With 3-10 mg fill masses of spray dried surfactant powder, the DPI enabled delivery of>2 mg using one 3-mL actuation of dispersion air. Overall, it was possible to deliver>85% of the loaded fill mass using three actuations. Nebulized aerosol formulations are characterized with low delivered doses. Using a novel mixer-heater delivery system, the highest estimated percent lung dose achieved during realistic in vitro testing of a Survanta-EEG formulation aerosolized with a commercial mesh nebulizer was when nebulization was synchronized with inhalation of the breathing profile. Design changes to the mixer-heater system eliminated the need for synchronization, achieving an estimated percent lung dose of 31% of the nominal, an improvement compared with existing systems that achieve approximately
Pharmaceutical manufacturers are constantly facing quality crises of drug products, leading to an escalating number of product recalls and rejects. Due to the involvement of multiple factors, the goal of achieving consistent product quality is always a great challenge for pharmaceutical scientists. This volume addresses this challenge by using the Quality by Design (QbD) concept, which was instituted to focus on the systematic development of drug products with predefined objectives to provide enhanced product and process understanding. This volume presents and discusses the vital precepts underlying the efficient, effective, and cost effective development of pharmaceutical drug products. It focuses on the adoption of systematic quality principles of pharmaceutical development, which is imperative in achieving continuous improvement in end-product quality and also leads to reducing cost, time, and effort, while meeting regulatory requirements. The volume covers the important new advances in the development of solid oral dosage forms, modified release oral dosage forms, parenteral dosage forms, semisolid dosage forms, transdermal drug, delivery systems, inhalational dosage forms, ocular drug delivery systems, nanopharmaceutical products, and nanoparticles for oral delivery.
The respiratory tract has been used to deliver biologically active chemicals into the human body for centuries. However, the lungs are complex in their anatomy and physiology, which poses challenges to drug delivery. Inhaled formulations are generally more sophisticated than those for oral and parenteral administration. Pulmonary drug development is therefore a highly specialized area because of its many unique issues and challenges. Rapid progress is being made and offers novel solutions to existing treatment problems. Advances in Pulmonary Drug Delivery highlights the latest developments in this field.