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The possibility of utilizing the fields of an intense laser beam to accelerate particles to high energies has attracted a great deal of interest. The study of laser driven accelerators is motivated by the ultrahigh fields associated with high intensity laser pulses. The peak amplitude of the transverse electric field of the laser pulse is given . A laser driven accelerator that has a number of attractive features is the laser wakefield accelerator (LWFA). In the LWFA, a short intense laser pulse propagates through an underdense plasma. The ponderomotive force associated with the laser pulse envelope expels electrons from the region of the laser pulse. If the laser pulse is sufficiently intense, virtually all of the plasma electrons will be expelled. When the laser pulse length is approximately equal to the plasma wavelength, large amplitude plasma waves (wakefields) will be excited with phase velocities approximately equal to the laser pulse group velocity. The axial and transverse electric fields associated with the wakefield can accelerate and focus a trailing electron beam. The ratio of the accelerating field, E sub z, to the laser field in the LWFA is given.
An electron acceleration method is investigated which employs a short (tau sub L about = 2 wp-1 about = 1 picosec), high power (P> or = 10 to the 15th power W), single frequency laser pulse to generate large amplitude (E> or = 17 (square of (omega/omega sub p) GW), relativistic optical during may be used to prevent the pulse from diffracting within the plasma. Keywords: Laser applications, Wakefield, Electron accelerator. (JHD).
This thesis covers the few-cycle laser-driven acceleration of electrons in a laser-generated plasma. This process, known as laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA), relies on strongly driven plasma waves for the generation of accelerating gradients in the vicinity of several 100 GV/m, a value four orders of magnitude larger than that attainable by conventional accelerators. This thesis demonstrates that laser pulses with an ultrashort duration of 8 fs and a peak power of 6 TW allow the production of electron energies up to 50 MeV via LWFA. The special properties of laser accelerated electron pulses, namely the ultrashort pulse duration, the high brilliance, and the high charge density, open up new possibilities in many applications of these electron beams.
This paper discusses some of the important issues pertaining to laser acceleration in vacuum, neutral gases and plasmas. The limitations of laser vacuum acceleration as they relate to electron slippage, laser diffraction, material damage and electron aperture effects, are discussed. An inverse Cherenkov laser acceleration configuration is presented in which a laser beam is self guided in a partially ionized gas. Optical self guiding is the result of a balance between the nonlinear self focusing properties of neutral gases and the diffraction effects of ionization. The stability of self guided beams is analyzed and discussed. In addition, aspects of the laser wakefield accelerator are presented and laser driven accelerator experiments are briefly discussed.
Experiments conducted using a 200TW 60 fs laser have demonstrated up to 720 MeV electrons in the self-guided laser wakefield regime using pure Helium gas jet targets. Charge and energy of the accelerated electrons was measured using an electron spectrometer with a 0.5T magnet and charge callibrated image plates. The self-trapped charge in a helium plasma was shown to fall off with decreasing electron density with a threshold at 2.5 x 1018 (cm−3) below which no charge is trapped. Self-guiding however is shown to continue below this density limitation over distances of 14 mm with an exit spot size of 25[mu]m. Simulations show that injection of electrons at these densities can be assisted through ionization induced trapping in a mix of Helium with 3% Oxygen.
In order to produce multi-Gev electrons from Laser Wakefield Accelerators, we present a technique to guide high power laser beams through underdense plasma. Experimental results from the Jupiter Laser Facility at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory that show density channels with minimum plasma densities below 5 x 1017 cm−3 are presented. These results are obtained using an external magnetic field (