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Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space with $n$ proper continuous self maps $\sigma_i:X \to X$ for $1 \le i \le n$. To this the authors associate two conjugacy operator algebras which emerge as the natural candidates for the universal algebra of the system, the tensor algebra $\mathcal{A}(X,\tau)$ and the semicrossed product $\mathrm{C}_0(X)\times_\tau\mathbb{F}_n^+$. They develop the necessary dilation theory for both models. In particular, they exhibit an explicit family of boundary representations which determine the C*-envelope of the tensor algebra.|Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space with $n$ proper continuous self maps $\sigma_i:X \to X$ for $1 \le i \le n$. To this the authors associate two conjugacy operator algebras which emerge as the natural candidates for the universal algebra of the system, the tensor algebra $\mathcal{A}(X,\tau)$ and the semicrossed product $\mathrm{C}_0(X)\times_\tau\mathbb{F}_n^+$. They develop the necessary dilation theory for both models. In particular, they exhibit an explicit family of boundary representations which determine the C*-envelope of the tensor algebra.
Based on presentations given at the NordForsk Network Closing Conference “Operator Algebra and Dynamics,” held in Gjáargarður, Faroe Islands, in May 2012, this book features high quality research contributions and review articles by researchers associated with the NordForsk network and leading experts that explore the fundamental role of operator algebras and dynamical systems in mathematics with possible applications to physics, engineering and computer science. It covers the following topics: von Neumann algebras arising from discrete measured groupoids, purely infinite Cuntz-Krieger algebras, filtered K-theory over finite topological spaces, C*-algebras associated to shift spaces (or subshifts), graph C*-algebras, irrational extended rotation algebras that are shown to be C*-alloys, free probability, renewal systems, the Grothendieck Theorem for jointly completely bounded bilinear forms on C*-algebras, Cuntz-Li algebras associated with the a-adic numbers, crossed products of injective endomorphisms (the so-called Stacey crossed products), the interplay between dynamical systems, operator algebras and wavelets on fractals, C*-completions of the Hecke algebra of a Hecke pair, semiprojective C*-algebras, and the topological dimension of type I C*-algebras. Operator Algebra and Dynamics will serve as a useful resource for a broad spectrum of researchers and students in mathematics, physics, and engineering.
This book collects the notes of the lectures given at the Advanced Course on Crossed Products, Groupoids, and Rokhlin dimension, that took place at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) from March 13 to March 17, 2017. The notes consist of three series of lectures. The first one was given by Dana Williams (Dartmouth College), and served as an introduction to crossed products of C*-algebras and the study of their structure. The second series of lectures was delivered by Aidan Sims (Wollongong), who gave an overview of the theory of topological groupoids (as a model for groups and group actions) and groupoid C*-algebras, with particular emphasis on the case of étale groupoids. Finally, the last series was delivered by Gábor Szabó (Copenhagen), and consisted of an introduction to Rokhlin type properties (mostly centered around the work of Hirshberg, Winter and Zacharias) with hints to the more advanced theory related to groupoids.
This book consists of invited survey articles and research papers in the scientific areas of the “International Workshop on Operator Algebras, Operator Theory and Applications,” which was held in Lisbon in July 2016. Reflecting recent developments in the field of algebras of operators, operator theory and matrix theory, it particularly focuses on groupoid algebras and Fredholm conditions, algebras of approximation sequences, C* algebras of convolution type operators, index theorems, spectrum and numerical range of operators, extreme supercharacters of infinite groups, quantum dynamics and operator algebras, and inverse eigenvalue problems. Establishing bridges between the three related areas of operator algebras, operator theory, and matrix theory, the book is aimed at researchers and graduate students who use results from these areas.
This is the first of two volumes presenting the theory of operator algebras with applications to quantum statistical mechanics. The authors' approach to the operator theory is to a large extent governed by the dictates of the physical applications. The book is self-contained and most proofs are presented in detail, which makes it a useful text for students with a knowledge of basic functional analysis. The introductory chapter surveys the history and justification of algebraic techniques in statistical physics and outlines the applications that have been made. The second edition contains new and improved results. The principal changes include: A more comprehensive discussion of dissipative operators and analytic elements; the positive resolution of the question of whether maximal orthogonal probability measure on the state space of C-algebra were automatically maximal along all the probability measures on the space.
For almost two decades, this has been the classical textbook on applications of operator algebra theory to quantum statistical physics. Major changes in the new edition relate to Bose-Einstein condensation, the dynamics of the X-Y model and questions on phase transitions.
For almost two decades, this has been the classical textbook on applications of operator algebra theory to quantum statistical physics. Major changes in the new edition relate to Bose-Einstein condensation, the dynamics of the X-Y model and questions on phase transitions.
Robot and Multibody Dynamics: Analysis and Algorithms provides a comprehensive and detailed exposition of a new mathematical approach, referred to as the Spatial Operator Algebra (SOA), for studying the dynamics of articulated multibody systems. The approach is useful in a wide range of applications including robotics, aerospace systems, articulated mechanisms, bio-mechanics and molecular dynamics simulation. The book also: treats algorithms for simulation, including an analysis of complexity of the algorithms, describes one universal, robust, and analytically sound approach to formulating the equations that govern the motion of complex multi-body systems, covers a range of more advanced topics including under-actuated systems, flexible systems, linearization, diagonalized dynamics and space manipulators. Robot and Multibody Dynamics: Analysis and Algorithms will be a valuable resource for researchers and engineers looking for new mathematical approaches to finding engineering solutions in robotics and dynamics.
These days, the term Noncommutative Dynamics has several interpretations. It is used in this book to refer to a set of phenomena associated with the dynamical evo lution of quantum systems of the simplest kind that involve rigorous mathematical structures associated with infinitely many degrees of freedom. The dynamics of such a system is represented by a one-parameter group of automorphisms of a non commutative algebra of observables, and we focus primarily on the most concrete case in which that algebra consists of all bounded operators on a Hilbert space. If one introduces a natural causal structure into such a dynamical system, then a pair of one-parameter semigroups of endomorphisms emerges, and it is useful to think of this pair as representing the past and future with respect to the given causality. These are both Eo-semigroups, and to a great extent the problem of understanding such causal dynamical systems reduces to the problem of under standing Eo-semigroups. The nature of these connections is discussed at length in Chapter 1. The rest of the book elaborates on what the author sees as the impor tant aspects of what has been learned about Eo-semigroups during the past fifteen years. Parts of the subject have evolved into a satisfactory theory with effective toolsj other parts remain quite mysterious. Like von Neumann algebras, Eo-semigroups divide naturally into three types: 1,11,111.
This book is an exposition on the interesting interplay between topological dynamics and the theory of C*-algebras. Researchers working in topological dynamics from various fields in mathematics are becoming more and more interested in this kind of algebraic approach of dynamics. This book is designed to present to the readers the subject in an elementary way, including also results of recent developments.